<br />EARL D. WOLFE AND JUDITH A. 1t~OLFE, husband ?nd wife, AND LY'LE A. FISHE,~rein tailed the
<br />xustgayor whether one or more, in consiaeraticn o=~__~~b-Rf~NETV TWO THOUSAND AND NO/100
<br />_+. U, g ~ •x~rtgaaA
<br />..--_---_----------------------------------'4il tars loaned to c ,'d "'~~rt• ~ or , doat r'.
<br />;.. ~n>=SE ,tL~F..AL SRL'I;,GS nNl LCAiv ASSOCIhTIc1'~, itc_ suc~assc~rs ar~d .3st,iUr,s, the tal lowinc
<br />.~._ti_ri{;2d r~l astate in HALL i;auntY-, Aebr,~~~r3:
<br />{bUi~TY, NEi3RASiCA.
<br />. _.. aaser>`~nss s^:G ao;.~rtal~ances 'Toeat;;gr wi?h ai! _.uild:ngs, im~rovemants, futures
<br />~. ~r'..:.an;e_, raw.or t;2rea`tar ~r2.cted .,,erzon, :n~.,. a'i 1p~3raru5 euuipment,
<br />:...~r-- ur 3r',c{es, wha7her in ., aid .,ni's or ,.t,.,.:..;?. ~ .,rro':32d sed to Supply
<br />__ .;c_, ~=,-~ti.,..,?ion, water, ~J is rawer, re. igera#.,, aer;t~Jatior, or ,.they
<br />~.._ ~^.c arty erra. -.,.'3a riow c,r !,e,Iza?tar Cher -.. ,,. rte,. the FurniS'^1i <G n#
<br />. _-. ~'q ~ i,;_~s:.rs lessees fier .. , u^iurn i sraa bu i . _ ,~. ~; ar ..o rh2 aae now .,, herd-
<br />-:- ... _~-. ~-;~, .,„.. ~..~ ..~ '..~ ...,...... _. .,: _. '1a- , ---_ - i?, __t - ^:ita:i tn, S_rc?2ns,
<br />... :;-~~ ->,1:?i325, §?c?rm d~rs and WinGOwS, ar}?e'..nq :'s:,C •_.'nc=r~ tip-_ .:ove!'i nqs, ScrE?en d~=rs,
<br />:~.:,-;:~, :-dill-ir: ois^,aasr,ars, staves, rair;z~rtn;, at'. ware" maters and ail renewals
<br />~_,-=;~F'„~ .taere3f ta31 .f wh+q,. era ir;tended ~ ._ ar:d are h2r2Dy' declared tca ba 3
<br />~~~i~~s_s r~J astate a#~e;har pnysi.".a±i. ara;-nac ?.-,rare or not.) ;ha Association
<br />,.~ s:;roa7ed -. ;'ha rights of ail ~:rtgacae>, enncidi:rs and awners pc id :a#* by
<br />-;:eeas .,< 'ne loan ner3b: sec<.rad.
<br />".' -~=:;"c .~i~ Tie i-+,'?33 tree sa;d rr-o^~r-y, wi'-~> >...,.~ .-v; in;-4~, ;a~:pr.Y>?t*>2r,ts. t:xtur8s,
<br />~...--,t_._, 3p.„.araTus =nd ~^rr,ert, ur.. ~_,,, }_.-~,..tsc , ,-> s~cc2ss>~r5 vnd assigns,
<br />- _••..•_' ga;x~r nereDy coti"=r.an T> k'i"`?` S~,G -~>..,i:1 a"+'7(?', ,55 SUCC C~}=~r5 3RD a~51 y^5, tti3~-
<br />_ .,_a~:.+r t5 law#u; IV -=.e+=?'? .., 5alC rfemi525, the? "Sey art; ,`c~.-<?J~--e~C;;,^~ranie5, and
<br />£_-?yta=r x9 ;+ "ors-tizr,rarranT arw ,;,:fend Sf~.e °;;i;= ;~ aiq arA=i;2s avast the
<br />~.~ ~ _ , ,. =airs u a: , r.ersons aa:c~r. soaver.
<br />-., w
<br />_, ~.~.~ ._~- ., 31 ~_: i ,.=~iiri z # l Tna payr~n" cat _ ._ _ c.cr~~ 3-.r ,`aYar
<br />- -_ '__.ai :,_ -fin La~1j ":, e.-,,~'7 ;~aT.^ .. ~« _~. :n .~> - r:*aC_r ~,_ ~~ ,.._ >LT fxr'+ 31e`.+w c.
<br />.~ ,'. ,. ..~-. ~n;w e^?~r_~7, v ati a:?i~' li. ,._-.. ,E} 7P-aT.31 j" ';"1`54.1 ~L^rd` #O 175
<br />_ ---, ~ ~ -;r i x.atyr ', ,.mass sr~L*er paid, cn tna lstlvY ,;t November
<br />~~i_.., :?;z~" S:;t:3z'r n:2rc?Jt sisal J stave tr:e apt i3n t0 at:Ce:3araTe Trrc *?3 T!.,r i ~,: 4f T77G> note
<br />~, .r;is nz?r?ga,a is ~ .-;?n as Sacz,ritY. at any tine arras i-^~ I(7fh tcan
<br />*aer 4rrs?' c;sirq ta;:= urgersignea ;;r the then Danes of tn2 ,~ra^sises described harsin
<br />a. ;#'r~r=i~~t ids tr, 7~~.^.c3^tw~ d at5°a'i3:iC2 u1 'YS int27:# 70 t~G 5:3. my `Jf B~~yifk.rit t~€
<br />.:. _ .._; ~~"~~ -`i Yir?„2 ~--# T^? ~~er_-'=>= _,r Tnij r~pr;~n snaS 3 _,e ,yi?r,-_ut rrPn,.a)•m2n';'
<br />.v_„ x~) Ar., ..~`U_..ias<al acaan~es ..,. by 7!;e Rss .=ts'on *.o S~rTgagur, ~r'bri;agor`s
<br />_..~__,..~ ,r ride, tur any pu =osa, at iha r~p?ien ut rn2 ~>s:~c:aticn, as env :imp h~fore
<br />•,,easa arG tar:calJa7ion of tt'~is ?~rtca~e, cu7 at n.. #i^+e s,ra3i finis tbrtraga se.:ur@
<br />on ~caunt eT sa;d on Ginal note and sup'e adaiti:;rai advances In a sam i~ e;ccass
<br />•fi~L1~'>3Di~iJ fi)id~3?` TMC3USAND AtaD NGZiD'3-__----------- ?c! lass; prc+vided that nothing
<br />.-.. , . „?^t<.^.i-,~G sraJ:. ~2 43nsi„-er£'d a> 3 ifiitin~ '.'t& ~r..~s;;'~i '113'# shwJ t ne SeGt}r2d hereby
<br />.. ~san~c # ~; 7':,te _' Y^2 5f>C1;ri 7y ~r in ac=ar 3.i?k-:e wi7r C.C=.~~nantS CCSnTdlneG in this -.
<br />"s'.
<br />. .,-., ~r`0, ;^,a~r>:;rt7Y~i ~~.55, ';SCSc~ ire 5c1'+t5 are Isrt}t5 T'"-~ iC13 ~L«5';G CG':^.Lri?ACSP.g• Tf:3~ wP~iE~S,
<br />.•._ __ f ~7~~+r .~ - ~~.er „# sa~_ ~___,3t:an, ..~: exac..._,_ - ..aTe it .:ritir,a tv _aid
<br />_..__s?+.e-, T~ rapa,+ sin, of :tx~rtey,, aitn interesT, ,r, payntert3 as >et Perth ir, salt;
<br />._ utsq arly ~d asi 3s3Diti~':3's 3G3-aness, ri?^. I.i'£ri:5t, Stttl na= ~t•areec }.^, a~lde i:•y t^~
<br />.. ~.-~ „its. t~.;~ ~-.3'+is +-, 53 u` ~S>vi.?3': ix, ariu ,uca Sr~-.i: 'i=~iiia„"„s 3~~p'Tc"'C vy ifi5
<br />.. :,3r,~ s' %Ji i'rGi.TGf S~ 3Te z! .3L~y'r2s~rt7 8`.E~, {9O 71~"a~~}'~8^y3'b£:
<br />~ - T{t fc~- tt38 i R°.r£~3tedncss r~i'ghy ~E~.~re3 Lf:.'" ? v a. •.. t ti E i >=at~ i i aracE w i i; ~ ttn.2
<br />~-tsrs ~_. t"e ator,asaid rrissorx `ate ared any ,~Ths:r nc~t€=_ er agree+llEni~ #or a:;ditional
<br />~~~~s as ,provid trer Jn ~n~d 4i Y,~is '.dortGscJe a+~;t7 ~turtn$r agr~s that at the stile opTicn
<br />"--~;=r #~ tt~a #iaaa ~# pay>~nF ry# ahe ind~bte#Tess nareiy secured, or any por"iun there-
<br />:~~ ~ 'axtet~d or ressew d arxs~ pt.rtiatt :~# fits premises herein described may,
<br />.a;Sr:~:x.yt aaota,;~, re#eased #r 'the Jian #+ereo# without refaasing or affecting the personal -
<br />:;mu : ~iy of #t,Ak»"Tgpr her'~3r, for tae pay~++t Qf said i ndebtcdness then Tema i n i n<a
<br />pai~J, ter! n+r~t ;,it~nc~ in 7`he rawnership ~# spfi0 premises shalt release, reduce yr ;~?herwise
<br />:_ -t y ~~.s: ~e#; Jiabi9it°y ter, ifiie kie:y <erebY, cre;,ted.
<br />_, itn~rsigrrad ras€:rves the righ# tc T+repay t1ils rote la wrote :x in part on, ar.y
<br />-;i::7ftsrent payzr~nt G;;#e .prix:` tq ? years firr~m ?t1e dete h~,rn..-,1 by the p:~ym~r~t cf ci 1
<br />.. ~r;,,E;d ixa2~~rest to #bs date-of su;~h-pr8paymen~ tr~.gather wits -~ ,re~,%~ym2n7 ie_ ,~,kua~ ;r
<br />_-_-un# tc ?cD Gays interest on the. ~arao+~nt so prepaid; ~r:d i# -rain ~.7•_:r ,_h J:: r. 'here.
<br />_„ ~e no prep ay'fient ~ee_ T3~r~ prep ay>r~a;t fee so _. ~_d she;; ;1sr ~.+c~eq tnv n~atin~wr,
<br />