79- ~~ $~'~'~di
<br />r~fateTGr~Ge ___
<br />- -__--- - ~ MORTGAt;E. Lt?AN NO. L Zs,5H5
<br />~vawAt.t.Mexs~:xcsl:.aR~rNTS Tr,at David A. Vasey and Teresa K. Vasey, each in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each ether
<br />Mortgagor, whether one er more, v~ wnsiderdtien of the sum of
<br />T en seven Thousard and No/ ---------_:_-----_-------------- ~DOLLAR3
<br />h~: acid to said rsortgagar Sy The Equitable $-uilding sad L.usn Assoi3riu+n ,?f i;rand island. Nebraska. Morigaget, upon e7~ shares of sine3, of
<br />said :lSSOCiATlCf?d. Certiticate ?~o. L ?v,~85 , da tsertby y;xant, unary and stuortgagt unto the said ASSOCSATION the folbv~ing
<br />des..-n'bed real tstate, situated is Hail Com~t_r,•, \ehrxsts~
<br />to¢nlrr w-stSS ail t6c ?tar=ntn:>, hrzrJxt-e=arn.. a;-.J a,~.nru aa:-s theseun:a tuk:^ging. e.:clud:tzp, atis>~ted tk,o:.rovetittgs, all wSndo-w' saraens,
<br />aindos shades :steads. s:c>r:si :~-mio4s. awrce,~. neat,-g. ~:.x~rdiyun:ng, aza p?ur*tbing aza3 w~anr egtupment and accesvories thereto, puatps, stores,
<br />xefrigerat~z, and xitct in-lurts ar,--,i eq:nftrs~-ne n.:~r =x Sur:..tt^ as€a:xd to oz ;erd in ~vnnec:rut, with oral tea rstale.
<br />And e-9aras rte »i3 nsatP,ag;1r bas a€: ~i xne3 d.-.es bertha- agscr titxt ehe ;ar rtea~ar shah and wzi; par aII lases sad aarmzxnn levied or
<br />aid 'art'h said pretnisrs sad upon lhs ~ ttt~ee+::red tiz_ h.ad sa :tzed ti:.-: rSy Ar:~.re the ,ars>c vhati bse~:tne arli~uettt: to funtisb approved
<br />stsmaatr upem the buildGetgs m sax? uc.:ses sttsutr.:i y; th~r sum of 3 ~j , l~~D, OD patiahk to said ASSaClAT1aN and to deliroes to aid
<br />A"'Sf)Ii.ATI(}ti the p.-ttn-rs €~ sar•d msu:s[,ar. ane :-..>a r,- „at to€t err pettta+.: s:, caste an :n abE+ut said preanisrs;
<br />{as asr of defauii :n ttx pt -aattrch-:r of asm .,i .;.,~ ;r?rres and ausditrons of thts marigage ar the i+ana xv¢rd hereby, the taortgagee stair,
<br />oe dtsnsd, br mtittti to mxhttdiatt Fx.,ssrss:mss .~i t4-r, ztx?rcaged hrt!aists sad the mcxtt;aea Ssercba avers, tsatsderx and arts Darr to the
<br />nxr<tgttgne all tit teals, revenues ah:l =ra rc 7.' 'r der=.aad is crm rite z:x,ngat2cd premises deutne such tome s the usorz.~,ee atdebttdsxss stall tenant
<br />xnnpsid; and tht tr-utpq~cr shall !snot tb< prover to ana,:rt s^}• agrttt or ag<ists it tnay dealer fur rqe purpose of rtpais'ittg ;aid pretttists and tenting
<br />tht same area .~tBectia+g the rents, rexr',res an m_. nr, atti3 rt may pay act of said incottu all expenses rai ztpau'ireg rasa premises and
<br />o~astrisvams and espetmcs ihcustri sn r~trlig and ~~-^;' tfx saint :mi ai cotinKSng :enLtls thtnfrom, [he balana temaittis6, if any. to be
<br />app~4ea tw,•a,.l the :iik:2urgc of sand run;,;agr ivd.-bt_-drzra: tlrc•~ rigftu of ttx. awrtgager ;nay be exert a[ any time darting t~ existenx of stmt
<br />drfa~t, s.T~shatae 4f any :~RSp.\'ltl H1 C`r i,i t5[ 3k"IM-
<br />Ti+ctr Presents, lxtwrret, err upsn ttx Condition. Thai ii rite said Mongagrtr sisal! rrpaz said loan an oa befnrt the maturity of said shsrrs by
<br />pay~neac: pay motst.;,h' to sand AatiCtii4TiON of=" sit, s<tm spe~t3tv1 in ttst. Butrd secwrd Irrrby as ini-eest and p<in~pal zn ari ban, ou or before
<br />ttte Ttiarattitth day «r~ and eren att:ath, _ntd said ~ s i';ilh g+aid; iv} a:l taxes and a~aznezts !tried against aid rte:: ~,.^s sad on this h~on~e
<br />ast tar S.snd veta,c~". thtrcbs, brfoze •irFsna.artt.} . urnrsh aapru-xed stLwras;-e utvn tht hrildings therton m the sum of 3 L? , l~}Q(1. QI} payable
<br />to srid ASSX`LATIOti: repay :..• said ASSOCi:\TiCtN apart at:sa;td si? thane}' by it paid fez suds tarts. arses~nenn sad iamusttcr with hatrrest at
<br />ig roaxitnust izlci n;3 cir:ccm fm:n tart of ;uy-zr€~sr 3i cif w-iocb Mort t htrttn ageees t.s pay: permit rse wale a-t aiif premises; k~+ep std anntpfy
<br />t ~ rite is and -a-~r~,*-~sns ~ €.`.e ~;.a ; as 5 ~ i ,. ' in -.,pre ':'r the saK; A4u, - ~ ck; ASS:JCL#it0'+1. sad •
<br />agr~~-r, spa. s~~ ate .;ay g;- _ ^.~:.r :u ~sr~.`y
<br />+vr~x. >~ tit rngssmec+~-n•s ,~t' the C~~tuf~u and 8~-3-aavrz :*I s?t3 ASSfX LttTiO\; thtn thest pat.=rtnts shsiS 6e,,otre null ascl mitt. o[heiw~»e thep
<br />shah remain b full forte and rs€± bt i«><nciased >t ihr .,pt.ean of :be sa,d .4SStlCiAT10'.+7 sfte= taiiuze (or three tnanths ca rteke am• of said
<br />ptrymetsis ca br tttrrr tnemt;*.s xr. az;earr. m r:,a1,:n~ srtd aro=.t'n=: ;saycruri>, r.r to keep and cc ~mc*A with th^ tgrct:tarnts sad camditions of aid Band;
<br />and Mottprip'ss arcs cv have s rrz~raet aApumtr;d tcs_:hwta", m sxh torci.lr,su•.r psucreuiags.
<br />if t3ttte is asy cisaage in ownership. i ate r:a! cstau naangaged herein, by lair at ,xthtrw-iae, thus [2se tntire re[saining indebtedttrn hereby
<br />aecutnd nYtafl, st ti,e apticm cxf 31r k:gnitsbk 8uiidwg and lvn -~+c><vunn ci Graad island. Vr6rasia. be~tae iamtediateiy due and payable witaoui
<br />ftarthet stxx+r, +a:+ she ara.,unt =ea~inrn€ drat undtr r»:.+ 6:vtd, and sa. what hand tot say additioail adraaats roads ihcresmder, shall, from the
<br />dace of rserrsse• of aid npt+ax!x, tzar itserrst at the taaxia:um tees.! ;asr, and ibis ttwrte.~e taay ihen be faree3t~rd to atB3y tha aa~uat due rn mid
<br />t.asd ~~ :_ trend Out aktisi~,;.s? a.'+~~scrr, lagrthtr a-i*±, all asst-xi. y-~id ha sai•j T!r Fgtutsbk @utldiag sad 4.oae Acrot.~istion of Gravd Iskttd>
<br />Tlefisitdsz far itts~anxs. rases sad asstssttitrta, and ai+stra.-ting, eitearNSn cisarp.:s, wsth tatters thereon, tram data of pay?taent at the trtaximt®
<br />~=-
<br />As gruro,<ia: m tJr Sand s'as~mrd txxtby, ,._:•ik tilts :ttrut€~Ee ,ttaaihs rn efiirt the m,xtgagu may 6ereaflet sdaatace addltianal soma to the
<br />salsas of nab Dosd, tErcs s oa st~>:a;ts ir. interest, x•hi.-h luau shah 2,t w~ithtn aht security- of this rtrc~ri®tge tLe same as ills funds originally
<br />secstaA 7$ntoity, tM rata! antou:x of grin:.tpal dtht ttt+t t^. rxrmi at sat tart the ori~ma? azuotant of thin :zrrtzagt.
<br />t r~ 22ttt day of Oetober A. i)., 7~7°
<br />^. ~~~~'
<br />Da; d A. Yasey ,~
<br />Teresa K. Yasey
<br />srw~ c~ x~t.~ ~a, ~ ~ as the l2th day of Oc tohxe r :~ 79 , befert tree,
<br />t:~ of BALL ~
<br />the tmdmsigrr3, a 1latary i'ublic m and for seat County, peraamlly caan
<br />Ifavid A. Yasey arnf Teresa K. Vasey, each in his and her town ht, ~d as spot~ygtn
<br />~ are
<br />tee to be tip idrtaitza ptatam s wins seam 5 are afftxat to rise abaat imttrtvnent as iggor S and they sereratty
<br />adrooarledged ffie said imcatnseat. m be their aaitmtan• act area deed. ; ~ •-"~
<br />S9SNcSS ray ~ and Notuiai lw-ai the dot aforesaid. x -~-
<br />~ ,/ ~ r
<br />twat turcaar - stet:.: u-zt~ss~ ; "--=~ El~~~ //~/y
<br />/,~~~ - Nol~c
<br />Jt3Y M. BEr. i.EY `~--
<br />asaaas re tdy ianm, FxP. ~,t 1, iii .•
<br />