79- ~~~1~
<br />Lender's written agreement or appiicabie !aw. Borrower shah pay the amount of all mortgage insurance prmiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph Z hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest there~an, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by ibis Mortgage. Unless Borrower anti Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shah be payable upon notice from I.tndtr *.o BDrrou'er requesting naymrnt thereof, and shalt i,war interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from Time to time on outstanding principal under the dote unless payment of
<br />in:etrst at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable taw. Nothing contained in *.his paragraph 7 shall require Lender Ee incar any expense or take
<br />any aMion hereunder.
<br />8. Inspection. Cetider may make or cause to be made ;easonable entries upon and inspections of Ehe Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prier to anc such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />4. Coadtmuation. The pra:teds of any award or claim for damages, direct ar consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking D` the Pmpeny, Dr pan thereof, or for enm~tyanct in lieu Df condemnation, arc hereby assigned
<br />aEtd shah be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the prkeeds shall bt applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with rite excess, if any, paid to Sormu~er. in =,he event of a partial taking of the Property°. unless $ormwer and Lender
<br />othrraist egret in uniting, three s':ail be applied to the sums s.cuted by this Mongagt such pmp_nrtior. of the proceeds
<br />as is equal io that proponior, which the amount Df the some secured by this 'siongage immediately prior m the date of
<br />taking bears tD rite fair market valor of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid iD Borrower.
<br />If the Propem• is abandoned t+y Borrower or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award Dr seY.k a claim for damages, B.:rmwer fails to resiw nd to Lender within 0 days after the date such notice is
<br />matted. Lender is authDtizrd to mliest and apnh the pnviceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoratic + or repair of the
<br />Pnperty or to the sums secured by~ lifts Afongage.
<br />L'niess Lendtr and Borrnwer otherwise agree in writing. am' such application Dt pr~:etds to principal shall not etttnd
<br />or postpone the dui date of Fitt morihiv installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and '_ hereof or change the amount of
<br />s:.3':^ irstalltxnis.
<br />I8. Barrower \ot Released. Fxttnsion of the time for payment er modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />b}° this b4ongagr grained by Ltnder 2n am' successor ir. inirrest of Borrower shah not opttare to release, in any manner,
<br />.~ r,=t,;a;.~• .,s _t,.,. __~ nit ti..,~.~~~ n~ ttr:.r,1 - _ _ ieterti_ _ lender sha_ II ^ot Le tYOUired to commence
<br />prw^trdinge against sixh successor nrVrcfitsr *.a~txt.~nd time for payment or otlterwist mDdif}~ amortization of the sums
<br />stcurrai by this Mortgage icy reason of any dtmanil made h} the original Borrower and Borrower's sucersscn in inter°si.
<br />ii. Forlsearauet by Lender \ot a Wai~rr. Am' forbearance be Lcrder in txerising am right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />othrivisc afforded by applicable taw, shad not be a waiver .~` or prmludr the e~erise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The pttrcurrnxnt Df insursrice or tilt payment of taxes or o*.her ?tens or charges 6y Lender shall not M a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to anxitrate the taaiutity of the indebtedness secured br this \icngage.
<br />IL Remedirv C~o}atice. Alt remedies provided in this ?.i.~ngage are distinct and vmulativt to any other right or
<br />,e:med:° under this Martgage Dr a#Icerdrd Fv law ter tauin~. and may i+e extrzisrd :oncurrent!v. independently or successivel}•.
<br />23. Sacressms gad lssFgas Bound; 3oint and several [.rabi6fy; Captiotrs. The cm'tnants and agreemtnts herein
<br />:antaiixd shal3 bind, and the rights here::ndrr shalt inure to. the ;esprttivr successors and as<igac of Lender and BotTower,
<br />sirbjc~ tD six prDaisioas D# paragraph t' 'Erre<~f All rnvena;•:is and agreemtnis of Berrcwtr shall be joint and several.
<br />Ttx captions and hudings D'i the paragraphs of this Mongaee are for convenieact only and are not io I+e used tD
<br />inttrprei ar define the provisions hereof.
<br />I4. Notitt. Etceept for env tsotire inquired under applicable tau- to be given in anothes manner, ia4 ar»' notice to
<br />Bcrra~;xer provided #or in this bin^gagr shah be g±vrn M• mailing su^h notice b}' cenihrd mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />t#ue Pn•tprm' ~ddtrss or at such other address as Bnrrourr may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />;fit anc nciti><t to Lender sh=11 be ¢iven M~ certified ,nail, return receipt regetrted, to f_rrdtr c address stated herein Dr to
<br />s°ael*. other address as Ltnder may desienatc F} rioti'~e is Born~wrr as provided herein. .Am m3tice provided for in this
<br />Mo*:gagr shall ist dre.-nzd to have iaern given to BorTMwer or Lender when given in the manner designated herein-
<br />Ii. `.;aifara Mortgtge; Governing Law'; Sesrrs60ih~. This form of mangage mmtsines uniforr„ co,-enanis far natioasl
<br />list sad sxin-~:nifo~m c:;~tnanis weth timstrd variators by ?uris.',ittion to constitute a unifom serurin• i ,.nittitnt -.-Deering
<br />txxl proptny. This h#angagt shat! ht 3avtrxd be *.he law of the iutis3iction in which the PrDpzrtynis tented. In the
<br />rv'{.xtt that ary provision or daunt Df +his Mortgage Dr ihr \Dtt conRicts with appiicabie taw- such conflict shall iwt affect
<br />Dihcr prevu~tts of thts Mortgage or the \ott witsch can bt given effect without the conflicting provision, and tc ibis
<br />teal t~ prz visitrts of ahr Mortga,,se and the tiott are declared to he scvtrabic.
<br />ii. iiotavwser's Capy. iiorrD.tti shah tt futri>ted a sr;icrz_U _z~.y ~, rite Nc.s and o,- :hie h.4rrigagt a. the titnt
<br />of tzek^utiDn or after raordatsors htrtnf.
<br />iT. 2'rata~er of ~ I'rspertl: Aatcumpttoa- If s1: or sn.~ pan of the Pn pert}• or an inxtresi therein rs sold or t: ansfetrzd
<br />by Borrower wi*.trout I~ndrr's pile- written cDnsem. et_iuding ta) the creation of a lien or eitcumbranct subordinate to
<br />iit±s '.+ftxtgagt, fbl ins rreaticm of a purthast mime}~ sriurity interes[ for hDUUhnid appliances, icl a transfer by dtvix.
<br />dtsermt or by operation of lain upDr; the dtati. Df a joint tenant of tds the grant of am- irasehold intttest Df three }'can or less
<br />not ~ntaining ass option iD p~.ssrha~. Lender =na}~, at Ltndei s opuon. 3rciare x13 zl~e sums ~rured by this Mnrtgagt to be
<br />immediately dtu slid payable. Lendtr snail have aatvtd such option to arrrlrratr if. prior to Ehe salt or transfer, Lendtr
<br />and ihr person iD wham ihr Prcvpern~ is is be scald or trsns#rrr.^d reach agretinem in writing that the credit of such person
<br />is sa~sfactotz~ to L~ndrr and that the interest aav~abk or the sums strurrd by this Mortgage shall bt at s,ach rate as Ltnder
<br />siraIi rr~uest_ If lender has waived t:.. opiinn :o acxltratt provided in tilts paragraph 1', and if Borrower's successor in
<br />intemt Sas,..ae.-utrd a wTi*test assumpt;on amtnt a.. tpted in writing bs Lendtr. Ltnder -sttai7 rtitaS2 BDirwzr irottt alt
<br />ohiigaticros under this Mortgage and the Nrne.
<br />If Lendtr tser~s sti.:h option to s:srirrstt, L.tndtr shall mail Borrower nDtirt of acceleration in accordance wins
<br />paragraph l3 hereof. Such notice shah provide a period Df oat les=_ than 30 days from the dart the notice is mai}rd within
<br />w-irich Bairnw~t may peg tLu sums declared dtie. if Borrclw•tr fails to piny Bach sums prier tD the ezpiratior, of such period.
<br />Ltd tt_y, ~tiso*_t fut+d~r rx.~ticr er demand oat Borrower, insokr any rttntxiies permitted by paragraph 18 hertcs#.
<br />Vrn<-Ua.°trvacse Cov°ENak-rs_ $anxw~ts anti Lendtr #urttxr covenant and ages as follows:
<br />Ili. AerderatSrar lfearedlea. i~cep[ ~ pan:ided is p6 17 bereaf, upon Borrower's breach of any cavetrant or
<br />a of Ifte:rarrea Ia tgt's Madttgttge, intladia; tbt rnsrsaats b pay when due soy same scented 6y this Mortgage,
<br />Iedder t~ to accdesatiae aiiai aaas0 aWiee w Borrower as provided is paragraph Id i:ereof specifying: (I) ttte breach;
<br />421 clue arlka rur~rited ~ ague w~ breath; (Ji a duty; not teas rhea 3B days from tttr dace the entice 4s mailed io Borrower.
<br />by witieh each basaeie a~ ha e~ gad {4! ~ failure to cure such breach ou or be(are the date speci$ed is the notke
<br />aa~ rraah ~ aer~maliua M fhe nonce nerved M' this Morgage, foatxfoswa by judicial proceed'iag gad sale of the 1Profserty.
<br />11e arotfoe abaft faarther ideate ioeraawrr of tLr right to re3aatate after acceleration sod tlste tight to tt~crt io the faree6oeure
<br />~ee~ the ansttsiAtdree tai a dafaah or nay other defeaae of Borrower as aettivaciau gad [ateclostue. If the broach
<br />~ teal s~sd iM er before the dale sperliad ~ Ybe Burke: Leader ai Leaders optioau Wiry declare aft of 16e solos secured by
<br />tldl Meat~g ~ be dax earl pawahk witlwut further deauaod and a>sl forectaae by jndicid proceeding. Leader
<br />abaft be esBtled !a epBact 'u web proceedhrg a6 eaptwrs of fareciosnra iadudieg, but cwt linked to, cosYS of documeotuy
<br />e'ridoce. ahRrasrts teed lkle mpaaa.
<br />I!. Ibarrowea'a Ri)¢d W Rdtaatste. N.~,withstunding Lender's accdcraiion of the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />Borrower shell bane the tzghi to have Bay pru,-~tadings btgtm icy Lendtr to enforce ahis hfargagt discontinued at any time
<br />