<br />`~g° (~?~'7{~~ E X P A N I3 A B Y-. E 1110 R'~ G A G E -,,
<br />ASSIGNMENT OF RF_NTS Loan No. _:____~___
<br />KNOW A!L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That T;a?L;t: `.. ~oitner an: - atr~cia is, bor.aec, ....,-.u..,. ....., r, ..=N ,
<br />(hereinafter called the Mortgagors) in copsi~gration of the sum of
<br />ie... ,., ...ve theusana uc:aars u~:u .,0!'_00------------------------- Dollars (5'"`3-,,~~:=,.n; t;::)
<br />loaned fe Mortgagors, dp heeby grant, bargain, <_ell and convey unto COMMERCIAL fEDERAi SAVINGS AND ! OAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha.
<br />Nebraska, (hereinafter called "commercial°). its successors and assigns. the following described real estate, situated in the County of.
<br />Slate pf Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />wee >,Xi?1.L1-Y a iJdC~: 51G'C!'.
<br />TO HAVE AND TC HOLD THE SAPdE, with the appurtenances (hereunto belonging, unto Commercial, its successors and assigns, forever.
<br />Said t!crtgagors hereby covznani with said Commercial, its successors and assigns. That P,Sortgagprs are lawfully se!zed of saki pemises, that
<br />they arz free frr,m encumbrances. and ,hat they will forever ,vurani and defend the bite to said premises against I h2 lawiui c!a:ms pf al! persons
<br />whomsoever.
<br />Provided. nevertheless, these presents are upon the fa!iewing contl!fians:
<br />That whereas the said Mortgagors as member, of Co.rmerual have this date exzcuted a note evidencing such loan and agres:ng to repay said
<br />sum of mppey, with interest. in payments as set forth in said note and have agreed to abide by the tzr.^s' ar sa!d hate and Charizr and By-Laws of
<br />Commercial.
<br />That whereas tftis mortgage she!! seimre arry adCihanai advances. r,lfh mfe!zsf. which rray at the option of Camrizrcial. be made by Cam-
<br />,:,ercial to the undersia ed Pdnrtgagers or their successors !n bite for wry purpose. at env time before the rs'ease and tareetlabpn of this mortgage,
<br />bct PROVtOED. HOWEVER. at na Ume shall the aggregate =rinc!paI anpuni secured by the mortgage, being the mount due at any t!mz en said
<br />tng:nal ratz and any additional advances made. exczed ar, amoont equal to 11i? perter.t ai thz aR~oam of the er:g!nal nave, but In tie event Khali
<br />said no!e exceztl the maxi Hum amaup'•, permitted by taw. ane PROVIDED. HOWEVER. Ih3t noth~nz hzreln san:ained shall be .ansiderzd as !i^iting
<br />thz amount that shall t+z secured hereby w~`:en advanced top ,zct the secur:t; c. In accordance ieith covenants cr-ntainztl rn the mortgage.
<br />Ncw.:f thz said F.4ertgagors shat! nay or cause fc. ba paid the sa!d sums of .aeney when due. as set forth !n sa!d ^~te, and any ether Hate for
<br />a~:ficxlz! ad~nces made nail said debt is io!;y paid wrth interest then dresz presents shall pe veld: etnerrorse, to be and remain in ful' fo;ee and
<br />effect; but if dzfau!t should be made:
<br />~.a ;n any of the payments due do said rote and any other sore fof additional advances :-ado, as therein agreed tc bz made fpr uhree r an;hs, o.
<br />-• in keeping the improvements ar, said premises Insured against lass by reason n{ fire. Ilghtmng. and ^ther hazards included !n extended
<br />cav~rage insurance in an amount sot less than the unpaid ~!ahtz of Bald •ortgage lean. in a cpr.,paay pr companies acceptable to Cam
<br />r..ercia! me original of such polity cr Fa!itiBS tp be held by Cpmmertia!. and with a mortgage clause attached to said policy nr po!ic!es.
<br />m favor df Commercial; ar
<br />c ~ .r. ihP payment of taxes and assossments levied upon sold premises, pr an this mortgage, before !hey are delinquent; nr
<br />,.. If titBre is env changz io the ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale, either outright or by !and contract, or by assignment of
<br />any interest thereon dr oinerwise:
<br />eh~ 'n nay of Lhe above set-forth events. uhe vnc~?e ;ndabteth!ess hereby secured shalt, at the apii=on ei Cam,mercia!. immediaiety ~cume duz and
<br />pa~faba withc+at further notice, and the amount due anez: said rate and any other note fo=additional advances^..ade shall. Imm the aa;e of Lhe exercise
<br />,i said option, ?,ear interest 2t the maximum legal ;atz per annw~;, and th!s mortgage may Lhe<h !x farztlased io satisfy the amount due c-.. said note, and
<br />why aGrer opts tar additional advances. together with all su.^:s paid by Ca-mercia! for ;nsarance. taxes, assessments and abstract extension ehargss,
<br />a'ifi Interest ,7,erean from the date of payr•~e''!t at *rz maximum iegai :ate.
<br />PROUIDED Gat ..d event. either lefare or after defauif, shall the interest due antler said note and the mortgage and any ether note fa ad-
<br />d!haha: advances mader exceed fhe max:rum Iawfi~; !ntzrzst *ate.
<br />?;??tUIDED. ~-tNal, that in thz event That defa;.•ft xcurs m the raking of the payments due on said opts, ane pn any other retz for additional
<br />adr .cos. as G*,ere!n agru9 tc !a red°. a- !n nzrpr,:g the pr?.ises ;nsored. as above provided. ar ,f Gefauii be made in '.hz payment of the fazes
<br />asseas:h:nt= <er!n u; an me ya= s>s a-•ve ~ ~~•,r .~s =:.ri;age. bzrarz :!?ey = ~ ~r pan de:;nq~e , ~,--ercial shad !~ znnt!ed
<br />,~ bhe I~':edtat_ easszssan at ihz p - ;ses abr., ds~:;oec ,,,get .: 'rwth a rents. , :,,_, ds a.., .>s~es a'ismg a..; :' the premises. aid may
<br />,. _ a.~s£re: U.- use e::z rents sc •a. _ _~_c:= - ;,~ssan. ~= ti!2 ;,ur tsz of can!ng repa•rs uw. ,h. prenises and far trz payment of insurance
<br />prose;:--;s. mazes >~ assessments open s:;ch orz;:;;ses. anQ for n_„essag• expenses ireurred i,h rzn tmg sa!d prz-ises and ro!lecting rzn(iherzfroR,. and
<br />to apply same a, said sate and any notes ewde:rcr,g r °r;!re advances hereunder ;rntii Lhe :ntlebta~ness secu!ea .s #u!!y pa!d; and for such purposes,
<br />idz ,dercigndd does heresy s_- .ass ga set ov'2r apr7 _ •s+er _nt_ ~ .. _ ,.:; ? ? .z>eds a^! , zs ~ ,-!cdrr,g any 'and : trac
<br />poi^e^'s ;tee ~:,,tgage can€.s or a,: „r;e ,, a: zs o- a:s h;,_ sfia_soeve ,r 5a ~ ,, ~ r iy .d pz c,rr.ru an ~., n„te> aWve-described' ~i said
<br />~ m=_ra_! sn~ ~ m rFc ;.ass ~ ::ab!>_ f_r the fa~l!ere t ..,t:z'.enaais... tal!ect rents, _:. _ :es=cute aC!pns t_ recover pessessron of said pre:n!ses.
<br />iha ikartga~ars `urtiter apr'd+nt Co^r:zrc!ai zf Dmaha. tfebrasi,a, t^e:: attprney :n `att. giving sale aitomey power irrevatab!y. ether on Its own
<br />narrr. ar 4lsttgagprs' names to rake a:l racessary stews for praczemngs :p court or adlzrw:ce to cause said pre~n!ses to De vacatzd, to cpliect rznta!s
<br />, ,t>`,er r=,c~ars pee- an, w-;r~ vacant. to re!et ca sa`"a. tr -axe al: rzasanab!a repa!r and pay fazes .,~ct tit said rents. profits. c~.haet pagmzn's or
<br />,.C"vrt±`S a:;tl tt '- a'! suer fhingS 2!C1r' by 'S aw^ fr' _r5 r tio- ~:ri;e" EatteS CU 5' auihu-.Zed at'd apps tiled b)' it. as Its agent fC' Saly pU: pdse, ofd
<br />to chaggn ar may. a 2asixa~3re i::e t,r s;~ szrviczs. ar,. ti the aMve to ;m done at soon uses and is sacs ranrer anG r<n sorb terra as to thou said
<br />at`~ney =^ay see= ?nt x,Lh fui' ;,toe, :` scpsti•~.t~on
<br />tw<;-~ ~ > - r - ,- --._ C:3' .- ...' a =nit bei~•e> C _ ....Ge> Via! y .acs su•i 7- 3ir.g'eiahag
<br />f~ :;:e i,..>.n3afare drxr.r2d a! es~.r- :, ..,. ..+g,:,_ ,~ sair' -ate ~_r ~,2>5_tner :ha^ a `o~et ~>~e -svta;e~ !*~ .,a.r.merclal A;arigagars will
<br />.e .:_~IrSe tii"4^,.__.6- ,.i alt 'east~!apr ..,. ._ *S'~ ir--~:n'. C: a- r^ 52 5:,.. _7 -.,, ii22d:n~ 7"'2 .tea ~,0:5 `~'uh2; agrc'E %ifa: ~ tht' n2relnbetdiP
<br />~esCrtne+_ ;E3' 25ta:e 3r a'7F ,"~ i ..,, Cw _,;ndF^~ne9 .:,,^.der _h. ..,. Y_r 0` •'"'.lent ~'k' a:,.. -~::5 Cth_~w152 aip,:'?d `: a p_b:c ~Se. ins uu"a"agPS
<br />3waidea. !}!? ^Iv-~C.?8d5 TJr ?!£ `3king,~and 'a'. Te .,."S;QPf3_ .,, r 5!~Ch 3CyJ1S!tl Cn ?xt2nt ~! i ^c 1~'!' _ ~;;!1; ~f ih= !e^la!nl
<br />"; r ,' ., , ng unpa!d mdobtzd-
<br />;,e~ sect b; *!,s r-ortgaga. be and titer hzte~ are, ass!gnedVtc v?r+;T:erc;a! ane spa:ia(~ Palo icrthwlth io Curnero;zi to b? applred on actrn:!:t ar
<br />b're ias4 g:aturnrg ,ns~;t,sc;ts cf suite inDebtedness-
<br />ua$~~r,s _'_.. -~yaf_'.~~;°r -.iy-~ lJt i' t2~-~o-'/~ftB~J
<br />!ti THE r=R'tSEti~'t OE: ,~~~ 7 ~.__.-- _-__
<br />~-
<br />f fill F-'r," '.. :ionnfa^-
<br />STATEUFNE9f?A~tA aTric_a ... --Loaner
<br />i2~ vC~O::e3" 74
<br />On this. der pt `___ . 19 -- ,before me. a notary pun!!c .n and ter sale Caun!y, personai!y terra
<br />file above-nars~
<br />R~lplh S'. Fs~nn~r and Fatr_c:a :,. ~on;ter, aus;~an d a-c o-:i_`c.
<br />erson or persons whys? name is nr names are affixed '.o the above mortgage as ?raptor or grantors and they, he
<br />e, xv ~~~t strumcmi and fhe execution the;eo', fc ce tne!r vu'-~at3p• act ane deed. /'1
<br />iElOFRAf NOiApr ~ ~ ~~
<br />S m~liEaOf ~ thi day and year last above written. ~ % ~j/ ~~~~~
<br />1a111iiM11M ~i. 1~1 ~~1" =~'srz ~~ / E c
<br />/ y._.Ia~~. PJi?llC
<br />My commission expires on the ~~~ day of _ C/GU.~7 _ , i9~. Pl 50
<br />