<br />79--' t~(3~"~'1`} EXPAi`.TI~ABi.E 1VIORTGAGE ;_;,;-;-=
<br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Loan No..____-________.
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN?S: That Ri.ci:aid .' . ~,..,. ^~, anc P,tl: !.. : aborne, t:::.1;~nc ,~..^.r. x't <~.
<br />f (hereinafter called the Mortgagors) in consideration of the sum at
<br />Tt:irt_ :'ive theusard wire hundred doLars and :!c,~iOG-------------- Dollars (S=„3' ~,~, `^-'~-?
<br />loaned to h"ortgagors; do herabX grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSf1CIAT16fV~cf Omaha,
<br />Nebraska, iheremafter called "c,ommercral"I, its successors and assigns. the following described real estate, situated in the County df,
<br />State of Nebraska, to-wit: _
<br />---Fart o~ LCt O~ riverside rarer Sty' ~, . _s_~.. o.` : u. _ o i'ACticr. _ Tc*..,.st;i 1_ .'?er" :and e
<br />9 ,iESt o? tae Eth ?'.,. in Ball :.e~-_- _,.. _.,__:, cc:. ~,cin£, i._ aoint ~~'~.,, fee* ~„uth c'" t%e
<br />i:E corner c= het 10 of }sale °ivers_ e ~ar~. .. _:_ ._ . _ _ _ ~ i~~'ric:^: rcir_t is also tie .: ~, corner of
<br />Lot 9 e: said Riverside _ _.: Su_di._: -ion( .....,.._ ~ ~.,~..ce Soutt: .-__ a stance a ii8.. _ ._ run-
<br />.~L - thence :dert'~ 83ou. err ~ r _ea :e-tce ..orth ^c 1/c"e.. 1 ~ ~ et,
<br />•~ ~ . ,a-1. '`: place c Pt .r.a~..`,~c...,a_r_nr..~~ ~cre~:
<br />ard~'. u~8~'ri~EtAt€o~~rg H~~`THE aA'dE. with the apfurtei.r~c.s :hzrz~ ,e hztengrng~~unto Commercial ifs successors and assigns forever,
<br />Slid f,4crigagors hereby covenant w!th said Commercal. !ts surcessors ano assigns. that :','ortgagors are lawfully seized of said premrszs, that
<br />they are frze freer, encumbrances, and that they win tarzver warrznt an9 defend the titlz to said prem!szs against the lawful claims of all pzrsons
<br />whomsoever.
<br />Provided. nevertheless. these preszats are upon the faflowmg conditrons:
<br />That whereas the said Mortgagors zs me,^rbers cf Camr..zrcial have this date exzcuted z note ev!oer.cing sucn loan and agreeing to repay said
<br />sum of money, with :nkerest, in payments as set forth !n said rate and have agreed to abide by thz tzrms of said note and Charter and 8y-Laws e(
<br />Commercial.
<br />Tnat whereas this mortgage shall secure any additional advances. ,vith interest. which ray, at the option of Commercial, be made 6y Com
<br />menial to the undzrsigned t,Rortgagor<_ ar thzir successcrs m title far any purpose at any hme before the release and cancellation of this mortgage.
<br />but PRDV!DED. tiUWEVER, z( na f!mz shah the aggregate pnncrha! amount szcurzd bv~ this mortgage. 6zing the amcunt tluz at any Irn!e en said
<br />original Hate and any atldihonal advances made. zxcezd ar, anaunt equz! tc Ii0 percent df the amount of the angina! note, but in no went shat!
<br />szid note exceed the maximum amaur!i per~eit±ed by law- and PROVIDED. tfDF7EVER. that noth!ng herein cantaineG shall be considered as limning
<br />Chz 2maunt that shale. 6e szcurzd hzrzby whin advzrczd to prcteci the secunty ar in acnrdance ,vith covenants cantainetl in the mortgage.
<br />New. if the said !i;ortgagars shall pay ar dause Ic be ~i9 the saki sums of :money when d z. as set forth in said Holz, and any other note far
<br />ac4~itianal advanczs mad= uhtil said debt is fully pa!d vn" .merest, ;ilea These nreszn±s shaft b veld; otherwise, io be and amain in full fordo and
<br />eftect: i»:t if dzfaast should be made:
<br />i,a) fn am of the paymznts due an said nett. wad any other note ter addit!onai advances made, as therein agreed to 6e r°ade to three months, cr -
<br />rbi fn keeping thz impruvzmenfs en said aemses insured against loss by :zas~n of Ere, hghtnrng, and other hazards !nc'.udzd in exiznded
<br />cwzrage in>urance +n an amount net less than thz unpaid ca!aric2 of said ma'tgage loan. in a company ar companies zcceptable to Gom-
<br />mzrdia!, thz angina! df suite eo!icv dr piic~es tc hz hole by Co;~!~:z;aal. and with a mdrtgage clause attached to said policy ar oolides,
<br />rn fairor of Cemmerca!: or
<br />iC'~ in the payment df fixes and assessmzr.is levied open said preTrszs, zr ca finis m-^_r+.ga;e. before they a;z delinquent: ar
<br />des 1f utzrz is any cha.7gz in t;.e awnzrship df +hz real estatz mo;tgagzd hzre!n. 6y sa!z, eitnet auttight cr ty !and camtaci. or by assignment of
<br />any interzst therzon er nth=raise:
<br />tlrz;r, In any of the a~ve set-forth evznts. Lhz wha!z indzbiedr,zss hereby szcured shall, at the option f Commercal, immediately become due and
<br />;zyabtz without Farther notice, and the ama~ant due under said nfz and wry oL`:zt note (ar additional advances radz shad. fror, the data of fine exerd:;z
<br />of satd option, tzar interest at the maxi.",um .e^a! rail par annum. and Gi!s =artgagz may thin ~ foredosec to satisfy :~,z andurt due en said ndfe, and
<br />am athzr note for eddriiort2! advances. tagzthzr with ail suss paid by Commercial for insurance, taxes, asszssments and abstract zztens!ar: ehargzs.
<br />a~ih ,merest thetear. team the dale of payment ate ^,axi,,;um !zga! rat°.
<br />P{i0Y!DED =hat in na evettt. eifier before er attar detaut. shall the inizrzst due undzr said note and this ~artgage and any ot!;zr note for ad-
<br />drbanai advanczs made azdee6 thz maximum. ;aa#ui interest rata
<br />rR3Y=DED, further. that rn hie event that +zfauit oc' Mz ^:ai;:ng of fie da~, ..nts d~ e an said a^, an any ether note f ~ adtlitranal
<br />_a++ances, as th-,arr. agrezd is n°. T, _ n~ kez~ ,2~ n .s__ ...red- zs auav revidzd. cr !. dz-a t bz a e ;n thz ~}ment~zf thz taxis
<br />~. as~ssTenis ~=_vrzL :pin th~ p!encses aCf~ee d s - ,_ ~ y . ths mctigagz. hznre Inzy arz M aw dz .n;cz^' Ca^T:zrc!a: steal: bz entitfzd
<br />_ ff+, fzdiate pas=_essran a' +he ; z .iszs aa.•. azs,. be ;,,e;h_ w~th ai' :zr,ts v.d'ezds an„ ss..> a:.s premises, 2nd ray
<br />*s dscrettc~ usn thz r~"s sc fa, as ..zz`<~.c -_._>s.•_, _ ~ _ ,crposz df ^rakrns._,a ~su•_ ~±z,r_mrse a .-_ Jaymzntaf insurance
<br />pr?n„iu^=_. taxes and asszssmznfs open such przr~ses. and for nztzssa y exenszs incurreG :n ;ent;ng said ;,rzn,szs and colizci!ng ;ent thzretrdm. and
<br />~. apply sane on said note and amt noizs zvid~tz!c,g `;.u::z a aIIrczs hzizundzt ones! Mz !ndzbtranzss s._ . d +s f_! v pa,d: and far such pu~tpases,
<br />the endetsigr~ dc+zs "eta;fr seal. ass!gr; s2i ;vzr and :'ars'2t n ~ _o^-z a: aIi of sai~ ;e9;s. p ~ , > and s rnc;ud~ng any laird cantract
<br />~yarents ~z mr,rtgagz owners o. any athzr ~ncerzs f any typz x'natsdever ,r ,T sa,d eroez tv to ~ a;.d,ed on tnz Hates a:n:vz-descnbzd: aril said
<br />C~'mzrciai shat' m nc wse bz !;abiz for the fai!utz ic. proca'e :znants. tz do"zdt ra^,ts ~ secure ~, : s ;. a.. Fa- pusszssran of said ptemrszs.
<br />The khArtga~rs harrSw.r app mf Cd~~rga± of Dmaha. Nedraska Ihzir attcrnzy ~.* _~, g!v!ng '/a.2 a:;cTey uowzr urzvocabiy, either an its dwn
<br />narrz of !rlvrigagors' names Gd fakz all nztzssary steps fc urxezdir:gs :r _ , oulz-afsz t. caesz v o p:em;szs t., b°. vacated, to ca{!eat ten±a!s
<br />Or 0"v-'I2r incJ~ t:s du?, and wh¢n vaLa<li. t~ r2f22 the SamE-~t:. ;^ake a! :'2sa'aU`2`'2,7a.~S a"d- Via. :dt?c ~:? _` Sa:"_ :2r!ti. 'raft ts. Ca'l tract payi'2n 15 or
<br />;names and tc do all s;ch thi;rgs either k~ !ts wan ai{cz ~ .,' M this part z alp a~n ~ ,ad __,- _ + c :ry .! as its agznt'c' sa,d purpose. and
<br />to chargz ar ~y a rasaiab!e fez tdr s,:.h setv!zs. a :f toes a.n<ve tc ne ~-ne a. xvh :, es anC ,° s:. ~ carne and an such .erns as to their sa!G
<br />attorney may s~ bast. kith fiuii -how>r of s!,°tsb tuiirn-
<br />The tdortgagars hereby agnz ihaj ±f Ca~irz~c a e h_; ~ ~t 'p :, .s:v :,n+Wr. e ~ ._ z a ~;n :o an, s,, t cr prxezCrng rerafrng
<br />ifl the hzreinbefiare describzd rzai astt. _. r.. pis .~a gr -• s~ _ .,... r ._. ~t,z .. ~_s,:. „ _ . i,,~ ^ arc al. k?„-tgagors will
<br />reir~;s-,- i,'._%,er%iat : t a1 ;ease, able .est. ._~ z. ~ ~ _ . s.. ._ r = f! t . agrze that ,f thz here!ntwforz
<br />¢esfritard teal estate dr any part tier ' x . :_ , de:~ h- ...,v_- r: e , ... _:... - rarsz alai-rE!_ i~.:: a pubfrc !Ise. thz damages
<br />awa;rt-Cd, iAe F.x~ds for #hz taking. a.,~ u, ~ s .. ~..~. _.~ _ z _. ' * ,,,.ant .f the rzma :t.ng unpa d rndebtza.
<br />razss ;earr~ !+f this m,ertgage, :rz a^d thzy rerz}nr re ass,;:e~ _ _~. er a a . >.aTM u 7d -o mw rte „ U,?-ertial to be appl!zd an accaunt of
<br />the fast ;ra~rring insaif?ents o' sod; :nezbtednzss _
<br />r'.,a' ~C iyis- ~?t day t. - -'- - ._.__. '7_ (^ }.
<br />Ili TriE PRESENCE OF:•~ ~ r`'' ! ~ 1 ~~ ~ ~- r` -
<br />t{ ~ / /
<br />~ .L H/
<br />Ruth 4, ;^s:;c_,c,e
<br />COUNTY OF `:F.yi
<br />Z2Tf1 ICt Ot Er 7`-~
<br />On 1Nis dxv of _ __-_ , fg __ . t>ifdrz rnz, a natary frrb!ic m and inr said County. personally came
<br />Yrte allaxe-named -
<br />~niccard :;. Gs~cre and Fr:t:~ F.. Os"r:rrnE, --_°`:a.-:d and ,: `e.
<br />to me wet! knr~wrt th be thz idzntipl person nr pe°ans whose Heinz is :r. names viz af' Azc to the above marfgagz as g!antor cr granr;;s and lhzy, he
<br />er she, sevz2tly xzcuton thztzof rd to to-,, e>;~lun.tarr actan.d deed.
<br />~~-EfN~a dl
<br />WITNESS my hand I~~~~ff~t+~`fi ve wririen. ~ ~, !""
<br />- - tinter; Put!ic
<br />~~`-' rte. -des c' f' ~G rr~_~ ~ ~ ' P,; fir.
<br />Ffy toi4missr6n exams on the_ y ~ -.-.-_ ..-.---~
<br />