<br />not extend or postpone thr due date of the ntonthh- ut~talhucnts rclm•rcdta in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount of such instaihne=tts.
<br />lit. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the rime for payment. or modification of amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage granted b}• 1 e;uier to anc successor in interest of Borro+ser shall not operate to release;
<br />in any manner, fFte liaLiility of the originzt Borrower and '3orro+re:•'s successars in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence proc-ecS:;tgs agr.;nst antic successar ar refuse to extend lime for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortizatian of the sums secured b• this Sortgage by reasmi of an}~ demand made be the original Borrower and
<br />Barrotter's successors in interest.
<br />11. Forbearance by Lender Nit a Waiver. ~.r.}- iorbearsnce t,y Lender ht exercising anc right or remedy
<br />hereunder, ar otherwise afforded be applicable law, shall not he a wai.-er o} ar prechtde the exercise of any right
<br />or rentedv hereunder. Tire procurement of insurance m• the payment. of faxes or ocher liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall not be a twai•.cr of Leudet's right to accelerate the matueity of t!te indebtedness secured by this \•fortgage.
<br />2~. Remedies Cumulative. -411 remedies provided in ti;is \lartgage sre riistinct and cunntlatice to any other
<br />~, righi or reined}- under chi; lortgage ar afforded be la« or equit}-. and ;ua~~ he exercised concurrently, independ-
<br />early or successively.
<br />"+ I3. Successors and Assictns Botrnd; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements
<br />~'~,, herein caniained s^~ll bind, sad the cigars heremtder shall int;rr to. the reytectivc successor, and assigns of Lender
<br />and Borros•er, atbect to the nravisions of paragraph 1; Itereaf. all co+~enants and agrecmeuts of Borrower shall
<br />'~ be ioint and several. The captions sad headings of Inc l:arsgrsph> of this Aortgage arc for cmrcenlence onh• and
<br />~ sre not to be used to interpret or de5ne t he nrocrsrors hereof.
<br />~ 14. Notice, 3ny° not-ice to Bm•retver provided for in this ~Lnrt_Tagc• shall he _iv:•u b}~ maihttg such native by
<br />c€rtined (nail addrzsed to Borrower at t!rc Propern~ dddress ,rated bc!o+w, except far :ut.• notice required under
<br />paragraph 18 hereof to be ;riy-ea u> Borrower is the manrcr nre~cribed b~ applicable Is++-..1m- notice provided
<br />far in this \lartgage shall be decmeti to hacv been [;i+rn to Borra+rer +shen given ut the ntanner designated herein.
<br />15. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law: Sevezability. 'I'hi~ fort.: of mort,_sge ~ ombinrs unifonn covenants
<br />for national use sad nor,-uniform covenants nitir limitc:l vsriatirnts i,v ;aristiictiau to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity instn?went covering real propert.-- Thi= \lartgage s.,aL' iu e;overred be the late ai the hrrisdictior. in vwhich
<br />the Properly is located. In the event that an}- tu•ovision nr elapse of fills Mortgage or the Sots conflicts with
<br />nli~ahto la ..h ., N'~ ,hall _ _ ~. f,. \I.~- .i,~ \T.~ ,.1~:,,1, F.a
<br />apt,.. .. . ..... ....... ......,- ..,..., ... .,......,••. .., ..: _, ,,, a,•a „ ..,.... gr
<br />effect withouf the conflle*.ing pmvisio^.. acrd to this ^.rd dte^;novisions of the Mortgage artd~the i4ate sre declared
<br />w 6e severable.
<br />16, Borrower's Copy. Berro+ver she}i 6e furnislterl a caniarmed copy of this A[ort,age at the time of execu-
<br />tion or alter recordatior. hereof.
<br />12 Tronsfer of fhe Pzaperty; Assumption. If all m~ arc !:art at the Properv c an interest therein is sold
<br />er transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written ainsert- excluding is ~ the creation of a lien ar encum-
<br />brance cu'vordinate to this \Jortgaee. r b ~ rite creation of s pure}rase :nanec security interest for household appli-
<br />ance:. !c1 a transfer be devise. descent ar b}- aperatinn of law upon the :leach of a ioint tenant ar tdl the grant of
<br />any leasehold interest of dtree ti e_nrs or less pat centainittg :ut a!ttiou to nurcltase. Lender may, at Lender's option,
<br />declare all the sums secured by this Mcrteage to be imutedi :rely due anti payable. bender sitsll ha\'e +cai\'ed ;.ugh
<br />aption to accelerate if. prior io the safe m• transfer, Lender and the persan to w},out the Yroecrty is to be :old or
<br />transferred reach agreement in n•riting drat the credit of such person is satistartory to Lender and that the intemsG
<br />payable on :ire sums secured h}~ this Mortgage shall be at antic rate ss Lender shall request. If Lender has +vaived
<br />*.he option to accelerate rravided in tht, paragraph 1 ~ and if Borrower', successar i:. interest has executed awrit-
<br />f2n assumption agreement accepted fit writing by Lender. Lender shall r^lesse Borrow+~r •,'ront all obligations under
<br />this _liutigage anc the \oce.
<br />Ii Lender exercises such optior. to accelera..*, Ler:der shaii tnaii Borrower native of acceler~tiorr ir. accordance
<br />+with paragraph I~ heraei_ $ueh uodc'c shalt provide a periad a not }ems t}tar. 3(? ds}'n ;coat the date the notice i=
<br />mailt3 within +whirit Harrower rrac p:ar the .u=.trs declared due. Ii Borrower fate tt ,;::} acct:. ,,....> prior to ?he
<br />expiration of such period. Lender r ,ac, withaut futti;er rodcc or :!emend a~n iturrower. itrvokc anti, remedies pet-
<br />witted by paragraph 1$ hereof.
<br />\os-I-stgnrat Lbvs~.~sTS. Rorroc,er :and Louder fort}ter cvcrnynt and s~•rec' a. follow<:
<br />18. Acceierafian: Remedies. ;/'zcrht _ raviclcd in ;ctra,_r.u~i; ;: i.. mot. ,tl•on Borrower'. bmac_h of any
<br />:aw°enant ar agreemer.± cif Barro+cer ir. this Mart~:,ec. inelueiing t.: -a+-rr.:.rr,- t~, : u-ltrn =1u+• :any >umx s-ecnreti
<br />by this aortgage. Lender prier to acecdrratx:n ,i:ali tunil notice to Barraarr u- ;nt+s.dr~i m p:tragrsph 1-1 hereof
<br />specifying: ! I t the hrearit_ ±__^+ d:e :ahan rr:;t;im:l ur ,~ur~~ sari: br-each, :.. :: + .... na le>~ than thirty' days
<br />irarn the dau~ the notice is ntailc3i io Bi:rro:w~~r. i,r +r':ncit ,tul; bre::ri:.aust :,: rurc.i~ :ar.i :I; that ?allure to cure
<br />such iresch an ar itefore tits dxtt~ sprcitiec in ti±+• petite :ua}• re~uir is uccelerc~tia , :.i rite sttu;- >ecured be this
<br />Mortgage and safe of the Fraperty. Ii tnc hrrari: is cwt cared or. ur itriore +h+ .i:u~~ =urrihi±i in rite native. Lender
<br />at Lender's option sis}' derigrc all id t}.e aunt, scoured In' ti::, liarzgsg,- -.+ i:r :.:tu:~,liste;y due anal parable
<br />without further demand and mac f _. - s llor~-age i,v s?:+ltrtal txorrr,iinF :.+...._ - -i:ali i,c crttidc;f to collect
<br />- ~a~^h ;trorzeaing mil'- exoHn._. .-._i•a.-..., ....~t'.t:;c.'atr=, :,.. ..,.t.,-.: ,~.,. c,S aart;n;eras-r e+7denea•
<br />abstracts and tits; reports.
<br />19, Borrower's Right to Reinstate. \ot\+tti::=,randinz Lrndir:~ ar.rlcratiot: of .. -inns secured by this
<br />'_4Jortgage, $ormwer shall bare the rig}tt to bare soy nra-er:tin,- hegtnt In i.z•r:~fi~r t niurr+• ?his Mortgage dis-
<br />cnntinucd at any time prier to ent:1• of a icdzmem eniaYrm~ :}rts \iart.gage ii: :;:: Borrower pees Lender all
<br />soma which would be then due tu.der Lh~ \ianFagc. *.hc \ate anal crate= -ecurint; I'utun• adcsnces- if any, had no
<br />acceleration xcurretl; ib! Bu*mwer c•urra all hreaci:es of anc atirer ca.enant.- ar xereti'ntent ai Borro+ver con-
<br />tained in this 3iortgage; tc! Bormwer pays ail reasanshfc txperrse- incurn•d by Lc n,ier in enforcing the covenants
<br />and agreements of Borrower contained in this ~Ierteagc anti in enforcing Lender's rntedies as pravided in p~ra-
<br />graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited ta, rrasartable attc+nte~'s free; and td ~ Borrowir takes wrh action as
<br />bender may reasonably require to a_~sure that the lien of thts 'tlortgat;e. trader's interest ir, the Property ar,d
<br />Bormwer'a obligation to pay the sums secured by tlti= Mortgage shall cantinuc unimpaired. ['iwn such payment
<br />and cure 6y Bormwer, this ?1Sortgage and the abliGations seew•ed hereby ,hsIl remain in full farce anti effect as if
<br />no acceleration had occurretl.
<br />24. hasigamem ~ Reaia; Appointment of Aeeeivez; I.endaz in Pasaeasion. a~ additional securit~• here-
<br />under, Bormwer hereby assigns Lo bender the rents of the Progeny, procidrd that Borrower .hall, l+riar to acceler-
<br />ation under paragraph 18 hereof or afxandonmenL of the Property, have the right to called and .retain such rents
<br />as they became due and payable.
<br />Upon acceleration under paragrapb 18 hereof or ahandomnent of the Yroperiy, Lender, in person, In• agent
<br />or by judicially appointed receiver shall he entit:ad to enter uhan. cake possession of and mm~age the Property
<br />and to collect Lhe rents of the Property, including chase past due. ail rents collected h} bender a the rereirer
<br />shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property anti colkrtian ui n•ma, including„ but
<br />not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds anti ressona6le uttoniec's f+tr- and then to rite sums
<br />secured by thin 9ortgage. Lender and the receiver shaii he liable io arcotrnt anly for those mars artuttlly rcrcived.
<br />