<br />That the *4crtgagor will Pay [he indebtedness as hereinhefore ritd~ery.: `-~; 2,Y,=a,
<br />~a x.-'
<br />That the Mortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful autho•it}~ in sell and
<br />rnnvev the same-and tFiat Lhe same is free and char of any lien or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor wilt warrant and defend the
<br />title to said promises against the cieims n[ all peaons :vhamsaecer.
<br />To pay immediately. when due and payable ail general taxes, special taxes, special asw~ssmentc water rharges, sewer .sert•-
<br />icr charges, acrd other tales and charges against said property, and all taxes Irc~ied nn the debt secured hend>y, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, apori request, with the original or duplicate rece-ipis therefar. The Mortgagor agrees that there shall be added to
<br />each menth}v payment required hereunder ur u:xi<•r the .`r'i:ience of debt secure=d hereby nn amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />~~ to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pa}', as i:^.r•. i--cane dues, all taxes, asst~ssments, and similar charges upon the pmm~
<br />ices sa:;;act thereto; any- deficiency because d the insuffirtctxcy e; such additional payments sh:ali he tortbwith deposited by the
<br />1-y ?Mortgagor with the Martgagoe upon demand h} the `f.xrti;ag.-,= .4 ry :te(avit under this PazagzaPh shsll Fx• deemed a default in
<br />a~ pacaeni of taxes, aacessment~ r similar .hasePC reauir-•ri here::;:,?«~r.
<br />r
<br />The Mortgagor sprees that [here shall also t>e added io each munthlr payment of pnnciPat an<! interest required hem
<br />under an atttaunt estimated by she Mortgagee to tae sufftcient ri. rna6le the Mortgagee h> pap, s> #t heroines due. the rnsuretace
<br />~~ prnmium on any Crsurance police <ielieemd #« the Atongagee' ..-lny- aeticieney because of Che insuf!Seiercy of suer additi<nal i+_ >'
<br />n.,rnt: ,hall t>z forthwi.;r depos#ted by the 9inrtlsKerr a5th tt <• Mortgagee u{xm demand by the ]i nttga^e^ Ar.c d,~f.rult under th:_<
<br />~ paragraph snail he deemed a default in the payment ,*t ;nw ranee }>remiums. ff the po:ic} au pofnes depo,:iied are such a5 ln,nte~
<br />ow~rters or all risk p[.t#ries, and the depnsi#s are insufF.cient to pay the a•nt~re Itmmtum, the \torteaKee may' app;}- the dP#bsit to
<br />fwy premiums .,n nsn> rrGui red to tx• cola,- j he thi.< n.ortgaca.
<br />Ferments made hr the Mortgagor under tare atuivr• paragra}>hs may. at the npticrt of the Mcrtgagee, tee held by rt and
<br />eammingled u-ith rHher such funds :~r its ..wr. tun<Is for the nacment of such items. and unto sr. ap Plied, sttrh psrmrntc are hrrehc
<br />pledged s< secunry for the unpaid baian<re of :hr mort;;5~r rndehtedness
<br />Ta prcw-ure. de°: o'er to. and mams:ain i:., the tn-n. ... _, the \tort~agx• d.tna,,, the life of thrs mortgage nrginal pc i;i ir+ an,
<br />renew•ais thetx'af, delivered at 3P3a ten dst-s iv`.ve t*.r . ~a:o.^• :•i sn?- >uch ;x.hcies. msu nrg sgaimt fire and other r:xau table
<br />,az~rrts, resualtirs, and enntingen.#es as ttxe ~'or°.,;=;3x may require, in an atmaunt equsl to the indebtedness secured by this
<br />lc=•-Lgage. and to rnmparxirs at_ Ptabie tr. the '.al:,rtKaKee. w ~:h Ina pa}~sh1e clauu= in. fse~or n( and in form acceptable to the \t:~rtga-
<br />gee. Sn the e. ant an?- pnltc}' is nL.t renewer# on ar h+'for*• ten daps of It_. erpirarinn, the 'a9urtgage.~ mac pnmun- ~nsuranie en [he
<br />_, ~ '- _.. i____ ._~~.>:_.t„ a,.~ ...==a ..a~~t,i.. ., ..:. ,., e...~_r ne rh:. r3t= v.r
<br />t,o _...... - .... ..
<br />lm;: r4A'rrrtPnF=, p!Q?` ink Jrf•ml:]!SI in<-retc~r. 3nrs .ucn .:Zm ~F.+;: :,n:.n,r<-a,.a,.-.. .,.,~ .,.... ..~._... _. _.._ ._.. ._ _
<br />teeth a^. said note anal ;wed and .ha]? !x ..~... r. <: - ,..:...,,n tact F:a him nr. the psrt of the ill origsgor tc to rnish such renewals
<br />as are hereto regmred , r iuilu~r t.::ua> a "...• .. a, -... ,.... ..under shall. st the nni u,r n! the ~t ::rt..:agre, constitute a default
<br />•s~ier ttLC terms :~ thzs mortgage 'fttr drhren n:., ..:. _.:a_ .hall. :n the ea ant of .Ir4au3t comn7^tr an asset; mnrr.t of the un
<br />rases] , smium-
<br />3nv' su;a; rr: e:ec3 hp the M; rtcsgar hr reaso^, r•i ., .-s .~r d?ma€e insum:3 a;;ainst mar ~ rein ina=i h?' the Afurigagee
<br />a-.3 app;i>d tov.sn3 the ;.+a merit •. ~, det*t hr:>-b? s.=a'urrci. or. at ttxr :antior. nC the ~fortgsge~, :uch =um> richer wholl?• ,:r in
<br />part rosy tie paid acre r, the M~rt~a_~<~r t<a ~ used to rrpatr such huiidinKs ~_ .o hand ~neX- buildings in their place or (,u an}'
<br />ether ;rarx~ur.• a. oblert satesfactc::r to the 54~: rieaK.-e wrthoui a3xvng the lien .+n [h.• mnrtgaKe far the full amt.ant sreu red here-
<br />h_>< before lath. pac~ment ever ice=z ;,la.Y
<br />Ta nr:,tsxpt#y rr}srr rest;,rr r.. ~::d a _' ho;idu:_. .. •i+roycmen;- now .-. .; :salter :,, the ;uemtsrs uhicL may he~
<br />:zk*xrr damaged x destm}hi: t. _ren vi;~ n i~ :a=-..dinon and repair an;j fm~~from 3m m<ti hamc's ben or other lien or
<br />rsa!rn of lire, na[ exprrsa#y~ s.utw~rderatr3 tc, ~t he~:rn.`hrrrt>i nL;t to suffer or an? unlawful use .,I or an?' nu:sanrr to 'rust nn
<br />lid pn,per.?- nos t.> ,,erre:f +aste :N sa,d {.remi:rs Hier 'n dc+ an>' other art uheteh?' tier ;rro}wet}- hereby cunx t•?ed shall heroine
<br />less ratoabfr. not try .iim.:mah or impair ?t_: sal ui• by aav e:[ r.r oross:.,n to a., .,, ;,~rn}ail <.uh a;l rr•gw remrnts .•i ;aw w'ith eespxt
<br />t.* the mc..•t_ag.-d anti thc• use thrr<•of
<br />Thai s}e;,uid the n^-mar=., a.. ;,ar .r-rr.=f '+= tasrn :,; ,iamat;r;: rv r. a.or. :,( an•. nuhh: :m prcwrmrnt :•. ,ondemnauon
<br />pu^ee<dinE ... 1, der the r1g h:.:i :...._.-....:..rea,n. „ .: any .,thee manrrr ihr M.n.[aceY~ .ha=1 ,+ .,..,; Ki ,.. all r:.m Pe n+atr;una.
<br />3X'8::5. 3 3- .I'w• _ r,. I" '-. .~' "-l~ L+. P[: '"1 I ~ T-,. l"; 3: .•; e.,- ;,r: a.[~=,l. e~ rf :L<
<br />,>AF na-^nr . R~ aCiSV'S. : r t'nYti ~S.-r, •' ., r..a-:r any a mpn*.t,l>r ... "rl i...a ni .n .i T.neYtt: n ~ 1..- Inc .- .Awing ,.r"damage .`,11 such
<br />t-amfzeriass_4'tn_ awe: xs, 3amagn. r;,,ht -:t a.-a r<~r. and }.rxreris sze hereh?~ 3v;gn~: zr, t`rL= \t or[gagcr .. lxo ma?~, after deducting
<br />tine *rf:•o_:. ail t~ expFnsea., re:ras:- ~ :n:,nr •> sL= :±,.'<-:'. eti t•+ s: ,,.- a;,t:ly ties >arrc ,•r. an?~ mdeht er#nes~ ~.-rarer. hrreh?~ Z'he \t,~rt.
<br />gsEc+r aE.t•aes it rxetVtr cur"; furthest acs:gr:mrnt of arz} :cunt'rencatr,.n. am'arri=- dsmagrs an:l rrg,tete of actr•:,n anti far•nce'•x#s a,' the
<br />Tat :n rase a*~.iaricrc t.. xr,<arna aa. -:f tt„ ;.,, <r:err:, hrre,z•. the lt..,n;aF;ee mal -ia~'.,n the \inrtgagr,r-+'K~ha!( r: rta~thing
<br />sn nsvrnarxtrd: t'rni the S!.•rtgager rr.aa' a:~? ~#_, an}' ac; :t rosy d<Y-n: r, .Nary ;.: pn.txt ttrP Iron t:.Proof-. that the Mortgagor X'it3 ' ~'
<br />rrpvy u;.xzn dr-:rand an4' Itrllfl'_ pa`n '.~r i'. h r.r.7 tea ins k'.. r[; - ., , rii '.-,t thY nl•r "'i' put}*:>-P:.. m.nd sLrt` rr.Lrnra. ?agPiher X1th ;y.
<br />ssirreat tart-:=r, at ghr rate ror'tdh'f i., +==r! nu. ... .. rw-: -,n:T ... .., ~. r, a,3r3rt:,.nai•a. nr re~he „lure+.t and mu5 }K rn-
<br />dttder5 to a:,? 3.rr:Ya- free ,:wing tlxi+ n':,rt.;agr ar:# ',r,~a• i ..ut ... ..•r rr .:t [': r..r' ... :.f wlr , : .a:.{ :arem;x- :f n+t -.-••hr ~+•:u ,~
<br />peed. that :t she?! no: 2'.r ;.tl.tat, r.' a ^, the h}:,.^=asgrt• t.' inqu,rr +t, t^„- :a!;,i:ta ,! and tern erica^:±',rancr. „r ~iarm mad' .
<br />-a~*i„~.:~ - _~y~ as at.n-a- .,- ~. _ i. v. n: ,. r, .. ,n*a:nr.r .t:al: 'tK ....n.[r,:<.1 .a~ r<y ~a.r:nE ttrr 4!e•rtRagre t,> adF are: sea
<br />nttxr,e,z ..=* . , _uct: pu r,w ~x~ n.rr ca, .'io aria .het ryt<:e rru n: ~.. ar,. that !:!a•rteaci-e she" n::t :r,:ur ar.• .s::r,nl !:ek,rlee? t>e-rauw ,..f an•:.
<br />i7sisz~ ti rrs4 ;`ss :x cents to d:• rxrz~andrr
<br />la the <`wnt td rWht default t'-. M„rtg agar i,. :'N }>sy. merit ;.f an>_ ,~,[n31:n_-r::. ss rreu:r..,t '. ...< .~;-•t s• red hrreha' „
<br />;a t:arr pit`-`.,trc:an.Y, ,,t t~ t;t•u!,$trar. ,.': ta• n[.n~r iu >sn then :rr t -~r.t t zt. ^=t:a r '-: z2- . rt, t:. at n. ,#r::a:r rhr
<br />arlrt yeR;;;sr: tcrrY:y .•rx sad pay able X,t.,.r,., n_..~a~e, ar:d the 3fa..gati r st....i e.r : r.ert-:ati a..t , t,[a, r•..,.:h,•_t r•..t;,.r. either h~ ifaeli
<br />e-r t»~ a rea'trra-er to Ar a;e,n=inter.: Tv the r.... rt tt:e•err.: an:: _A :.,..r4. -- .. .-. ... a. adeGUa:'~ ,. ..,, M.. city i.,r ±n- ,rr:#eht,-+dn:y.• Se•
<br />rtrrd #rc~E }. i.» slice-r _}*=~ sad al< ;>:,_s:-svnn of sere m:rtgas-d ,rrrmisre rid t.~ r il. }t an,i r+at~.-.r :., ~ ~,t,.:-~ a•:~3 ,•r:. its:
<br />['iset.. aid app't;" t'he lama. ;ass ca>`ta .f vtrrat,i•: and 1`ulert,r:n. upon the ind<^6tednc-;n 5rr:ter-r ::y tt.i, mortgasT. >a:d rra.~.
<br />irsuts and y3rdrp bring herehs assigned to ti:e 4l r,rtgagre as further :eeuriic for the pa y~meat of ail indehti-drw'sc- :;t+"ured hzrmby.
<br />'?'i;r '#.~..aagra ~:s+.i ?^.r..^r tl:r ;~.we, r , ,.i - -t 4 ~.. a« -t. ' -.~, - '„- •., ._. : ,-- .:F, ~.a. ~ ,.; ,-,
<br />isrs: rCAt1t1$ the nettle. =,!!FC'trag the rrr:is ~~~ nun on¢ -r :., r and :t rna uay t_t ,-f ~d mra~me al! <xpenszs tnrurred to renl~
<br />t~ a~ .,, t~ $,:,~_ ~"~ ,S =._#L.t~ t}=?• rentals the ref n+rr. Th.• !relance rrmatnmg rf an?~ >hall hr~ applied ic.w~ard tl:e
<br />di6tixarge ~ tht t~,t~6r irwich4rdness. Thyf >a ~,igrarnrz;*- is to trrrr:natr and• null ao:t a+,iA u;r-,n rrlrssP :,f this mortgage
<br />
<br />6_
<br />