<br />7g-~' ~~'~~ EXPANDABLE 3~ORTGAGE
<br />g7?3~3_~
<br />ASSIGNMENT OF RtNTS Loan No. _'"
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Fic`rarc J. ?s~erne urd Rut?: A. ,Dine , i.usi,an3 erne :,°ife.
<br />(hereinater called the Mortgagors? in consideration of the sum of
<br />1itiAty Pica theusanc nine hcrcrec collars an:. ,o'iG3-------------- Dollars i5 `::3 c~0.00::::)
<br />loaned to Mortgagors. do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOGIATl~trof Omaha,
<br />Nebraska, (hereinafter called "Commercial"l, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in the County of,
<br />State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />---Fart of Lot a of 'iverside .err Su:::.:sior of °art c` Sectic^. ~9,'~ov:ns is 11 ;;omit, ::ante
<br />° :gzst of t'.:e 6th F.f; i . riall C _ .,._:.. ~s.a, corr.-en~in~ at a r_ eiat 2i-3.3 acct South~o_` the
<br />?~ corner cf Lot 1C of~,._i? Rivers _ .- ... c,,- -. _~:cn('•;',,ich neint _~ also the :; .: corner of
<br />;_~'_ _ ut sai~ ._iae__idec_,._.. .. __ _~_-.- ......... _..~_:c. _.,ut, nor G -istanca ..: 118.'--! ..eat r;tn^.-
<br />ri-tE t'.:erce :crtlt~c 3°vC i "£ast .c~.r a~ lac- 'i:erce ..ort:: 39°~5 ~/2't,est ,156.5 _ect,
<br />~;;d ~' ,,., 1 _. ties,,_., ._^ _eet [o~t'ste place o. .epi...,irg,containirar.58 _.res
<br />`"1~ct1;~E`Ah~Bn°t~ HUtUtTHE SAME. w,th the appurten-?n;zs thereon;c he!anging. unto Commercial, its succzssorsandassigns, ierever.
<br />Sa+d Aktrt~gars neretry cavznant w+tn said Co,^me:uat its successors and ass:s~,s tltat Mcrtga,ors arz iawfuilY sei>_ed ui said premises, that
<br />they ,rz frez `rom ~raimbranc2s, and that th;ti w.!! `...z... ,,arrant a.d d2rend i2 b,,z tc said premises against the lawful claims of all persons
<br />w~amsazver.
<br />Provided. nevertheless. thesz p:resrnts are;pcn me f^''.^a,ng tn,:d,t~crts:
<br />fiat wi?2reas Hrz said Mdrtgagar as ,,*ntibzrS of l:o'n"'~erra: ha v2 th+s date exzu:izd a nett evidznring such loan and agreeing to repay said
<br />sum o? m,ney, wits rnierest, in paymenrs as set ierth ;n sa~.d na;e and ha~~ agreed tc abide d!r m2 terms of said :rote and Charter and Bylaws of
<br />C:arn!escrai.
<br />Thai vfie,~as ffiis roorigag2 5ha!1 szu:re ~7° aartrR,a ativa,^,rrs x+fi ,aterest. wh,cfi may. at the eptSan of Gommercfal. be made by Cam-
<br />mercaa+ ka the undersigned 1ldrigagar or tneir surcessc;s ,n i,f'_ fat any purposz at any time netorz the rz!zase and carceliahon of this mortgage,
<br />`~!`.ii PRt71'3DEt1, HLWEVER. at na t+m2. shah the aggregate C:+nC:a; amount secureo cy this mertgagz, iKrng ihz amount due a[ any time on said
<br />on~aa! node a~ any ~ihora+ advanrzs a~e_ zxce2d an amecr.t cruai to 1?G percent or the amount of Me origina; note, but in no event shall
<br />said.wt2 2z*xed the maz+mum amount perm+tted b !aw anC PRDV{DED. Hv^A'EVER. That noth,rrg h2rzin Ccnta;nom shall es considzred as hmitang
<br />amxmt L'iaf slrai3 t>z s2car2a n2r2try wt;2„ adv3ncrd tc rote[t the securia~ nr ,n a~~ardanc2 w+th cavenants cantainzd +n the mortgage.
<br />- ,`'•:'-$~g3'; - _ ': eve - x nr-~~, n _ - - - -~.- - c7 ~ c. u ' - , ufc, mrv airy 'cum iii fie res
<br />addrYtonai advances made anti! sa+tlad2bi +s fu;iy p3Le,w,ih ~ntetzst~Ehenvthzs2 pr2senrs shalt k vn,d~ atherx,s2~ to b2 and remain in cull tone and
<br />ef'fec't. +~t if Oefaui2 shdr,(d ce made:
<br />ia? fa any of the ~ymtxsts due do sa+d naIe. and any .,thee note for adtliLana! advances made. as thzr2,n agrezd to ba made to three ^rdnlhs. er
<br />}+ !a ke?pmg ifce improvema-ats on said pret:uses {nscrzo a;a~nst !nss by ;2ason Ci i+re. ~rghtning and tither ha?ards included +n 2atzr!,ied
<br />cdv2rage InSdranC: In an amddn# not 1255 than L'7e anpa+d 'ila':anCe Of Sasd morigag2 lean. !n a cn.^pany err Wm}Hn+BS ai.CBptabiB tC Com
<br />;ttercial. ttr2 original of such pn{iry dr paficizs is ~ he'd by Ccsm2r;ral, and w•+ih a mortgagz Clause attached to saitl policy err policies.
<br />;n favra of Crrmmet;.ial: nr
<br />.. 1n the payme;;t of Ines and assessr~n>< !2v!ed upai sa°o pr2m+szs. cr an ih~~s mortgage. 6e`ore ttizy are delinquent: or
<br />ttl+ If there s aay change ;n L1e ownership cf tf}2 rai zstaYe mortsa~d berzw by sale 2ah2r c_+Ir,gf;t a~ 'ay land contract. err ty ass+gnment of
<br />app ;merest tl?eraoa er nS~2rwrs2;
<br />tRar. ;n Shy of ~ abdve set-faith .vents. the a::^.~~e +neeht;?~ess ae:eay s2rer2d s:+a1i, at the spoon at C.,.mercial, immediate=v beerom2.,»' and
<br />Kahle wi~Dxi further ndiice. and in2 amount due tinder sa;d note antl any uthzr note for add+t;anat advances radz shall, itar the date of ffie exerr+sz
<br />Of sa>d pPti~, ;erotic srs&s2sf ?f fte Tazimuh +ega? ra - per annum. and tors mortgage mar the: 62 firerles2d tc sat.s;y the amount d°,r2 nn sa+d ndte, and
<br />any :finer n:;~ fm autiitidnal advances. hgether wntn a!i sums pate by Comroerciaf for ,nsutance. taxes, asszss^e;,is and abstract'_xt2rtsi.n r;rarges.
<br />nfn :n~test Hereon ham fire date of paytnc>r;t a the saxiivum I~as rate.
<br />Fdtt;Y1DEC ina# ,n nc event e;tn2r bafm2 or after dztau!#, shalt fine ,nter2st 3'a2 under sa,d note and =*~s ma;tgage and a:,v 2iher rota for ad-
<br />W:Vla3 ad~ac2s 1"u~:S't'26 the n$%+.~*, !aw`fcl inf6'act iatf.
<br />PR!;V+'uEL turIl?2r. +nat r* Ltie event that C.faa!t Dears ,n tl+z !aak,ng ci the ~yT2;;*.s o~ z cn sa.d np,?. amd prr app ewer note for addittanai
<br />adva,.~5 as ;ner2;n agrzec. ?c x made, cr n xeeprng thz *~ =^iss=_ ,neared. as tier v2 ,,rout r~. err ,? d2?a~; x rade ;s tirz pay:neni of the taxes
<br />v': ass2ss~!ns !2w2L' upan 2r2 p;=a:c;s2s atk;ve n=sr;,ben ?r upan L"as meri~gz. ~fa~ tiny a:e t} ;a~ ae!snrrcent :_~^t~raat shaEi beenhtlzd
<br />> in2 ir>r~;,;f pos52ss:sr d. 'Jr2 prem+s~ ahdv2-~srr,tizc ii ~ih2; a,fi a.3 %ants zr..cezds err issues ans,rg 3,; of trz ,:zm,szs, and may
<br />ur ;ts d,52~Ei,an :rs2 d?e rents sc ter! a5 ~.t deems h2'r2ssarv =:o; tr2 purpa52 Oi ~'r.,n; r2IIa"> :.~aa^ mz -^r2~ss2s and'a: the payment ~*f tasuranc2
<br />p.~ams ..z~ ~ assessments upoe sutn preta:s2s arrd'p. neceSSarp zzpe;rs2S sadi ? :n ~~tr~s sa d a`a.,s=s aRd cot'eeting r~rt tl?e refrom-and
<br />~ alg+ry bm?R Dn 5ar: :rdtf 3rld any rY,teS e4}denL+ng Ttifii?2 ad;iat}r2S her2nnae' unI;i E"2 rode: tc'~neSS serurze 'S?oily 31~; 3t19 lot Such .•rtlrftJS2S.
<br />tOt urders+gires Ores trere9y sail. ass,gn, sei aver and ira-rsiar cola %darnprc,al a.! r' S,a'q 'cols. p~Pr2Pd5 erne ,nCntres ,rclud+ng dry land tazL2it
<br />payments mil Attl t~R nwrcr~s dr any loci ;names ai any u~• x~ratsxwr i;am sa d p:>t-dr,v n to ads;,r on the notes ahor2 described: Gat urd
<br />Cs~r~al Sher-`.l re :w ease OE s,atri2 f;;, ih2 ta,furz ~, ~arme ;ants *.C Cet+2Ct rants or to prds20.=te artr~s to retoc~r ;pssesv~ of sartl pt~srses_
<br />#~~pors fur+~x ;,point Commert+ai pt tlma5a, N +~xasLa. ttKC 3*,tomzr :°± `act ,,varc sa,d attsimey pawzr :rreseoC3drr, 2+thM do +ts orr°
<br />err #iari),~go5' names ti: take 3!1 nenessary Si2,r`S f;,r prt+reea:ngs ,n Caur", a! "v~!Frw~N ti- t'au52 S3,C pr2in,S?S #, he .aCaled. te =a1!gct center+s
<br />Jr C~ rhC:.iN~ dyE. aRd w!tAE.n b'Fi-,.'Hitt. TG rEi?t T9c Sd111?_ ~- FaKe ai; :e3sh1a2i2 ae*-s3~~5 3r;;; ~y Cxes per Df s3+d r~YS, ranfrt4 ion:€att pd~}r,ens Gr
<br />:rrcmees ~~ zs leer t(1 such tirstngs ~thet ~ ,tr ewm oif,rets a, oy tithe. .;rt,~ duly actflsueo anti apps!°:mr, the rt_ as rte agent for said purpas2, ~
<br />3o r3arge Fr ~y a rea~rabie tae far sut:,h s2rv+r2s a!, at Tw asw t; U2 d3n.2 al Such t~~rr2s and :n sum ^ca+mer err+" cn earn teams as ?d d:zra sa,c
<br />a±4omrs mag'~em Best. w+tr lust ate! c! srtLSf Lr?r5n=_
<br />The ikrrigsgor> Adreiw agree first ii Camrrarrra: z,ther zniv~i[a : , n. fc;ar: ~y n2con2s _; ,s 'lace a past} r, any suit d: pr d2~rrg relayng
<br />Yc Cre #~e+rttefisr2 desrrrirec real estate..... r.s mur'e~~ge - s..+~ '<:_- ~. rtes , he gran a fo,2.~wsure insniu.2tl by Lann;2rtrai. Mr;rigagcrs wr!i
<br />;st~rerse ".amrnercrat for ;alt r~smati4e ccs~ ;rsrz<r~~^ iw Cammerr._.. : sup:. ~z2~:,^g ne fa;,r*_gagors> *!?,e: a-r~ *rat;i the here+nuef.,.2
<br />descsb~ leer' estate tx Say ~rF t~reci iae condemned under 2:r2 aower~:,i ~,rrent ,dorra,n :; ;s othzrwrsz acquired !err a pubs.c us?. drz v'arag2s
<br />aW f1rC th9tXltS{S f~ ~ 381c+ng. aad ern tn2 r~rs.s*~t*_ir~t inr such 3~ersct:"^ +.-.. k2 ex~±t of itr2 fu!; amount t the remain,ng unpaid rndeb22d-
<br />hess SeCUte6 2y C:is innit~ge, be, ;gad ner2tt; are. ass,gn2d ter~mnrrtcsai and ~,;;i ne pa+d fOrthwrth to Camm2ruai td +x applied do accaunf :f
<br />'$tE *aiYi S: a'Tks~ idSSdiii vi `w~i iFs'"~' ~v. _
<br />-'a'oleLr Cab. lit;^. gyv df '4to~r ,A 7 _ - ~ ' -
<br />- . i 4
<br />~i 731E $fl1G~ Ut:~.p ~~ ~ s' o~ T~ + L..v h 1. _,.~_
<br />r;
<br />-1%
<br />1 Guth A. ':.sL°orne
<br />SPATE flf A1~
<br />- ~ T 1~t32 ~ ~ vctaiter __-_ i9 ! ~ beiorr toe, a notary pub?fir in and for sa,c County, personally came
<br />aDa~aae¢id
<br />Ri.hard 3. ~s~a=rte and ?Lt. A. ~siorna, i'nsbard erne Yii~e.
<br />fn ~ writ kaoym ~ be Cie Identical petbthr or persans wixcts2 name is err names ere aff+x2d In me a>rave nrcrtgagd as grantor or grantors and they. he
<br />of sue, s2veraly aeMA~+aslre+!r;mt ntiar L•`rereet. to tz fn2ir .uiuntary act and dozd. ~
<br />{~11•~IUe-~ i
<br />1lMTNESS my nand ~~ r~i ve wr+tten. ~.~: .~
<br />'v C~[a7r PG bill
<br />Ml` camaniss+un expires ~ the 2~>'`~ day ci _~-*LiGIJS ~- --- tq LS' . ~ hq_'p
<br />