<br />
<br />~~~.-~ A~F: __ __ _
<br />-- --~ ------ -- _ Asotzrc.ACt~ toA~. ~9a. L 23 , 558 MG I C
<br />fQac~wAUUenB~ntFS~rtzFSexrs:rbat Suzan Scheuffele, a single person
<br />Alortgagat, whether are or ma; e, in cansideration of the scn of
<br />Imo="sY-three Thousand gnu tiof100------------------------------------------
<br />----- -- ------ lxit.t_AFLS
<br />Imaed to said ittori~gar by rhr Equitable Bttifdins and t.~zn Ass'sciatian of Grand Island, Nrbtast:a, Mortgagce, upon 33D shares of stock of
<br />said ASS4Gi.AT1tJt~'. Certiisrate ba. t 2$ , 558 MG I Cda het:bv grant, ~avev and martgage unto the said ASSOCFAr10tV G,2 fattowivg
<br />tksaftod rea€ tiaatr, sitaatcd :ta Flatl Cs =:nte~, ?iebraska:
<br />together with al3 tar irar€arnss, tt:•a^L'i:stnrrsts ~? appcutma~xs therz ante t+ekxtgxng, :rsciudsttg ittaCtled Floor ~rtrtngs. ay w•tndaw scteetta.
<br />srisdor stsarks, bands, storm x~iadox~s, ao cusps, Rrtsa~r, au a~aditKrtung, xrxi p!umbittg and water rgttipment sad atxexwrirs thtrrio,puutps, stoves,
<br />rtftigtsato~ zad a[het :txtturs st>,:i e~.;i^pn. cni n.+x x !teeesffer attached :a a, tt~,i xa ccrrtrtiar. u•ilh sau€ rest estate.
<br />Atd wlmreas ttx szxf ~~rigagot has a~erd and Lacs ;r~by~ sgrre La: t;~e taongagor sasll sal xvt pry aii rues std asiss~ntnq tested o:
<br />sxsm+d tspae sad peemi~s sad ~cn this ttsaneanar end t;ir Mnd seared ther: bt txfosc ifte satin stay l+eca[¢e drtitsgtaestt; to futaisit appisved
<br />ism npas the h,.:iRS.... tin staid pream,vc se,>ri;Si :a the r~xn of 3 3 ~ , DDD, OO payable to sad ASSt7G€ATfth'1 and to drE, er to said
<br />ASv'L1ClATifJ1rS the paiues tot ssid i~~m: and rat t~; .J®IDai cv permet an: waste an err about said prrmitrs~.
<br />le car of defasta m xir paforms.+~z of ary cd .he terra std c~nditaoms of [his toartgage or thr lxs~ >c<~sued hrteby, tl~ tnar~Y sAay,
<br />an drma:d, to altitkr2 is ~mtoediatr pi~ssion at rt>; t~*-,netgsd ptrtnitts and the tnortgagix hrte~by tWbns, transfers atxt ants ova Fa rte
<br />sy the roasts, rrseatxs std i~ta~me to :err drnvaxt from t_4c ¢urtgge•d prrmiars d:uiag sudt tntx as the ¢t<utga~ ttdebtedtttss stuff remain
<br />tmpaid: aed Ilse ttottga}ax slay have il,e p.~va to apptnrt zay aEent ~ ~ ^t< <t rung drvrc for th.- pti pace of tept:~r~ifry aid ~maes stiff testtimg
<br />the same ar-t t~~>~ the trau, revtatta sad intts~r, and ti mss- pry oat at sad inaattsr ay rxpeasrs of rroaving said premises and tsoersssty.
<br />sad rape'asa ~:mF: ed in rerlime and „wu~mg ttu- sstre urd of caikttit~ rcniates therettem; Ilse balance rrm.~n,. if any. ie be
<br />tow•aed tirr dachxrec ai S4ut mar ,gacr iniehtr3:sess; thrsr tights of thr ¢tartyger rnay- it exaei~d at any rinse dtu~ the existence oY ntclt
<br />. irres~Cxlive of any tctt~.°,ran wawa of the satac.
<br />r~t•ae Prrsents, tsar.-~Cr, are uxin t'.+- Caaxi;tia*. rtut :f the sztd Si:rngsgar siwF trpary sad Scan era at betarr the ~~ts:trity of said shart_ bs
<br />p!rmeat; pay taomtlth t~z sail A3'Gfll t.4?li?\ ~.t the sum s(se~fx m tttr Baxid mcancd hrroby y mteteu aa<; prin..-~ips; an said yaaa, cxt or leeioes
<br />tx r~tiet}. day at ~ ew.-n tttanttt, anti; said kcan as ; tdfp pad; pas au iaxrs stn" asrssmrnts irvkd against sad pr'etzuses and cat ttais Mortgag
<br />trald the ilamt taeteht, lefzxr ttrttn.}ttca:y : furaah zpptcrved itaa>.rattce espoa tht buiidit,gs therrnn :p the stun of S 33 DOO. $D able
<br />m said tSSflCiA39fD?w::rpsy t.s said A.i~Ttt'1.4T3f1*a zipaa 3-sttan3 aL *.naacv bs it pat3 fa. such taxes, saamrats sad ~sgvinis >±.H!r~ ~ at
<br />[lsa mutmsvsf ~ sate thaann f: `a: dat: ai :Hymrrit all :st x~lttcl, ?eton~ear tsereby agrees to pay; S'~~t rte wade ~ sad ~etnrxs;kcp at~t catt~:y
<br />ttritk ay t§e ~ ••_~ tt~i -auw.tn-trts e* cf,e $aal ,:>r S J3 , ~;~i' , t t~ta der. giar3 by t:v mid ~art~grsc to rid h'S(}CLAT7()Af, asd comet}.
<br />>r~ sy the saguiraases,u of tht l ~t;tatur aa3 ley-taws of san', A_l`Si7(.'IATt:~41: ttw-tt thrse prtxents >tsay be vt;x uuFt std mid, oilrntwix lt~y
<br />may retttsjo er fuss forcr usd ¢m rte fatcit~•, at ttx optr.~aa ~f the sat0 ASST\:iAriL~4 aftrr itiutr fan fiats rntmihs to malt any of sad
<br />p+gmtnts os be thtix taett¢ths m anw< w, raaasttg sad mxtut}3. pa_rrc~nts. a to i:rp :tai ;:arnpty with tae agrerttsettts trttF i~tstie;tans of skid Baad;
<br />sad limt(ppx apocs to hawc a rexivet a~:.atn: iorthxz;i; zn sv~-1, taxa:surt• pt~3xedings.
<br />tf xttetz ~ amp ~ssa~. m awaarshtp a>f the rra7 rsnte nsott~yrd hrrrsn_ by sate or othawtse, ttxa [itr enivt remalnla6 ~ he
<br />aeetaed ahaH.:i tlrr nfait>s, of ITsr f~yttitabr Buildhg anted t.,aan A~vastaxt of t:rsm: isiand,!+icMasta.,ttewtae itaasedialrty due sort payaE!- without
<br />Earthier Mica, sad the nen?uat setttammg u`'ar undo saXt ba~smi.. amt say atlsrt toad fan any additiwui advances taade thrreundct, shay, fttmt the
<br />~ of tatcitssr of'saed opta.,,f, trat bsic;rik at tfse traxizt:.n; tc~E rate, _wdd ihrs tmxtga~ :trey iltca tac foreciased to satiny the amanat due tin said
<br />fanrA,and asst' athrs l+nod fat additiorut adsarw-~:, *.,»,rtFrz a:~>9 all aarttx ta'd t+} said 'ftu €.~gttttabk Boddute and Lana a~.,~:.,a,~, of Gtaad td.td,
<br />t~brasta iaa istst.~tr, razes asp: as~mnn:ts_ .sru shat:a::tit~ rata,uart cA3rgrx, with :*:trtssx ;ircxran, itaty datr of pa~ytrrrnt at the taazmittan
<br />~ ~.
<br />As ptpwd>sd in thr 9curd susars~ *•arre!»~, w•bik flats tttottg~e rrastats in efl~ex thr tnarisayec may lxtrafter advance addit.iaoai score to the
<br />takeas d saint Etirad., that assigns at surxaats et btitsesa. srt:Sc~, sum stray ix wrlee; the srcurity aF tats ttwstgage Late same as the Eu>ds at~enygr
<br />ae~aatt tbazby, tae taut im,-.,;nt rxf prtn~3 deba t>;. t xo exceed at atn• timr ~-+e ori~at amiann2 of than martgage.
<br />d9afsd tAa 26th dayc ~t?flirt'a'f~12r A. i>-. t~1~
<br />Suzan etfr"fete =-~-
<br />scAr~c~~tf>;~t.~ ~ cwt„~ 26th dayoi September t979 ,befateme.
<br />L'C1LiSrPi'Y flF HALL
<br />$tl2dt7 Scheuffel e, d S 1 ft~l ~ iSErSOft ~ teadetta~sd. a t4atuy PaaEic in sad far aid Catmty, pasttuyy c=ore
<br />- --}vrLw i `- 8aaatasllY trsorvn ttt
<br />s to he the idraaitad ptxsan rrrlmse asar i s a#fsal to the above itts3tum~tt as tatusggi~t a>d she
<br />artaes.kag$ the aid to br her voluntary at;t amt decd. -
<br />1Vf3'!e>,~S m}r hand sad Aitrtatiai Srat the date attueaid. "
<br />t[y Cottatti>s~ ez;race ,._-- ~ ~ ~~ /."
<br />CL(ERl,. nv A^i tats ii a.ettrs3 1 - =?~.~ ~ / =~~;c
<br />~~/
<br />r$asu 3flY Fl B-~.ZLEY ~ /~/J, ~- ha~~y P~tbLe
<br />a. rF m r_..:..
<br />i ,,,._ ,
<br />