as-, otj~~~'~
<br />A90RTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23 , 579
<br />i~IOWALLMEN$vTxESEPRGSENTS:That Larry E. Virus and Patricia A. Virus, each in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one ar more, in cottsideraFion of the sum of
<br />Twenty-five Thousand and NoJiOO--------------__-----------------____..------__-- DOLLARS
<br />I-caned to said saaxtcagor by The Equitable $uilding and Loan Assacia?ien of Grand island. Nebraska,'~tarig2gre, upon 25Q shares of track of
<br />said ASSCKIATION, Certifi~te Na. L 23,579 , da hereby Brant, cnnwYy and martgsge unto the said ASSOCIATION the fallowing
<br />descrfibed [cal Mtate, situated in xall Caunty, Nebraska:
<br />tt+gethrs with a:s t'u unrntrats, hrrrd:ratnents and appurtrn;stccs therru!ito t~largsng, mc!udirig attached f:aor vverings, all windaw screens,
<br />virado+. shades, blindx. storm wdrdaws, aw~tsirigs, hentine. air eanditiarirc_and plrrmbine cad e~~atrr equiprnen? and accessories thereto, Bumps, stores,
<br />refrigeiamrs, and athcr ftxtt¢es and=quiprnrnt naw ar aitn;..ired to or usra m .xrnzcxion wvth ssid real estate.
<br />Aad x'ixreas the said ma;tgagar has sgr_ed and des hcrehy __ n that tlx n±~.;tgxer >hsil arrd will 4'aY atI taws smd assessments levied or
<br />assessc~ upon said pretrrsrs and upon t;:s an.-tgagr and the hand secured thrrrh}' briorr ihr same shaP M:cotru delinquent; to furnish appeased
<br />ittstusnce open xhe butl.:ings ar. said premises stuate~ in x'sc soar of S 25 t 000 00 payable to said ASSOCIAFIO\ and w drliter to said
<br />ASSCK'L~'TTi`1ti the palits.°s far said snsu[t;:.x: a„d art to vnwtii a[ ;rrrivt any waste on or atvu? ssu: pretr:ises:
<br />In ~ of default in i}[e pe;tartaartoe ui aiy~ of the trans and ~ ^diiians of t?•as marrE,sstr ar t}se bond sawued Iterrb}~, the mortgagee shall,
<br />ia3t demand, ax rnti-tkd to u[urardiaie passossia=..,f .fr n'sartgagrd prerttises and the martg2ga[ hr,:-~y assigns, iransfen 2nd sets or,r to the
<br />rt~atgager al? the torts, revenues and in°,.~rtx to br drrir~ fram the mortgaged premises durittg sa.h tame as the sttarigage iadebtednts2 shall rettnrrt
<br />snpaid; atad the rtrtatgagee shall Ienvt for pawrr xa appoint an}• agent ar agenu it mar desire fo• t:,e pur_nase of repairing ss.d premises sad tenting
<br />t3ae same art3 i~h"tiflt the rentz, revenues cad ircaaae, and n rasp pay out of sard tnrome alf expenses of repairing sod premises and mxssx.~•
<br />tuts and expenses incimed is renting cad managinc the same and of rollrtti*rg aentais ilizsrtram: tlu batanee remaining, if any, to br
<br />rr,~aird tawzrd the disr~Sargr of said naorttsgr indetxedeness: these rigY,ts of ihr rraartgsgrr msy ter rxer~srd at an. tita-ae dttrss~ tlu exiuertce of srw.h
<br />dTfs_` ,:rtespe:'tiw.Sany rcmpara;. w•aivrr afthr sattu.
<br />I?xsr Presrzts. ifov,evcr. srr upon t;zr tan.~.t:irs:t.That t the sai3 llFrtgagor 3hnil rrga} ssd ;aaa on ~+r hriatr ttu traturity of said shares by
<br />pa)~mtnt-: pa* rnms~) :a sal:' ASSOCIATIOti of vae soar spra,~rd ist cltr $and srttued 1*rreb as .interest and pr=,nripa! an said Iaan, on or tsrtate
<br />the 7>+enticth dsy of e+-^>' and rsrn tna.^.tts, ~~ n.;l said laan es itr!!y paid; pat ell axes and assessrxnts irrird agai,.s sae? premises attd oa this Manga®r
<br />atad t~ Baud s=5.~t:rrd xhrrcby, before driytaersn-: ;'usms, apprarrd insuranx tspan x?•,r I:uildines tture:,n i'. _'x sum of S 25 ,OOtI. QQ payable
<br />m aid ~lC'IATIO\. rrpa)- to said ASSOCL4T20N upon dr_+trand all marat~~ ,,y it pa;d fur <_uch taxes, assesstneaxs snd :.nsu[an,:e with inurtst at
<br />r~ ,,.~:n,.z-~ '1 rate z.~rman from date of pa)~?~n: sil ei w hicA ~dortasaor 3:rrrh)~ steers to pa) ~. xrmst rn. eraste .an sari premisex•: keep attd:omni)~
<br />wails a$ the agrtrtsu is and ccusd;iians of t„r $aad for C ?5 ~QQG. ~=E,rs da) piton h}~ t,`tr said Mc•ngxt~t to ASSOCIATION, and a~ttspiy
<br />watlt aI9 for rci}t[irtments of xhe Caast[rriiwn and $}'-tsws of said ASSOCLATIO'~: then ,'use presents sl1al! ',.usY;rru nut sad wed, athctvi3c ihty
<br />shall retassia u: tall fa.rr read tnsa• M farcxlosd: st t;x aptraa ai the sad ACSOC"IATIO'.ti crate iail,nr far t.,rec ~nt3st to ma&t an} of mrd
<br />payzstents or be zhter tn,~.nihs in arrears ~~ tacking said tnoaxlel} pa;,nrnts, or to keep and a,rnpk: with t+-,c agreenarnts and aanditions cf said $an3;
<br />rants l+#tA+.:gagx agt~s to Isavr a ~xavrr x p.rt.:,tty ?orz-w-=,th _:ai~•h ;c-re.kssnte yc~~ arluy~s.
<br />Sf tbest is say rlu[tgP m awtrrrsitip a{the real rstnxr nnxtgq~*d fxrerrt b} sale or attsr;wisr, then the entire rr,*+.: ,+nyc indsbtadttess heecb~
<br />seczseC , at tlae apticm of 'S'ire Fgturabk $uildint; and L.xn Assa,:ianun i Grand Island. \rbs~aska, bevtm tttrmrdaatrh~ due and psyabie without
<br />fue*.,l;rr aatux, and the aata+mt rrmeinmt, due issder sasd hand. any am t• :her M nd ;or nay additianal adranres made tlaertuodet, sltaii, fram the
<br />dale ,sf es:+taac a° ,aid aptsza, !sear rt<terr3; at t*.,e rnxx.msum rate, and zts m.~r<tgage :,~} tlt~n be faredassd to aitisty the arnawxF due en said
<br />bmd., atad any atlxr isond Ftu addrtiaaal adrwtts, xcsgraMr wr-.~, aI' sums paxi b} sad "S'nr Equitable $uildirtg and Loan Assok-tstiott of Grand Isiaad,
<br />lie#rra>;rv far msm~ancc, motes assd assr~i-inc~ta, cad ~€t_fn.-33€sg c~,zirraxvfl ~dcs..~th s5terrs. =~:rsc=-a, frv~ dam-?z 3:` ~n-ys2at at tht c~3Zi~v;t+v
<br />~ ~_
<br />.+-a gxussdei ig tltt $atad sectued ixseb), w^ltik tha mor[gsgr rrr.;ars m rite,^^_ the ma[tgager matt hereafty sdrance additional sums to the
<br />rackets :sf said &xtt, tlareh ads ar stt.ixx~rc = .mares , wvna;-h sac ns shzi: iK watts[[: tfre sc,^u.~ity of * his nturtgsge the sattu as tha funds origrnalty
<br />axatatl iI[ereb), tits [ntd amo[mi a ~taa~~° debt rut to taxed ar any tune the oraginai atraunt of thra mortgage.
<br />~Qt;t'I ,n dara+f ~ctut#e.r t.D-,1°79
<br />- ~ -
<br />Patrfcia A. Yirvs
<br />sr,'fZE {~ ?lEBR,~S?lc,14, ~ ~. Ott t13is '~ Oth
<br />~~~ ~ ~~ da) of QC t0 be r ! 9 7 9 ,before me,
<br />:he wadrxsgard, a Notap Pubtir in and far scat County, personat3}~ ease
<br />Lal~rp E, V#rl~s i~ Fatricl8 ~. Virus, eaeh in his and her ~Ypt righaaltdaraes su~seak~ew,atr~h
<br />fltiler
<br />~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l S ~ 5 d3"8 affi5ta3 to t}tr above i,.yS~i$ as mortgt~c+r S sad thE,} sevtniliy
<br />adcaoarkdgatl the Brad i8a[tusEeat az lac th@i r Y act a[td ttxd. 1j f
<br />t~ mY hasd and ~I Seal tIg time ati+msaid~ - "~ ~ f/~ ~-
<br />My Coma eatpaes ~ c""sf'c+C s1~ ~ ~~`"' T
<br />GENF`~ >aCtaa't-State atMasr. ~ ~.._ - Noury~ubtic
<br />~ s.s , :m.:." .12.2919
<br />,, -~...
<br />