79.e 9~~65~' e`
<br />-- - - aloRTt;AC;r: I.LIAN No. L 23 , 580
<br />twowncLMb~vsrrliFSepRrs>Nfs:Tnat Clarence F. Burris and Elizabeth R. Burris, each in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the strm of
<br />Twenty-one Thousand Seven Hundred and Nol100_______________________________________~~~
<br />loaned to said mortgagor Gy The Equitable Building and Loan Associaton of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon L l 7 ~~~ of stock of
<br />saw ASSOCIATION, CeRifrrate No. L 23 ~ 5$D , do heretsy grant, convey and mortgage sin±o the said ASSOCIATION ttte following
<br />described real estate, situated in Hali County, Nebmslca:
<br />its~tber miih all the iutements, hertditaatents acrd xppurttnaaws Ihueunto belonging, including attached float eoverirtgs, all wiraiow srnxns,
<br />wiadtrw shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air arnditioning,aad alumbing and water equipment and atx:essazies thereto, purtyts, stores,
<br />reftigetatars, and other fixtures and equip;rttrrt now or hereafter attached to or used ifl wnrreciion with said real estate.
<br />A>td wlmtas the said rtrortp~gor has agreed and does hereby agree that the nrortgago: S.haB and will pay all taxes a>td asatz levied or
<br />assessed apon said premises and upon this tmrtgage and Lhe band scarred thereby before the same saalI been w a°.:ngmat; to furnish approved
<br />insurattce upon the buildittga an said prer~s,-s ~tuatrtl in the sum of S Z 1 , 7QQ. QD psyahle to said ASSOCIATION avd to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the poluies for said ittsunace; atri net to commit or permit any v.sste an or about said premises;
<br />In ~ of default in the perfonmaat of any of the terms and cand:tiotts of this mongagr or the Goad searretl hertby, the mortgagte shalt,
<br />w demand, be tntitkd to immediate possesaan of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets outs to the
<br />mortgagee a- the runts, revenues sad itxome to be derised from the rmrtgaged premises during such time as the mottgage indebtedness shalt remain
<br />wtgaid; and the tttortgagce s,4all base the power to appoint any at,~nt ar agents it may dean for Lice purpox of repairing said premius and ttatitg
<br />the acme and wltectiag 1}te rents, revenues dnd scone, and it rosy pay out of said irr~me all expetses of repairing said premises acrd netxssay
<br />wamtisflons and expenses satrrta s renting and nraruging the same and of toltediro rentak therefrom; the balsna etmamiag, if any, Eo be
<br />applied tar~rd the discharge of said rnartgxz~ indebtedness; these rights ei the n+ortgagte may be exucised at any time during the existrna of stab
<br />dr(aut[, irrtspectire oFany tetm~orary waiver of the same.
<br />Tltesc Presents, however, art upon the Condition, That ii the said Mortgagor stmt? repay said roan on or before the ttnturity of said shares by
<br />payttteat; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified s the Bor•,d securest Ixrtby as stertst sad principal on said !~, err or before
<br />the Twtatiuh day of each a~ every ttrorth, unut said ioaa is fully paid: pay alt taxes and assesttrtnts h:vied against said pre:rt6ta and on ibis irlortgage
<br />and the Bond seaaed ttrereby, btfare dclirrgmnc~'; furnish approved vtstr:arex upon: the buadiags thereon s the sum of S 2l , 7DD. DO pavabie
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said A.SS0.rlATtON uPpn drnrand all tt,omy by it paid fns 2trdr texts. assesstaents and ivsuramx wish intetsst at
<br />!br itsxaaean kgat ntt thereon from dare of pa}'rzrent aB of which Morigsgur hereby ogees to pay; pentri? no waste oa said premises; peep and oompfy
<br />~,i; a!t tlx ~~,^.ts art ,mr„-iti;:^s.^i u~ B:.:.d far 3 Z 1 7QD Q~itis d-y given by ibe sa~`.larty.gvr io said ASSOCG9i2ON. arui mmpr~
<br />with all the :a;suaements of the Canstitut;an and By-lever of sad ASSOCIATION: then t8rese preaYnis shall 4ecome null and vow, othetwix they
<br />shall remain s full forte zrsd ;nay ht fore_losed at rbt option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three raoa[hs to melee say of sad
<br />payttteats or be three months s arrears s making said mouthy' paymtnts, ar ro keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />aml Mottp~gar agrtts io bare a rusivrr sppoirlcd tortltwiih s srr.~ forcrkrsure prooeaditrgs.
<br />if there is any change m awrzrzhip of the real estau mortgaged heres, by sale or otherwise, tMn the entire remainingurdebtedrtea hereby
<br />scarred shag, a ttre option of The Fqustabk Butd;~g and L.tmrr Association of Gtarsd Island, Nebrasts, becalm itrtmediately dm and pwyabk without
<br />further rroiice, and tfx amotmt remauritr; dm under said bond, and nay olhtr bond for any additiaml advances aside tl~wurrder, shall, from t}it
<br />dau of eaudx of said optinn, bees intaes[ at the ttmximam legal colt, and this mortgage troy then be faradosed to satisfy the amwnt due sin said
<br />band,arrd any other hood for additirrml advances, tcsgeitver with >U stttm paid by said The Equitable Burldirtg and t,oan Araoeation of Grand Island,
<br />N~a far itwtrattce, razz: and assrssments, and abstractirrp extet~n r~fges, with interest therton, from date of payment a< tlx nraxantw-t
<br />)Egtl fate.
<br />As provided is the Bond seaatd hereby, while thu maragagt remains in efftet the mortgagee rosy hereafu ukvana+ additiottal sans to tht
<br />teoltus of said Band, their assigaz ar ~~,~r-~s er ur?crest, which sums shaIl Ire within tht sec-ae9ty of this taortga~ge the satire as ttu funds otigiailty
<br />senrred Utaebyr, the focal amnrmt of principal debt trot to exams u any titae the original arttount of this rtwrtgage.
<br />Ihted this 10th des}~ of October :~_ D., 19 79
<br />Cla~ce.-F. Burris ~,
<br />El i z~t5eth~. Burris
<br />SYA11~Il~!'1'~liALl~as- on uric 10th dayaf October 1979 ,betorcrm,
<br />. - the underaigffid, a Notary Public in and for said Canty, pumtuRy corm
<br />Clarence f. Burris and Elizabeth R. Burris, each in his and her owQ~ight, ands~aR~t~neto
<br />of each other -~ are
<br />tpe 1° ~ ~ identkal ~° s wboat ^~05 are affrzed ro the above irts<rument as mort~gor g and they . ~ve~Y
<br />asknovvlWgsd Use sad mstrurrrent to Ire thel r volttotary act and deed- - ~
<br />eiiIldESS my hand and NotariP! Seal the daft aforesaid. i
<br />My iris ~ ~ ." , ,,-; ,~ ~l ~' . , `~
<br />DEgEiAl iir1Fk87-Stets nt #enrsts i '----°`---~ ~. %-{-~---~-
<br />»raaar as ~ JOY M. SJiZI.c! - ^--?~~ Notary trc
<br />ElyCamm.Ea-.5epi.1.1'~T
<br />