<br />79- ~U~Ib~ a
<br />THIS INAENT'ITRE, made this 10th
<br />M~RTG~.G ~
<br />day of October 1g 79 by and betwcen
<br />Craig J. Meyer and Carol A. ?`sayer, husband and taife, each in his and her ot,~n rieht
<br />ar.d ac cnn++ct n¢ the r+thrr, __ -___
<br />of Hall Count Nebraska, as mort s
<br />y, gager-, sad Grand Island Tntst Company of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office end place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee;
<br />VVI~TNESSETH: That saki mortgagor s , for sad in consideration of tkre cum of ._
<br />**Ten Thousand Ten and NoJi00ths** Dollarsl~ 10,010.00 1
<br />tbe receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do __ by thsse presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its successors and assigns,
<br />forever, sll the following described rest estate, situated in the County of - li al l
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot Nineteen (19), in Block Two (2) in the P.enlat of Riverside Acres, an
<br />Addition to the City of Grard Island, Ball County, Nebraska.
<br />Togetltet with all heating. sir conditioning, fighting. and plumbing equipment end fixtures. including screens. aw nirgs. storm windoaa and
<br />doors. a~ xiadax shades rn blinds, used on or in ccnmction with said property, whether the same are sow located on said property or hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />T'O HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. Yag'ether xith all and singular ci>° tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be~
<br />butgiag, or in aayxi~ appertaining, forever, cad warren[ the title to the same. Said a:argagnr_S_hereby covenant-xith said
<br />mortgagee the[ t!>e v are __, at the delit2ry hereof, the iawfut owner. of the ptemiroes above conveyed am.1 daxribad,
<br />and are seized of a good and iadefea-ale aerate of inhfritsnce themia, f'rce amf clear of all encumbrances, and that.~hev rill
<br />warrant a~ defend the :itie themo forever against the rr.;rr.a cad demands of aII persons whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALIVAYS, s_~td thr-q n,sr.,...,e„t ss executed and delivemd to nature the paya~at of the sumo. _.--
<br />**Ten Thousand Ten and No/1{70t'zs** Dailarsl8 10,01;°.00 1,
<br />with interest themoa, together with ea..-h tharg~ and advanws as may be due and payable to said mortgagee antler the certns and wadi[ions
<br />of the ptowiesozy cote of eves date herexith and secured hereby, exenrted 6y said mortgagor=to said mortgagee, payebM as ezpressed
<br />ffi said hate, asd to secure the patatmance of all the terms sad condi[~as contained therein. The terms of said note are hereby ineorporatatl
<br />heroin by the refemce.
<br />7t ie the is[ea[ian sad agre~mt of the parties hereto that thin mortgage shall oleo secure any future advances made to said m~rtgag~r~-
<br />hy acid attatgagee, and any sad ail itaiebtedness in addition to the amount above state3 wltiel. acid mortgagors. or any of them. may awe to
<br />said mortgagee. however evid~ted, xhather by note, book actouot ~ otherwise. Thin mortgage slu[ll remain in full force end effect between
<br />the parties he[etc s~ thar harts, penom! repmvyeirtaiives. successors sad assigac, until all amounts secured hereunder. ixluding future
<br />advmrss, ate paid in felt with interest.
<br />The mortgagor;=_ herby estiga to said mortgagee ell rents and income nrisirrg at any and all tithes from said property and
<br />heeby authtsise said raortgagte or its agent. at its ~tton, upon defaul[, m ;eke charge of said Property and collect aU rents and income
<br />tT.errfiffi sad ~y the same to the aavtavat of interrat, principal. insurance preraiams, fazes, saaeeameats, repairs ar improvements
<br />tryy w ka~ said prapersp in t~asstabie condition. or to ot}ser charges or peYmenks provided #or heroin or in cBe rwte Eereby secured. This
<br />raffi asagrt,:reot aha- oaedntre is force until the unpaid beta>ttc of said Hate is fatly paw. T'he taking of gossessioa hert¢t~er ehaU in ao mane
<br />provaot ar reasid acid msalpgee ~ the twSaetim of said same 'by iaeeloer[te ar otherwise.
<br />The facture ed the mortgagee to assert asv of its rights heretuader u any time shall not be coaststte~d sa a xarver of its right to assert the
<br />name ec any 3etet time, and to iaais[ upon sad eaforte strict Compliance with sIl She tenors and provis#ona of said cote a~ of this mortgage.
<br />ff said mmtg~ S shall nuee sa be paid to said ntortgtgse the entire aatoant due it heretmder, sad under the terms and pmvisioa.9
<br />of said cote ~Y aerated, in3udiag fsWSe advaaxa, sad aqy ezteasieas ar 3 thecenf in atcnzdance wish the farms and provisions
<br />theta, star g raid -_- aha8 comply xsh aD the provisions of said torte end of this martgnge, then these preseata shall be void;
<br />ot6~sxae io t®am in fall fora a~ affix, and said mortgagee stuetl be entitled to the paaearaion of all of raid property. and may, at its option,
<br />date ~ td sk.[ ~' sad td! try t$ be mmc~'-iely dos ami payahis, a~ rosy for~itste this mortgage
<br />ar farts say ot2rri~,at action to ptrdeet i6e rigiat. Appr!tisemsat waived.
<br />T`Sia mor6gttge ahsil rte biudirg~ apm mC shall ®me to tl~ bensfit of the harm. aeeetrmrs, adminiatratore, auccassora nr~ aeagns of the
<br />reapedtve Patties lureto. -
<br />IH i62'fNE~ AREREOF, acid -~_ hn YS:'-6eaauffio aet~„_th~1L.. head _f _tbe day and year fi.•at above
<br />written. - - ~ - J J ~
<br />~ w
<br />Cr{a, . er
<br />1:at~ol A. Meyer e
<br />I
<br />