<br />Foam too. 72fJ-479
<br />Loan Number__437b1______ 188___-1 ___
<br />?ro^ e,a,~; n
<br />
<br />_.... -
<br />THIS :~40RTtiAGE, made and executed this _._.1~t1-'-...----.__._. da}• of -..-OoLOber . --_---.__.._. A.D.,
<br />1~.-'~_-, between the htartgagor, ~ii,cho.7.as.-h.-- Herten.-and.-idancy. L...Merten,.-husband--ard. wife,
<br />Jointly-an3_each--3n.-thzir_R[?t[.-.fight>.._...._... -__ - - --_.-...._..... - _... -- - ..._.._...-..
<br />of ._Grand-.Island-.._,_- . ,County of -_-._ ball. -..__- . .. _.. _, State of .H.euraska-..._. ,hereinafter referred
<br />to as the Borrower, and the ~lorigagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOt'IATION OF
<br />LINCOLN, 1231 "N" Street. Lincoln, Nehraslta 68501, its successors and assigns, hereina#ter referred to
<br />as Lender.
<br />_. __.
<br />~ITNE.SSETH: That flte said Borrower far and in consideration of the sum of .THIRTY THOUS 92ID
<br />A\'ll 130i100-----------------------------------------Dollars (L;S 5- 30000,,00 -. _._------ )
<br />paid br said Lender, does heretic mcrigage, gran*. and convet- fo Lender, its surressors and assigns; the
<br />following described property la:ated in the Caunts~ of - ... .. Hall Stale of tiehraska:
<br />Lot Fight ($) in Fanner Clew Subdivision, Hall County, \ehraska
<br />Tcsi:rx>tt with all the improvements nos- ar hereafter erected an the pmpertc, and all easements,
<br />rights, appurtertances, rents. royalties. mineral, oil ard gas right and profits, water, water rights, and
<br />teeter _.foci;, and all fixture_c now ar hereafter attached to the pmperts-, all of which. including replace-
<br />mer[xs and additions thereto, shall fir: deemed to be and rexngitt a girt of the prorzrtc rovered by this
<br />liortgage: and all of the foregoing, to4ether a-ith said property for the leasehald estate in the event fttis
<br />\iortga$e ~ on s le~cehaldl are herein refer:cd to a, the "Property'.
<br />Harrower ~~venants that B~irrower is lawfulie seised of the estate hereh~- canve~~ed and has the right
<br />to tr>Grtgage, grant and conve}- the Pmperic, that the Pmpert}- is unencumbered. and that Bormwt'r wiH
<br />warrant and defend ~enerailp She title to the Property against all elairrss and detnsnds. subject [o any
<br />easements and restretians listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in an>• title insurance paliry in-
<br />suring Lenders interest ifl the Pmpertr, or t'} aitarnev's apinicn of title fmm ah-~t*act of title certified
<br />by handed abstracter.
<br />Peovuro At~w:,rs, zZnd thhe presents aze executed and delivered open she follcw:ng canditians, agree-
<br />ment: and obligations of tlse Borrawer, so-u-ii:
<br />the narrower agrees to pa} io the Lender, ar seder. the principal sum of - '!'?3ZRTY TIIOLS~?~'.D A_'iD
<br />MO#1(N3-_,.v_~_-.~~_.'~~.`°'~~_.Y~_ Dallazs rI"ti ;- 3p,,000,OL ._.- .. t
<br />_. - -_ ...
<br />pa:•ala3e as provided in a Walk eaer~ced and deiireml, cY,ncurmn*.I} herewith, the final pa~-ment of principal,
<br />if net soanez paid. on fate . ?~?-'si. - dad of "ioticm?_z:. p0 2~:t:
<br />L'>,ttimat<t Ccvex~,u?s. Bormn•er and Lender crotoenant and uaree a follows
<br />1. Pepment of Principe: and laieresfr Borrovzr shall ptramptdy pa}~ when due the principal of and in-
<br />teresi ran the indebte;ine-s eti~cenced h~~ tlle'~otr, prepa~,•ment and late zharges as provided in the Note,
<br />and the ptncipal cf and ir_iYr<=; c n ens Future Adc•an~e se.~,rred fiat' This iartgage.
<br />~. 1``uads far'fmces artd Io>tsr~ace. Sultjert tc Lenders optian under paraxr~spFts i and 5 hereof, Bar-
<br />mwer shal9 pa~• act Lender on the da~• metrthly installment: at F+rincipal and incerrs*. are paR•ab?e under the
<br />NOY2, uniil the \ote is paid in full, a stxm therein "Funds'} equal to one-n~elith of the ~earh` taxes and
<br />&c which tna~ attain I:rtarit~° over *sv ~fonuag~~, and ground rents on the Pmtaert~•. if any plus
<br />one-twelfth of }>esrlh prc~inm installments far hazard insurancY. plus one-twelfth of ~'earh° premium itt-
<br />stall~nts for tu,.:,.asa$a i~`;-.;ranre. if arty. at~l as rnas.,ra?;ly estiu,ated initialic- ard front time to time by
<br />I~tsdez on the basi.~: of a_ti~- -znents and billn and reasanah3e estimate; thereof, Lender s-hall a}aply the Funds
<br />tcs pal• said caeca, arc Q~ntc, t~s„ran~ prenzit:rrs and ground aent,.c. Leader shall stake no charge far :,~a
<br />hoddirrg and agplyittg the Ftmds or veri#~-irtg and compiliuz said asse~ments and hills. The bender sha13
<br />gig to the Borrower, sezthout charge, an annual atrourting of the Funds showing credit, anti debits to the
<br />Fiends and the tEarnoae for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds an pledged as additional
<br />seeursty Cor tlse ruins stcurc'd by this ~Sortgage. The Borrower agrees that i.he Fundy rna}~ be held by the
<br />I,c+gder and cra,: n+r~Ied with ot~s fundx and the Lender's own funds atuf the Lender tnas• pa~~ such hems
<br />fmm its owa funds and the Trader shall not lee liable for intc*est or dix~dead5 un such Funds.
<br />if the amo[utt of the Funds held by Lender, together with Ilse future monthly installments of F~,rnds
<br />payable prior to the die dates of fazes, arsesasnents, insurance pmrnitmis and ground rents, shall exceed
<br />the amount required to pat said fazes, asrtents, insurance premiums and ground rents as the}• fall due.
<br />sneh ezce~ shall be, at Banower's nptivn, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited io Borrower on
<br />monthly ies3s~timants of Funds. I# the amount of the Funds held by Lender shall net be euffirient co pay
<br />fazes,, assesarrsertta, insurance premit~s and ~oand rents as the.V fall due, Borrower shall pay fo Lender
<br />say amonnt necessary to make up the defu°iertcy within thin}° days after notice fmm Lender to Borrower
<br />requesting payment tlseteof, or Borrower shall, by an increase in manthly installments of Funds requimd,
<br />repay the deficiency within the Fund aacaunting period.
<br />upon payment in full of all sums secured by this It4ortgage, Lender shall applti Funds held as a credit
<br />against all aunts due.
<br />