79-~°- t3t;66~~ EXPAND GBN oFR ORTGAGE -
<br />Loan I1 o. __ -_-_-.= ._--
<br />.. ~ :. ~:,
<br />KN04V ALL PdEN 3y THESE PRESENTS: That Ronald f.. SLvertscn and Glc.r. is giver*_ :err ?ru d - = fe .
<br />( .ereinafter called the tdort a ors' in censiderati-
<br />r,~ h K~_ ~ on cf the sum of
<br />Fort~;-.Fite thousand dollars i;orlv~---------------------- - ~.,-, ~;-:.:.
<br />_ a-~ Dollars {$ -.' - _, •-^)
<br />loaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grans, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIP,L FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA710N of Omaha.
<br />Nebraska, (hereinafter caileo "Commercial"), its successors and assigns, the following described real estate. situated in the County of.
<br />State of Nebraska. to-wit
<br />---~o~ Ten (lO) _ ~rn ijei- ~e-cc:... ..-_.s_.-_.._or--, _.. :-~ .,_. _;~ ~ _..~ ~.: ,. u
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. jcim the appurtenznces mereunto befcr,ging unto Cummerc a!. its suaessors and ass+gds. forever.
<br />Said Mortgagors hereby covenant with saiC Commercial, as successors and zssigns. (hat mortgagors are !awfully seized of said premises, that
<br />thou are free from encumbrances, and that they will fdrev?: warrant and d?fend the bile to said premises aga!nst the lawful claims of all persons
<br />whorsoav?r.
<br />Provided. nevertheless, these presents ate upon Coe ioi!ov:iag tnndiirons:
<br />That whereas the said Moitgagcrs as members of Ccmm?r„iai have m+s date ex?c'ited ;note ?videncing such loan and agreeing to repay said
<br />sum of mr:ney, with interest, in payments as set forth i.. said net? and have agreed to abide ~' the terms of said note and Charter ar•d By-Laws ct
<br />Cemmartia!.
<br />That whereas this mortgage shall secure arty addihena; advances with ;r.t?test, which m:ay. at th? option of Commercial. be made by Com-
<br />mercial to the undersigned RRartgagxs or melt successors ,r. t;ie for any purpose. at =hy time before the release and cancellation df this mdtigage.
<br />Dist PRO'.'1DED. HOWEVER. at nd time sF:a!! the aggr?gate princpa! am~,!nt secured br Chis mortgage. being the amount due ai any time rn said
<br />original note and any additional advances made. exceed an arcunt egeai td 11!l percent of the amount of the original note, but h; no event shall
<br />szid note exceed (he maximum amount aermitt?d Dy law. and PROVIDED. HO1'1EVER, That nothing herein cdntained shall be considered as limiting
<br />the amount that shall 6? s?wt?d D?redo when advanced to protect the security or ie acdoNanc? wim covenants contained in me mortgage.
<br />Naw, if the said Martgag_rs shat: pay or cause to t>z pa+d me said sums of monej' ,Then due. as set forth in card note. and any other Hate for
<br />~' `---, _.. Y..~ made ...,,:: ,: ,rat ;s :,,::...,,,,, LL.:+n :,;o,o_r men theS~ ,, ants ~h~+! ~, ,,,,;n nth?,..i« ro r>Q a~n tP n ~ furl! e~ ,mod
<br />a13r_'r i. J1ISf QLYGtILC~ t sa ...i - ,u ..:u ~._:,, ~.. r -..... ., ..,, .., .... .,...,. .,....., ....
<br />effect: btt if d?fault st;duldybe made:
<br />.., In any of J;e payments due an said rote an;; any other note for additional advances made. as th?rein agreed td be made for three months, or
<br />,. In k?epirg the impat2mer3s en sal:; or?r;~ses ,r•sc;:.d aainst loss by r?ason cf tae. !ighttting. and other hazards included m extended
<br />rov?tage insutanc? ;n an ;;~,oent n;t less fan me unpait balance of said :mortgage loan, in a company or companies acceptable to Com-
<br />mercial. the atigrral of such po!=cq er rY:.=:es td be `eid Dv Co-crcial. and w!m z mortgage tiaus? attadt!ed to said policy or policies,
<br />in favor f Ga~,tnestial: ~.
<br />_, in me 6'cyruent of saxes a:,,. ~ss~ss~r:^t> ev:?o _; . _a , .. _-se>. _. ~:. m s oag b?m•e mey are _°hrqu?nt er
<br />,.. !f titer? is any tDange n the as;^zrs??: - .,:, ;ea+ e.,.,.,_ _ ;?d herein. ey sale. ?ither outright ar Ly !aria contract, cr by assignment of
<br />nay !nt?rest fierecn or omerx~s?;
<br />was= ^.e =y s?a~r?d shall, a` t!:e ^pricn c` Cemmert:ai, imm?diate!y ~ce:^e due and
<br />tt+er ,n any of me aSt:v2 set fo,~ ? •? s. thN n c _.,,
<br />.,avab+e wt LiR.i iurmer -ot+ca, and m? a ou .t e_e _,c. s~:_ : ,_ . _ ,.'a ... _, not? L addihona _d~aa__., .ado shall. fran Che dzte of me exercise
<br />of card cptian. tsar interest at tD? maximu~: kga :a:? e?: a ..~. _:. ^i:s -o':gaga ^ay th?n D? *drec!cs?e ;d sahsty the amcurt du? on said note. and
<br />any tR!?; note for additional advar:ces. iagem?r w s ~~,: so ,a. -me -_ ,,-~ ns~rante. taxis. assess-eats and abstract extension charges,
<br />w'idr intet~st m?r?on From Rte tint? of pay^ent a; the~ax:--:;°..eRa. ~..-.
<br />PROVIDED that m no event, eiv:er before € a.._. ceta_~t shat' me n;erest due antler sand nett and tD!s mortgage and any other note for ad~
<br />a'.r:na! advanres mane exte?d the rraximus !ax'`;+! r n,eres' rave
<br />°RL"vtC*_C 'll~:'12: mat <~ me et2nt :mat v? r __ > , - -a - minis ~ - ~ rote. and en any zm?r rote for additional
<br />aetaa•?s as G`?t?;n agreed to n_ :ate°, ___ nL ;^.. _ >es s., r, zs-. ~?<:, . , d?fa.. t ^~ rape :n the payment at tht Vexes
<br />asses> ai et4ed upon map _ ,>?> a.`xtr ~ s_ -- _ _. ^s v ~ _ ~ 'w ,a d? nqueot. _: vial chats De entitled
<br />._ .. _ :T..ed.ai. pdssessien ; ` m _ ~~ _c n_S .. b.tY :_>Cr ,:-_ !.,_-h„ .• -..>. . -~___> :.::d »..e~ >r _- ., .f oho premises. and may
<br />.s msc:ea,a~ cs? m? ;nuts s: 'ar as t a-e,-s '-_- ~, ,, e .: -a.,' ~, _ s .pr7 me .:e : sec .~, d~fu- the payment of insurance
<br />se+os:s. ;axes and assessor?nts a ~,n such cte^a=s, aid~fo nec=scary exp?ns=s !nc;red is ~eet - card n+em+ses znd ce!tecting rent ther?scorn, and
<br />app~Y Sa;~?u, Sa:L nJf2 anti any "et?5 ?vi den. ,ure „d-„n'--°c hn;?yn~,nr L. ,~fa?.~-.. S S„ ,.',.d 5 fbly ~Id: and fpt S;1Lh pi!ry~525,
<br />R+e unders;gn?a roes n?rehy sel .ass,; , s?? o,er ane :rnsfer unta Co-m?rra! z. d •?ns. proceeos ane .nto^+es :nciudmg nay sand centraci
<br />par*;?fts ire mcrtg;ge owners ar .,y eLier in~.~:.e> _ any t}p? va~iatsd.ver from sad ~,;y ~~ ae..'ei ~: :n? notes above-described; Cut said
<br />vaPa?rUa' aia .?n nC ;a5'r ~ ~,al'.2 b' 'fit 'ai ~ Z.:? e'IartS IC C'I,?tt 'eats. - ~'DS°_ r ;:enS :i 'ecote' p^SS?SSlen of said ptemiSeS.
<br />The Mortgagors tutth?r apnomt v=•nmeruai cf Or~ha. Neb<asha.:h?a aacfn?v ;n ?ac: g, vi.,g s,:o att:~rney ,ewer irre4-ocaDiy. e;mer on +is uwn
<br />na.'!r? or ,'dr. rsr*,gagcus' names to lake a! n?t?slay st?ps tot Dior.?aims ±n coo; d: om?rwa? a ones? cam ptema?s 'n be vacated. to collect t?nSZ!s
<br />n oY=• ,ncones u?. and wMn vacant :o +e!et c._ sale. +_ a _ 2as;,rae ? =eca:. _ tx_s -_- ! care -e•tts p~ci:,ts. tantract payments ar
<br />n.~,,;?s a^A to do nit such things ? bier Dj~ its i,inn _ i.._rs uv tL.e. F ties ; _e_ zn ... . , b~ as its ae nt .c' sa+d ~ :p.se and
<br />iG charg? pr pay a rea5?naD~e tc'? fo' Sinn 5Zt4 ?S. air ;.i t1e a"s7te !_- D' , 7 2 ct SL tr !"'?e 3n : 5,;;": 'in. n?[ ~^:G ~on s,.Ch :?rm5 a5 iC ih2:r Shcd
<br />2tlomev i,.aV SeCn DPSt, w'!m f;.' ,,^.ew?' of SUSS t+tit~C-:
<br />Tt,? Lk„-:gagc•s neteDy agr?.° .,,a. f ..-:a ~;a .~ , . r.. ia:• t ~:. c_ - _ are :. ~ , , s;:+i .;+ o..ceed rig +e(atrg
<br />a ,=m h=rem'wzma a~scn~ied real ~.,ta e ~ -_ rung, _ su ~ -.- ,es =~? : ar ? s_ _s_r? .~s 1 d ::y Cor_:'nerciai ;.fottgagots writ
<br />.?i,..~;rs? C~lmmetcaal fdt ail reasmraD e . . ':n „ . cy O _ ai ,. „ s_ . __ rg ,rag, s r~•;h? ag'?e ;tat i` th? here~nbefcre
<br />?S:i-'b°- '?a' ?State et any part ! be t~n.2.~. -_ ''L. t!2 _~w~ .. -. .. ,. +.> .,,~:-?d ......D-'_ .;Se the daTag?S
<br />awarded. Cie proceeds tot m? ~t~.rng. and tot R!_ ~-.n>:d-,at.,. i, >c_h , _„u ~ t cn :, ,'t? _.. n? +_ ~ , _ > :~+:n+ng unpa+d +r,d?Dt?d-
<br />ness seated by ;h;s mortgage, k, acrd C;ey nere:ti are ass 5, _;.:_ „_.... _ :a ar 1_a . ~ _ ~ ? nip, ._Y U„ _:ai t.:,? a,;!:?d en zrxcunt of
<br />t`<? fast maivnng instalimenfs cf such :nd?btedn?ss.
<br />meted pis sit day of ~ c i ovar .7 _ _
<br />tN THE PRESENCE OF: ---
<br />- _ ` eTt~c_-.
<br />- ~ s
<br />STATE Of NE9RA5KA ~.lcr .. .
<br />COfiNTY Of cL~i;.T ss. -- ---
<br />1 ~ ~.,
<br />On Riffs _-.~ ~~ _ day of ~'c°a°'~r ------ . '.9 - -_ . betcus :ne. a netar uuul+c ,nand for ;a+d County. per>onaily tame
<br />t»e above-named
<br />Ronald :.. S3vertson Inc' 6lcria ~ . .._•~er±son
<br />iD me v:eti knuwrn to rte R?e idenb~t person dr petstn, s vrhese name +s or ^a~.-es nv~ affixed to the above rnortgaga as grantor or grantors and they, he
<br />nr she. saveralty acY:nowt ~ root, in 9c then voluntary act and d?~~d.
<br />WITNESS my hand and No ;s d nil •.
<br />`dy com+r:issmn expires on the daq of _ _T ___. -. i9 ~~ . U: i
<br />