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<br />79~~ (~136'~~~- <br />MORTGAGE __ ____.__ <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 3> ~ <br />ftNOwAi.LMENS~TxrsEPRF:sFn~fs:rDat George R. Dolton and Diane E. Dolton, each in his <br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether one or awre, in consideration of the strm of <br />Forty-five Thousand and NoJl00---------------------------------------------°------mLLARs <br />io..,ned to slid Ittorlgagor Dy Tiu Equiiabk 8w7ding and Gwn Assaxiition of Grand [stand, Nebraska, Mortgagee, npon ~~~ of stock of <br />said ASSOCIA'#'tt)N. Certifi~te No. L23>587 , do herrby grant, axn~y and mortgage unto tht ss&! ASSOC;tATf4N tDe fo4uwiag <br />desabed real sststr, situatrd is F[aL Ceunty, Nebraska: <br />LOTS NINE (S} .AND TEN (10) IN 6LOCK <br />TKENTY ONE {21} IN CHARLES WASMER'S <br />AQDITION TO THE CIT1' OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />NEBRASKA <br />tttseshrt rich ~ali tht tenrttxnts. herrdttanxnis aWd apgurtrrtana~s Ittretvrto Dela:reing, in.:tuding aC-atktrd float a»erit~t, aB vmtdow saee>u, <br />vrimdov shade's. IRiaw, storm windnvs, aw~tsmes, hutiog, air a,ndttioniag. snd p!rimbn~ ~ water egtriprsxnt aml accessories tlxrato, ptrmpa,saoies, <br />tefri~ruaes, asd other i"atnru attic ri;tteprneai aaw rx Derraftrr tttadted to or usd io ttxettrciion with said rent [state. <br />:led vMreu ile srid Qamtgagor has agreed and dxs lserrDy agx that !lie mortgaa<;c~ sDa#! and ,ri#€ pa}~ al: taxes acid a~tmneota Ser'ied oa <br />a~aeaed said and this inert sad tDe bond on the same sDaU bervme de' twit; to frttttest <br />~aacr tgsort tDr btr ant said grPrrn:ia-s s;t in the srtm uf~, ~v. ~~ Payabk to said .4SStlCIA Q?7 and to deFner tasatd' <br />ASSS?C7ATI0.N the polities fat mid is::.-anx: an,i ~,: ea ~rn-stit :w perrtr; z.^y waste an or x~ui said premiv°s_ <br />Io ease of dtfaa#t is tLC perfo-ataacc of ~y of the terra< and cv~nditinrrs oI chic rwrtgage w tDr tx:trd stcurr:~i hrreby, the rnortgagen s#wil, <br />itn de>$attd., & rntitbd to irmttediau ptmrssiaW of t3sr rtwrtgased prcmixs artd tDr rrtortgagor hrrcDy asvgCns. transfers and Lets ova to the <br />teoNpa~x sit tht resits, rrvcnrses wd incrnoe to Dr dr;i>ed Tram the toortga,Rtd ptemiscs during surf: their as the tnxtgagc stdetticdness stnlf temin <br />uapsid: and tM rtxtetgags sLnR isave cite powrr to appoint asy agar of [[gents it may drsirt fur tM PrsePase sif rr}wriog said premises and rattitg <br />tht sr~ acid ~eetsg rise [rats, rrventtes an3 ittutmr, and it any pay out of said inmmt a0 rxptnars of repaenttg said pterttises acid nKtmry <br />i>am^:>~[vss aei rzprnset isnuctai m [rating and ;as. tle same and of mlkctmg [mots tDerefrottt: the Dafan¢ retttaenvg, if aay, to be <br />a¢~ied toward thr destSfarC of said mortAagr ntdcbudness.: thest r~trts of the utort.~tgt°r may be exacned ai say timer duriey+ [he txistena of sttct <br />de~.itltt, ineYptLtiye of am temprrzry a~aises of citr satrre. <br />Tlttae Prtsa>rts, tow~tirt. are u#sun +!u C A-~*a-ut, T'hst rf tDe said Mtutga~sr shxfl rr~}° seed #aan ar, or Drina ;he maturely of mid sAares by <br />paytarnt: p:y munth#y to said ASStK lATdrJN c f IDr stem sptrified m tDe Bond secuttd Itesrby ss inirrr~ ana pnncipa; an said ktan, an or befotn <br />ffit TuctD day af:art and ruin- [Want.`,. =,-;ti! sar« i:>an is f a31y paid: pay ail tarts and siscsstticnts kvStd ~a,~ said pre<;;sts ixd oa ggis Si~,.gage <br />asvd ter 8aed srt.tsed ttere!•y, t rfare dt,~gtu•tt;~~, fu,~2sG appsaizd instrarr~ upna U,r bite#di~ tharran iW tz~ s>nn of S ~ 5 > ~Q~ . DD payatdc <br />t:t aid ASSOCtAT#ON-. rrpay to said At~tY'i.1T#ON UItOn darmud all :m+nry M,• it paid far sut-h texts. assearnents assd ittsutwta witD isterzst xt <br />the kesd rat[ t'termn fray datr .xf naymect a?f of whirD law-trot ~erDy srrres tt pay: otrmit m vraste m said!R*~~~~:4-rrp ~ atmaly <br />tvdir ~ the a~attents aad :atiditzc,us of the Band fat S ~cj t~rt)O (}t'jhn day givtr. Dy ttx said Manor to said ASSOC'tA"RflN, an# comply <br />vriah ~ Tar ralnsresscs of thr C:xist,rutt>'c and 8} -? rues of sae: ASSi7l9AT#ON; ti=tan t#rtx prtstrts sttal3 btaosor ntsfl and void, attrrwne they <br />statffi [cage[. m ftsN ft'3•¢ acrd may be far~ased at tDr age eon of rte said ASSLk LaT}t?N sitar ixiturt !ar th-tt trriutihs to toatct any of seed <br />pymu+ts or Dr thrrt tt+uttlDs in arrtars m ttgking sitd +ax>ntttl} purymrau, ar w kxp aril cvmpl. st~itlt tht agixrxnts artd irorNliiians of said Rand: <br />Md iiarrtp~ea agrt~ to hour a art o-ric; apprF:Wttd }imthruittt u: s~.u:3t 3arec', kisusr pirates. <br />#i thtxr is auy ' m aatrdtip of i#yr real tsta!r mca*tgaped Drr., Dy »zk of otDtrvri3c, Hatt; tlK rntue rtrnseWing iadrbtedaest txrety <br />taaued s6adt, ar ihr option rat Ter E,aunzbi: Buifdutf, asid Laic Atmatatesur of Gtarad lsimd,NeDtmka, btmtoe imrnrtlittriy dm ttrtd pnyabk ai[hout <br />tither raotz~, toed tilt atatxtnt rzntatnang due u~tt toad bond, and ani~ exit: band far any adctitiena# sdvaoces mock [ttseunder, ita1, ftrtm cite <br />tlrar of .>ertaac of sais# optsern. bra ~lrrrst at rte itticurrttm kssi rs:r, ate thss ttwrtg>Zx tsmy rhea De huedrssad to sst~fy the as»o+utt t#tse tm aid <br />beta8, asid t~ a c4ex imd fa ~d:ti-~zta{ ar'vuras. ta~rthr-r w;tD al# stetrs ,-mod by said Tarr cquitabk kxu'Liing end Loan Assneealion of i;rand it~d, <br />Ntkess}a far ir~nssx, tors arsd xsteasarnt~. an3 aDsttsctem t~xtcnsx~n cl~:uxtx: with iAttrest tD^-[tan. frotW .'.nit of paytrsant u tht ansnnum <br />~ s~ <br />As i i-6 t~ ' ~..ut~i tertt•f, r;u:r ti-,s m.-r•g.-~ rtirrat•.;s to rtTeiz itet rrortgrgtt a>sy haraRtr advstsec sddittmmi srtms to rte <br />tsraEeaa of as1A Bond, titre amp of scsca'esxers m iatrrca, wittcts semis shall lx wiiiro the security cf this trtortgtge rhr same u tare ftmds atig~aliy <br />tezaani Yblaebp, tht Lctal aswomtit a# prtoe~gi detre rA':: tae _xxed at asy titrr [tat sxigitssi a,•notmt of this tnattgagt. <br />.^L' t~ 15th, dz. ~ ^;:tober A. #a.. is 79 <br />~' ,tom ;± ~.~ 1 <br />~. <br />iii site E. ooi tor> <br />STA7EaiFN~SYA,t tc t?nihis ISth. dayaf October t9 ~~ .trtoreme, <br />COi#ti'iY flF HALL ii <br />tit tttsdetsi~wd, a Notary Public in and for said Cotmty, paaooalfy catsae <br />fa~rge R. Dolton and Diane E. Dolton, each in his and her awn righ,~~and as s~ou~s~Y fta <br />each other are <br />me M' ~ ~ itiaminl !'~tl° S artr~r came s a re s#rixed to the above " /nc a4 rmx[grgot5 and they severalty <br />~ ti>r aid §ntttvmatt to be the] r ro#tmtaty era and dned_ i ~ ~~ J! '~~ <br />i/I2T+!ffi city 1~ am# t3atariaa ~1 rte date aforeaid. ~. / <br />MY C expires ~~~-~~,d( t~ ~ ~!` • l~ ~,.~,r- <br />.~ <br />Notary Public ~ <br />t-asas iv £IiIR4! I26[A7YY - State M ikbr. <br />JAidES 4Y. ~'LSC!N <br />Ray Gomm. fret. Fan. 2?. Sri74 <br />