<br />79- ~{)~'7~S
<br />Know all men by these presents that:
<br />thereas, in an action of partition pending in the District Court
<br />of ball County. '.vebraska. where Eleanora Dtaraaret Galvin, a:k/a
<br />Eleanor Galvin, and John Galvin, wife and husband were ?laintiffs
<br />and }:cry Louise Skrupa, a;`k%a Rosemary Skrupa, and Frank Skrupa, wi*e
<br />and husband and others were Defendants for the :partition of the
<br />-_.?:ises .:c_ci,^._fter described, t:~e- under, ..ned referee, ap;~>>int<,~~
<br />bl~~said Court to make partition of said real estate, made report in
<br />~,ritina. dul_; signed, settirc forth tt:at partition of. said lands
<br />could not be made without great prejudice to the owners thereof,
<br />~ehich report ~.•as duly elan:fined b~, said Court, anal said Court being
<br />satisfied therei.~ith confirme:: the sar:;e, and thereupon made an order
<br />and caused the sa,~.eto be entere:9, directirc me as maid referee to
<br />sell said premises at pudic sale on the follotsing terms, to-wit:
<br />free,, , ercent tl.?) cgs... ...... ,.._ balan, e upon confir,~,ation.
<br />r ~ ~ hn „h l i e h.~~i
<br />?i: r."i 3` =sir -- ,.- ~ - _..-.._-, , _~,- ~ .~v~«, ... ~.~ ~a~~ ~ p., ~.~.~...,.«.
<br />fir. ;he Grand Island Daily Independent, u newsaper ;.printed and in
<br />ge.^.ersl circulatio^ in ?3µl1 Countl•, that I ~.e'.:1.: offer said lan,~s for
<br />sale at the rotun3a .." .... ..all ~cunty Courthouse, in Grand Island,
<br />'~ebraska on the l~'~.. da~•~cf July 1g-9, at _.~ 0 o'clock t~.m. of said
<br />dati-. andyat t'r.e timenand ^lace stated in said notice, and after said
<br />retire ?:ad :.een ^u'ciish ed*for :rore than. thirty i30) dad=s I offered
<br />said lands, to-wit: The 'dorth Ong-~?alf of the `northwest ~tiuarter
<br />i?~~,~:} Sectio-~ Three =?, Township Ten i1Cl orth: Rance line t9)
<br />;lest of the otr: ?.'?.. =-all. Counts, Nebraska, for sale at r+ublic
<br />action, and salsa t^e _ame to David ._ Rief =or the sum of
<br />S'~a9.ODJ.~; , ... _eing the ;:ighest bidder thereror. :lnd fter•:.ards,
<br />on Lne loth c of -~uaust IG79, said Court approve3 ar.3
<br />confirmed said~.scle, and by an order directed me as said referee
<br />to e~ecuLe to said David '.-i. Rief, ~ deed convet-ina maid lands to him
<br />_.. fee siT~ple.
<br />'ti ~w rr;nr-w.r~Ie I, 'v'l+"t'er C;Tlmminaer. Rei2r c''e, 1^• Ci~n51 '?rat10:'? 02
<br />tt.e r-rar.ise_ and tr.e suT of S_tia,Ci'O.~i~, so raid b•.° =ai~~ David ri.
<br />Rief. and virtue t.f ~^e po~oers vested ~,. :te .. la•.o, do b~~ these
<br />presents „rant... sell, and corve;- unto the said
<br />3avid :?. Rief
<br />ar.d *_a- .--o eir=_ and assigns _..~ real estat: described .... follo+k•s:
<br />_..*:e 'sort': One-;ialf ~_ *_he ';ort-west quarter
<br />iti='."tt~,) , Section Thre_ i= l ,Ta~H^,st.i '^en i10;
<br />'.C~ortr: Rance tiiae ti93 .,est .~, _t~e St^ R..°•=.,
<br />3a I1 CoilnL~*."'.eL~r3ss?,
<br />,.+u.. .=i_ aL%,''--.' rte ^..a..~e~ L'ier 2l1nL4 ;~e 1L?'gi-?~, ,. ~, n3ve and tD :":Ole the
<br />sa~~,e t,^ hi:^,at":e said L~svid ~. ..,~., and his assigns forever.
<br />IZ ;{Z__i~Sn :i~i^REGP _ ^al•c :?ereu^LO pct Tr, -.~..~. tars 15th das
<br />~.~ ,/~/.
<br />,
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