not extend or postpone the due date of the monihl}' insr.tlhnenL~ ralerred ro in paragraphs t and 2 hereof ur
<br />change the amount of such installments.
<br />10. Borrawer Nat Released. Extension of the tium for payment or modification of amortization of t.tre sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage granted b}-Lender tv any successor iu interest of Barrom-er shall not operate fo release,
<br />in say tuanner, fire liability- of t)te original Borro}}er and i3errv,ccr's ;ucce=sore in it;teresT. Lender shall hat be
<br />required to commence proceedings against surh successor or refuse is extend tithe fur payment or v±her;vise modify
<br />aarortization of the sums secured by this \tort~n~e br mason ai auc demand made by the origiusi Borro}cer and
<br />Borro}cer's successors in interest.
<br />II. Forbearaaca by Lender Nat a Waiver. Any for-aearruce l c Lender in exercising ary right or remedy
<br />hereunder_ or other}vise afforded by- a»piiesble la}c_ s..all hat i_ a }vsi~er of or preclude the. exercise of •~ny right
<br />i "~ or remedy hereunder. `The prorureiuent vi insurance or the parm<-nt of taxes ur other liens or charges be Lender
<br />shs?i hat he a }rairer of Lender'; right tc accelerate the maturit}- of the indebtedness secured hy- this Mortgage.
<br />~ I2. Remedies Cumulative. Ali remedies pro;-ideti ur this llvnga~~e sre distinct. and cumulsti}-e to any other
<br />right or remedy- under this Mortgage ai• stiorded be l;u; ar , r!uin-, end nra} he exercised concurrently. independ-
<br />ently or sucees_siceh-.
<br />• l3. Successors and Assigns Bound: joint and Several Liability; Captions. The rv}-eu;u.ts and agreements
<br />herein eantsined shall hind, and the rights hereunder shays inure' ro, fire resperti}-c suceessars end assigns of i,ender
<br />and Borrow-cr, sul?jeet to the. previsions of pst;vgreni: ?; hereoi. al co}a~nanis anti a~reenrer,ts of Borrower shall
<br />~ i:e taint and severe?. The eaptiarr airs headings of the it ragrap}s of Mortgage are for convenience anly end
<br />t~ sre not. to be used fo interpret ar define the nro}9sions hereof.
<br />14. Notice. .9n}- natirc' m Borrower provided for it the Mott:_sgc shat': he gireu 6y- nuriiing .etch iretice by-
<br />crrti^°d :nail addressed ra Borroser a~ ,..c Yroner:.- Address sr..te<i hehrr, exce!,t for say- notice reyuired under
<br />paragraph iS hereof to !*c ~i~en r. Barroser ':. the ::,sc:,rcr hrescril,d Lv spl,':icabic ia}v. Aar notice provided
<br />ter ir. this Atortgsge shell be deemed to i:are i~~ ~t: gi ~ er: to Borroser ,ive•n in tir,• Wren, er designated herein.
<br />15. Uniform Morfgage: Governing Law; Severabitity. This tom: of mortgs,e ronrLnres ;taiforin caret:ants
<br />tar iratiansl axe end nor.-uniform cacensuts ;eiti: limitetii variations by i•arisdiction to ransfitute 3 uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument cvrerirrg reel I~ropert~-. 'This \Iartgage :hat: be i:acernea hy- rJre la}} of the ju-is,iictiat ire which
<br />the Yronen3• rs lac3ted. Ir. tee event :het any izro}-feign a: cisuse of t~:is Aortgage or the \c:c- renP-lets }vith
<br />3*mli ~tp au~_ su.h vnitici. slslj hoc guest other t,ro-:i~ions o± rhis \_"orteaee er the \at_~ ,shish can !zz ,tiyen
<br />erect without the rvn$icifag l,tnvision. and t, flits erd flee prosiors of tine \lvrtgage and ru \a:e are dechsed
<br />to be seve~ole.
<br />Ili. Borrowei s Copy. Borrawer shall i+c furnished ,r eaniornred cony- of this \lvrtgsge at. the time ai execu-
<br />tian aI &Iter .TerO.'dativn herc'af.
<br />I?. lraxts#ez of the Property: Assumet3on. I sli or way- Wan of the Propert}• or an intarast therein is sold
<br />or trans erred he Borrau-er tsitl:eut Le tier's - _. r .vrittet: consent, exciudurg ! s! the creation of a lien er enrum-
<br />' ~~sbcn3iaste to this Mortgage. ~. h ~ . < , . e:rtiea o:: ; rr%ase roarer securitc intet~i ivr Irouselrold sppli-
<br />sn~. tc? a ~*an,fer by deyix, destent e= ,- at~eratron o...- ~ ,_rj,on the death of a joint tenant or Jd) the grant of
<br />.m:• :rz~~M:Id roter~t o? tierce }-ear ar ;r. ..<. , or:tsinr:,_ >-~ oliti<ur to run•hsse. Lender mac. 32 Lenders aot:on.
<br />detia=~ ail the sums sc-tiurtd by this \Ivr._sge to be :..... _..:teiy- ,iue sad r•syabie Lender _hsJi hss}~e }cai~ ed such
<br />optian to serelerate ii. prior to the sai<' c tr =_sirr.*.' Yn~i the nrTon to w'ao:u t?;<• Ymprnc i= se b~ saki or
<br />translernad reach arnreement it; ;critic:; ti!at :ire .n•:it of s..cL verso:^. i= stitrsfsetor} to Lender gnu that the interest.
<br />~yah:e on the sums secures he ibex \Io*tgsge shell trr a rate as Lender sca,i reyu<~t Ii Lender has w'ai}-ed
<br />the en:Ion to sceeiera*_e ara}-i3e.1 in this narsgrapi, 17 sP.C tf Borroser's mete=sor :., ;ntrrest has esecut~? a wrii-
<br />ter. sraumpiaan ea-•ree^tent accepted r^ .rntiag e,y- I.encier. Lender .i:all release Harrower from :.,i atriigstivrrs under
<br />thi_c \Iort$a~ end the \ote-
<br />L Letrder exercises suet: optian io ar<~erste. herder shsl ;earl Borro;er uotr~r of sece;erativn in accordance
<br />=.,r~t pa-"~'aFh I~ irertri_ ~~<.._mt;r, _. sl; , m}id< _ ,,eriik7 .ant .--. .=,sr, 3tr .,y, ...vr. ~hc _..,.< iI'< nafice is
<br />ensile' r,it;. wi,ick. B•,,rrrr; rage - a}- ..,. . _~~ ..._srtd .,._- li Ba:o:,,,.- ....- :, } _._c, , n.^.or to the
<br />rsprniran ai~~suri, pert,-?. I,ende.* r.~x: •.si_.:.,~, :t..:, n, ,.r<' ~ ..'<•u xn . ~. I :.. r<. ..., t.r n~r,>t~.iies p~r-
<br />tnrta~a by uaragrsplr I`; here or.
<br />1t:~-ti-a~rtiat l'rr~v~~-t's. h,:rr+,er<•r• at>d I~erdrr s'urt3i<'r• r,n-,'nartt a:t,<? a_ra•r~ a,.:eat?ow-s:
<br />Ifl. Aiorr: Hemedie~ _- ,t, - ~_ h;., ,.,.«t-, ,,,., tx,-i, „t an}-
<br />~ve:~ni ?r szreeme-,t • * Bn-mn i ._ ..... \i ._. ~ _ . . s ; - .. . _, r:} tare rcun°d
<br />r} tht: ?+Iaziga~. Le=:Crr ^iur ....t;<.c....ii . . _. ........ .._,_ ~ Bc~. z .. _ .. . i .::a>_: !~ nereai
<br />.;.+crf;utg: , the'vreac:,. ,_, in< art .. ,i, cw~< _~.:i . ..~, ;;' .. ,..., tx+' < . ,....t• cleric hays
<br />;mri: t ,< datel;i:c n<s,h, ,_ ,:-srhd ,. It,.r.<,t, ......., ,, .,,i::..,....< ,..,.. .,.. ? .... is.:r:.i t;, cure
<br />iP tsry,4fl] aTr ar t,2,l. .. FYI ..... ... .. .. .... .. .. a- ,<..,.. .. s, ., '~i,.~ ,. .... .r..: -,•Ciir,•d l,}• t.itlS
<br />ilcrt~..~ end sale ei the 1~w; r .3 - ?~ :. ...c:. ~- ..<. ,u..,. ,,. ,- n, ;, : dx. .,r<,~..,,at nt ' h< nottre. Lender
<br />at Lender a-pnan ma}• ircisr: ~.. c . .... ...... . ..r-... :•y .-._ :Ic::-- _~, .c .. ar:.... , t::t=;.- .:i=.;r ar.,i itaysvle
<br />ar:~~u, r-.y,-thF. dRans::~ sr.,' fns} ....... S.< t ` .... ..k<, y.::_ `-. ... , < to collect
<br />_ cLry 3trt>Le?d3ne' .xil eztte 4r. ., _~rt.-i.crr- ....._ ..;:,..... ..<. .,. c:t-:,.-~,u,i•u~;. r:;iar:- ertdenee,
<br />s.->•-.tratts and title re: ~ri_;- . _
<br />I$. $aarawsr's Wight #a Fisam~ate. ~e3t>z~irttar:drng f_endrr, .acrelerstiai, of tine emus .~curni by this
<br />13ongage, $ormwer i<hx31 have tine right to here am l,rrsxdints i,e¢un br Lender to enforce this llongsge dis-
<br />eantsntred at any tune prior t3 ent_*y vi a runsrrren=. eriarctn~ ihi> 11orgage .,: ,a, Borrower pa}•s Lender all
<br />s a-itieh ~'rur;'.;£ Lbr due under t;,s. . -.nos:;.-. t. c- \otr :sn.i r .t- :reuriry Future ArivancYS. if gay, 'cad ro
<br />~~lersia~r oecarrad; tbi Brrrroe'er cures=al`, nresrhe, oi- any other rnv<nants ar sgri-enrents of 3orrower ron-
<br />tairtad ire tlrm?~iortgage: it-3 Bortttter nays alt r±•a>onahlr extter~:.- ineurre<l t,y I.enYrr to enforcing the rotenams
<br />axxl agate of Bn-+nwer can:aiac~ in t'r.Es \lt:r:;;:rrc• anr, r., enfarcirg Ia~nuer`< -entedie; a:: ;>rovi :c'd in para-
<br />graPlt 18 hereof, including, but hat limited ta, reawnahlr artarney-'= fees _ and ,d, Borrower rakes wch action ss
<br />I r>~y rcaariritilrsy xquixe to r~-um that tr.c lien vi *i;is ilurrgagt. Lender': ieien•.t in the Pratierty .End
<br />Baaower`a ob3i$atiarn to oar t3te eurna secured ny ah=~ ilvrtgacr shall rontinuc unimpairrd_ I°pon such payment
<br />cad etas 6p $orrowrr, chi '~iarlgage smi the obiigstivm secured hereby ;hell remain in full force acrd et7ect as ii
<br />r~ ~ had ocenrred.
<br />R8. Rmgnmmt o! Pants R# od liscaiver; Leader in Poasesafoa As additional -ecurity here-
<br />under, $o*ttn+et• rtereby aa;dgns ro Lender the rents oI the Propeny, pniyided that Bvrrna-er shall. prior to acceler-
<br />s~ urn=path 2$ iseretsf or shandonment of the Progeny. heir the rgght fa r~elSect anti i~ztain such rents
<br />as tdtep become due and payable,
<br />L'ptm aeceieration tinder paragraph 18 Irert~f or ahandonn.,-nr of the 1'ropertr. Lender, in person, by agent
<br />or b} jirdicislly appaintad receiver shalt kre entitled to enter upon.. take posse-sion of and utxnage the Property
<br />affil to collect the rents of the Property, irceluaing those pest due. All rent= collecteet by Lender nr the receiver
<br />shall beagfil%d5rsttapagmentof theroetsof rnanageitrPnt of the Prcl,rny and cvltcrtion of rent- including, but
<br />not limited to, trreiyer's fees, premium= on receiver's i;ond. and reasonat,le attorney's ice. :,n+l then to the sunr.~
<br />secured by this «ortgage_ ixnder and the receiver shall he liable to account onh~ t'or clines rents actually reeeired
<br />