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/N++J La'~~4`{~a~ <br />M©xTrneE _ __ _ _ <br />- --_ __--= hiot<rcnc:ll.c~nNNlt. L 23,582T <br />la~towAU,ntENavnsFSrei;FsFn•t's:?hai Clarence F. Burris and Eli~aheth R. Burris, each in his <br />and her own right, and as spouse ofi each other <br />hiv:tcagvr, whether am yr nearer, in a~;aadrzation of Erse sum of <br />Forty-four Thousand Seven Hundred and Noi100----------_=-----_---------------------- C~LLAFS <br />A..~thd t£ tea: v-rafgagaz by i r ?=~~riia^k. ~-:uici;rig aaa5 i<,an ?,ss~..;„tr:n arf E:ra:.d [?:tend, ~tebrssiaa. ticrter, apon 4'~ 7 >r'aazes of riars7c of <br />said :1SSttC£ATlt7N, L'ettiHcau• Nu. i 23 X5$2 , do hereby grant, r. ney and trsa>rtgage unto tree said nSSOC1nS76N the following <br />dt:saibed teat estate, atuaied in Hal! Conrty, NrbrasF:a'. <br />THE SOUTH THIRTY-SEVEN (37) FEET OF LQT <br />THIRTEEN (13} ANC THE NORTH FIr"TY-ONE (51) <br />FEET OF LOT FOURTEEN (;4), IPa BLOCK 4NE (1), <br />IN "STEtrtART PLACE SUBDIVISION," BEING A <br />PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST <br />QUARTER (NW'<NE,) OF SECTiC}N TWENTY-NINE (29), <br />TptdNSHIP ELEk`EN (I7) NOR?H, RANGE NINE (9) <br />WEST OF THE iiTH P-.M., IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />together r^.th all i!x trertxsrtu, leemds-.a,-rernts zr>3 appuztrnaoaxs r~rreua.o briaagiag, iniiudrrrg attached Naar coverings, at1 window suertss, <br />vsietbw shades, bIittds. ~vrn wi,-tdnws, ac;u-,tgs, ixa[utg, a:r andetivnine, and pluzabing and water eyuignxnt and a:-crssories [hereto, ptmtps, stones, <br />reL-~etattxs,aad office fatrttrs and rquetewent ;k sF a+r hereafter atu tx.i to or v~rd m mr pectin with said real estate. <br />And;ras cis $id ma't,*ragcar has agrx3 need dun hereby s~-zre that tae murtgsgas rhall and will pay' af; rues and aar'sa:aeots kvied or <br />ssx~ed npxv szid gremdscs and nsw u ifvs tmutgagr and te4r a*nd sr.~ured tt~.. by trla;x rtsr sattx shad besmt dctitnucnt; to fisratsh approved <br />inswamx ripen the buildings on said pirin~rs sittcat: tY-in the snm cf 5 4~, i ~~. ~~ ga}xbk to srid .\SStX'IA'FIC?N a'ad to ~3iver to slid <br />?ate-COC3.A1'ELYd tAc goieai~'c for sari insuazur; i7V t t ;a a,^imit .rr perrai[ a^.y wzstr ca er abau2 s:v prr:tris~s: <br />tr. asr at dCfauit ire i!se prrfrsersaxtcr of any vi :tt° .cirri and rnndit:vrs of ttu=_ ttatsrigxgr ~r. the ti na; x~wsvi tsrebs, the martgagre shall, <br />aaa draemd, be cniiriei w ;m:rteu;atr pc.:~ss,~r. a? tta: cr•xtcagrd psrtnises and for rtwrtgagvr hereby assigtts, transfers and arts Deer *,u the <br />ttswtpgee alt the srnts, revenues nadvm~?rnc t, br der_vrd teem the mortggrd greraisrs dwiag su:..h rime as the taatg3gr indebird;xsa slsxll remain <br />srepaesi; and the Ems~tCaper shall hex the pewee to agpxant nay agent or agents it stay desire far the pk:rgose of te~vSring said pstamisra and tentinfi <br />the saase and onllretitra the renu, ~nttrs anal sr,, and it pus pay out of said irm,mr all rxprnses of repairing said premises and ' <br />rveanisaa,s~s and rxprnses incwr:ri ir, rsntir~ a.^,: suns~uee the Bann anti of ;~lketh{g :catxis thezefrom: iks balance remnitxing, if any, Fo be <br />apg}wb t;»v~d the dssc2urge as sail naxtY,a~+r mdebirdxss.. thc~ t:Qhts of she r_xtetgaiyrr tsuay br excraxd st any cites dwist~ the exisxetue of etch <br />dcfasdt, m['S~1e,Yrar fi{ xfi'Y irlTtpS=3ar}' R'i314". Oi iiAr LY;nt - <br />Trter P-esen[s. twwrx; are w+on the C:~a,:ik^.. T` il t3ee rn,3 btor:gngor, try; ~L ~aaa en ~ b:.Eert ahe raatwtty of said shares by <br />r"a}rz~at: pat stun*~ly tea sssut iSSCk s AT#e34 .,: t;x s:;,.. ~ e~«f,ed m tit: ii:snd ;z:.tsr;,{ beech?" as tnicrest an: prat-'i}sal on nid }ann. as or Aefare <br />tirf Sevrnt,cth aia#- of rsa:.h arm r~rrs a'x~i h. u„rii saw; 4.sxa n fusty peed; pay at3 taxes and ~csm'sents kaxd agaittsr said pt c::::,,--•s acrd wt this .flartgage <br />mad tht 3aa•.t? ~iured [_.rreby, he; err aes:e°,yu: nc', . iu,~ezsi't appz ovr.~. t:suraa;r upna [3ar b~.;ii3i,:es tirrrwn in the swat at 3 4~ , %flfl. i~fl pbtabk <br />so saRS JSiE=tE'1A77tsl, repa4 tv slid .Lti~-3 Ai1i11 ar~-s dearand xt3 znw-~acy b!. it patd ?t?r such tercet, assersncau and insutamx rich intemt st <br />tae ~,arR,,.+,,,'~" rxx tt,rsttss, h.=a~ aiat...=i azi'r:rnt act a1 wt<.a-!; tlan>~,* hart} agar3 :cr Qak ; Perr:u: r~r uastr on said fittauis^s: ttcp aed cY+tnp}y <br />,rich ~ the tau asui, axadits~as ',t =he &,nd tau S .~.,~ 't111 t tf~ i~ des} Tvta hR !,t Bead t•!x:r€~,3r to ~ ;L'ilLaCS.RP.CUti, a~ sn~ly <br />,: ~~.., <br />tt~ih aB tie tegs,iremcais au the C'.',atsiirntaan and ay-i~ws of said ASSCK~I.4TSD'N, then these presents siatt beaxtx nvA ar,3 acaicl, otherwitc they <br />shag rrtrtsns m fisri fa.'rx an3 tray br fcxecksad as tier opts:,, vi the But .~t7i lA77ON a_fier au'wr trn~ t}tree rtRSOihs fo make smY t>f sap! <br />pn'stems ran be t#sme ms~attts as arras n; mxlrng still ttvoih~~ nzystarnt;, Ujr to keep ark! comp,3y wi€b the a~asemeats and autditirms o{ said Band; <br />asid = gaees tv have a seceivrr appa5ntrj f.,rtb x~,th m r;.ch fvrecte+sure pr;arcding;. <br />2f titter is anv= ~nisr m rsr;arrshr,+oi tiu zesd estate srxutgtgr-3 herein, by Bak at otLc»~rse, tfsn the enter ramaiaatg indebiedntas tetchy <br />sneered shag, at rhr a}flaaes of TTK t-qutit8ir Btatdirsg a^,J 3_;:at, Assoaarntn ai !:rand itlarsd, Srbrxska, became ititttsdiatety due and }ayable witieout <br />fgther na'K--iEe. and the arnumt semsrruag dix uadrs ts,d bold- and nay .+•.tsr bami far any adtiitsanat sdaances made iheterutder, shag, from the <br />Rate ~ rtcaaar e,f tai8 optxzn, bear iatr,:-st xt cis rtuxinurn k~gal rxtz, and thu rnu-tygr nsx} then bt {cv~eci~ed to satisfy 11s itrsntutt due at a=id <br />b,'sad,,ind am ctiss hsmd fix addswxsu advances, t•agrttsr R-iilt sit Burns newt by sand Tier i':~ti:ubk $uada;;tg aced E.vars Aasoeiatioa of Gtaad lsiusd, <br />hieirraska iix iasisraaa, tears coed assesaxxats, aa,': a3stractutz extrascers ;renege, rttt. mterrn t}rz;n',n, fra7n date a5 payttacnt at the trri>mRUID <br />:xtc. <br />pr~~videl in the H[.vaC srcssrr! fsrz`.4s. *^.ile Thu znavt~a{;r rte, ar,:. m riTcct tt,r ma.rt~agrr may hereaftrr adrancx additional simu W the <br />makers N said Btattd. tirir ads as sa;crsrazs n mterrss , v s:.ta soars sba37 fir v+ithm rhz srcurit of thrs awrgtQz for Berne as the funds nriguully <br />reamed iheerky, the rota: asrsorssst of lrtn..iissi debt a.n rc~ ct.,-:.rJ at ary tare the ausgxaxl uta,unt of ttus rwsrteagr. <br />c>.ted t~ IOth da.'~f October ' n - l~ 79 <br />,~r <br />~~ F~ urr_a s ~~ - <br />ElizabeY.h R. Sums <br />Si1lTE t3F 4iE~4. ~ C?n Eras 30th uy of October 19 79 , befase me, <br />c~ taF ci.~i. <br />tGe trrsdertigtted. aNotary thtblk in and for said Cotmty, personatty,xtne <br />£~arence F. Surris anti E3izabeth R. t3urris, each in his an awn right, ands ouse~ <br />of each nthi'r' ¢-~ are <br />strr itatse the-i~trt~# ,*Ser~wnS ~S a Mt' affzced to cite abrsvc irrtraatent es gagot5 and they - J' <br />adtxtended~d the :mod t to be their voluntary art and deed. ~ ./ <br />i43Y2tESS tvy ham9 and Notatisi 3=aI tare date a[xesaid. - ~' <br />l#y Cassicm rxpffes .i- , .s /7 f <br />Y _LC <br />./ C~t:sµ #l~7aYT-S:Y;E et `ct:_ska; 'J//' NOiar~ hC <br />r7ams m .lOY M. SE~iEY t <br />Mt Coe. T. E*.n, y=pt, I, iyg2 ~ . <br />