<br />79~, 6~~5
<br />MORTGAGE __ __
<br />T nloRTCACE z.oAN !vo.._?- 23, 588 _~
<br />xNOwAUntENe~-TIIESI:PRESEN'fS:Thal Timothy R. F7osi and array J. Flosi, each in his and her own
<br />right, and as spause or" each other
<br />mortgagor, whither one or more, in wnsidtra[ion of the sum of
<br />Thirty-six Thousand Five Hundred and ryoll00---------------------__------------- >~u~IZs
<br />loaned to said mertgegar 6r The Equitsb!r Building and Loan. As>eciaton of f rand Is?and, Nrbrasl:a, n{origagze, upon. 355 sfrares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certific`tz ^:o. L 23, 588 , de hereby Brant, vnvey~ and mortgage unto thz said ASSOCIATION the fo!losving
<br />drsctitxd real to±ntt, situated ht Ha13 Caurny, Nebraska:
<br />tagr<~,e. a'iLh aI; the Imemzn.s. hereei:=r;.e.*.u ::n:. =pnc:lYnan.^es therrento ?,rione:ne. in.iudin3 a[ISatd 1i~r eeriags, s11 xzs±dow xrrens,
<br />window ifiad~. blinds, <_sasm w~Indows, ax~rrn_;-c, htsrnc. Lr c=rau,oning. and ~ iumbing and rater rquipmtnt and a:xs_sar+.es ihrreto,pumps, stouts.
<br />trir;gtrslaz. and aahrr ftxturrs aad eauipmtnt nos rat hr-esf ter artachrd to >r :sed in coxlr+et:icn with said real estatY.
<br />And x-Iusrss the ssFd ^r:.rgaaar has acrted ;Lnd darn hereby agr:r tha: the ma;agv shsl! arld will oay sil rases and a~:ssneais tevird of
<br />ass~3 upan sr+3 prelt;n~es snd :r¢~n this ^.,.^.:agr :=_^d t^r halm. s: r.,trrd •^-°°^ brforz the pmt sllaL' bz.:ame de'itrquent; to famish apprasmd
<br />insurar~ uv:n the buiiding<an sa}d grtn:nrs v~t~:;,2_-:; :n ;?:e sum of S 3E,500i.00 ps. abie Ia ssid ASSOC!_~1TIG\ and zu dtlixer to said
<br />:Li.COI'SAT7O\ the ge_l:~s for said ~nsazas.,x. a..d n.. ,_ a,mmst or pt: r.... am waste or. a. _t~aul srr::: pltmises;
<br />In +.:ar t,i 3etnuh m tce Izaforru:ct a: any .,; t;;t [tans and avd:ts.,ns of the rare^,esg::,r the bond securtd h: rebr', the mortgagee shall,
<br />on deT~!d, :fe rs:tit3t^:d Ei, LT.IIltdlatr ;k ~s.+.h•^. ;, :5::ne'-.^. F.??£,:`~ Presni5t5 :and Ih2 mi,ttgng.,: h: rtbt acc_'ne, tr°~tlSiLiS 31ir~ S:IS Ot~Ct' EO liie
<br />rrxa^,iagtt ail the rents. r.-wr_ ,ues and .n;emt ;.:+r~d: r,sed :ram the rL+~,rgn_.td pceari>rs d;u urY such tune as thz morl¢nt~z endebtY.int•n shah rtnwrt
<br />cknpvird: and ttu tn~,rtgagct shall ta,r the p.,,wr::a' aplcz;nt an} agtnt or agents :* Ina} desire far the purges st of rtt,.sirtrzg said p,-tmses and renting
<br />the same and :r-iirrtiz~ the rrn:s. rtrznu>s and m:o:ret. arks it ma}' par out ai said inccru alt etptrses o? rrpsi^~rx v,Id ortmaes nerd nttYSSar}.
<br />.Cl tllntli5l,',Ii srr:+ txatnatt ur:w;rd in rrntiu' snd trunag:~ tY.-e snort snd of rolkcirns.; eeatals therrfro2^;: the baianct renravtiag, if sny, to br
<br />appiud tnvcr,'. the fi-,sc;:arct ~? sard ra:?gate md_itd.^e~. ihzst rzei;ts o+.' the n+a.rgaatt reas~ bt txtr;r~d rat any- tone Bering tht rxi,^.era of saeh
<br />dtfasst. s,:rspt-;ine :,t sny tertna,=tart xa€,rr of tit ssrr.r.
<br />T}~s,e ?rest?ns, hawr•.xr. st, ugw r. the i=~ ndst;or.. Thal r` >; sued nii'rtgagor shall :rest sa,d loa:: o. ~: bC7art the Erah:rin of said shares b}
<br />pal-mtr>:; pas sues^:;,'c to ssrd .'US(R IATIOi c,i rhr a:rsr..;,t:.#ied to the &nd x;ured Ile,rb} a, stzrr;?sand pzs.apa; .ten ssi3 loan, or. ar before
<br />the Twtr;>.iel}; dae of tad: =_+*.d esrr, rrr.s*.h,'~r,? i; ss;d ;~,aa s iui:; pa;d: pay all ta_ies and .vssrs$mrnis 4:s°itd a~'3in>t said pre-.-;:sand an Lhit pfongegt
<br />„''. t,°,t &r-_•3 st::srtd Iht: rba ..fete -w'-;ncu: n,-s .'::r-:vfi n^r..~:r..? :.^.s=:rs:.:e up::n tl:r b•.r.~t3 2s thtrca^ to the sung :st 3 Q5 500. ¢Q t'~Ynbk
<br />;r' said ,iSSOCIATIOti; :tpn} I,y saFd ASSOS 1aTii:\ up:,r, ~tnlsnd aL'• marn} by rt paid fee Bach :aces, asses:Irtn*.s and inst'uan:e w~ mttrtst at
<br />tau iturstraum kgs! tale hrre~-n frm: ;:ar; of ~? mts,~, ail of wl+u,h nteagat2u hear^y ag:ett.:e paj-; ptrrvt I•~.+ waitron said prr:nists; keep artd morph'
<br />a~,?vs ai ihr ag: et,"„ta;s an? ~ c.s a = ~- - e }Ts-ra .- r T• 3~ 5{jQ i2thv lay g^,•en t 1 said § ~ -sago; t,. ;,zid ~1UlJl:2 Ailz)\, ar;d aroripiv
<br />~~~ ~ t}e zrgearrx~tts ,h .hr t.:~ara.., is r. gnu By-1.} -. 5 ~,: ss:.; ~SATIO'r I_.et, .}e-sr F~ts;.nta shall bero;i~t t,ull and svid, uthtrw rst the}
<br />st'..w'" :tmaiu in soli iorx snd mxy `,x~ Fart:l,5ed _: i;e utro*: ai :he s.id AsSOt'L~iTIO\ zfiYr ia:Is:rY :oi t:^uce ttr~*:Ihs ra e:3kt a*,}' of said
<br />pa;ztrents v2 to Lh,;.z ;'maths is xrrtars m ma\titrg card n'xrRLti, Hess meats, 3r ts, `s; to roil :.,mpYy urih :^r agreerxr.[s teed carditions of said Bond:
<br />and Mat:pg~: agrees to aasr a rec. rvn spna.tnrv~ ;arthn:ih to sw 1, i:,IZC_nure pt,:.erangs
<br />If t3sctt is ant :,hangY m cwarrship of *.ne real estate ;ne,*;cag:-^. hrrrvs. '+} sale a; atiurv~rx•, Ittrn tnr suttee rtmatautg irdebittlness hertb}•
<br />s~:sted siraB, at z!u aptiotr of 7?st E~:ttts03t Btrilttmg sand L,sn Asss+•sation of Grau*d Isinnd.'`ebrasas. htctrmt tmmedratrh due and paya6k xithout
<br />furtatr noti.-t, and the atra,unt rr~,;atrasg ,":.ue ~wnila~-r sari boF.d, x:r.". any other Ir~ud ice a.^,}~ a~4,:suana edc°sn~s rta<1e tEr_rtundtr, s3ss1!, team the
<br />es a' txa::is tri saw' api3atr. E>ta2 tatrn s2 the .:aur:_n 1Yga! s-rt:_ and zhrs murtgtgt Tray siren lx icrcdosed iv satisi}~ the smovnt due on said
<br />:•~ui, sad ~ry~ sir bcta3 fa additstsnai i~{,~,as. t aeEh<r wi-,.r-. mss` sv-is pam; `} snsd The E =utaL=it Ba;u'diz:F; std Loaf; Asaocistic.r, os ;;,n.: Is~.d.
<br />?:ebrask: ?:r. itls;iranat, isxes arsd zsresatlurus, eFV sE~stra.tr;.e ezit~r.,*:„'tatgts, a;lh ir~itrts[ tA_rtoes. ;ram date of paymxnt st the rlsa_eimum
<br />itgEd tree.
<br />As -,-n.-~-t,:~~3 ~ t:st r~i~? ~.:::~d :,... Ll', s.~h:lr ..~ ":,;::fit c :_r:S F.~ rt: o-' ti,a. t3ngagt: ..air _rtar... r_,s,~ct 3ddn3ona3 watts i
<br />maters .^{ SrktE't &urd, 4fih eS44~ta t"~' SS:a"iS+i.n:3 zn intYrr4t_ w La,-.h SllItS m-'rali br wltkirn IhP serusriy ir2 ihrl rikxttgagt stet .testers 85 Lht fllndS o(:grn8ll}•
<br />tt~.ir~ tr~rt~fi-y~. iik t~alr3 x~n;ut~: of pr;:FF:Spsi dt~t vct to e~~3 al ~;} ::v~r the arip,Inai amount of ;i~.s m::rigagY-
<br />L~w:3t~s 75th, des.' ;- Octohes- A rr.le 79
<br />~ v ,
<br />~ A'1"C IQ v SA,y as. Caethis 75th. des} a? October i9 75 ,btfortme.
<br />Bat1.1
<br />the u::deragrtad, s Notary A.rbtie in and to sand County, personally ;ame
<br />TitAmthy R. Flosi arm Asfy J. Elosi, each in his and her own right, a~r~Q aarepous~era$t~Ily~~.own4oher
<br />ate in be t7fe sdeatiwl pasos 5 wlsoae taaat 5 are affixed m ells ab~'E `utursrla~ent as mortgagor 5 and they severally
<br />ar~sovb~ad cae ~ t to at their xasluatary act and deed f ~~~" .
<br />WI'INf55 ray Iuad aad tiotaria: weal tae date nfaresaid. ``
<br />'~
<br />My Cwermiseinn txpirea .- ,
<br />/ --- `_`
<br />Yatsn' pubtic~
<br />~t-~ ~ ~ ~~-,~ - ~ ~ GCt ER 40'Ar r _ e t r:ebr_
<br />