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<br />52-A-~R ESA L•ESTAT-~E MORTGAGE-(W tPE 7 ~z Clausej ~ Rev: zd 8b2j 1Le HnIIm~n GaQernk Surly Hwea. L3ncota, Netrr. i -
<br />~ ~t~o«' al,~ ;titE*; S1 Tx~st; : r~ES:,~vTS: That David N, Lilienthal and F'11en K. Lilienthal,
<br />t husband and ri£e
<br />f Hall Co:tnt~-, and ~i;rte of ~1Bbx~tska , in consideration of the etim ~ i
<br />Three Thousand Seven Hcutdred Fi.f'ty and OOf16Q - a 1)QLLAR&
<br />! en hand psid, do hereby 3EL2. and C(~N~'ES' unto Faivel Rroperties, zI1C01'pOR'8t6d
<br />of ;~71 Co:~n.y. ;ace .+t 1P30bI'aS~a the following dQSCSibed grr=mixes situated
<br />in ~~ Ccuaf_. ~:d Statf of Nebra9~a. ,town:
<br />- `f
<br />! ~
<br />j
<br />Ls3i Tea (iQ) in Heritage Acres Subdivision in the City of j
<br />i Grand Island, HaL Cetmtyy Nei~aska. I
<br />t
<br />T^e~ zutmt~e.;= t>,?s^c ts, r..-.a.~y l:erehG ;a:. ~tase,;;;.ir .~:ie. i.^. fee .i~pte.:nclu3in~ nit tine rights of hamesiead and doarr.
<br />i T~ iiA~'^' A'*~ i'il ti.}Li! ,n~ ~:r- _:~_~ s__ -e de;rih~- x~ith n3! Lhr ag~urizn3nres thereunto 6elougiag, unto tLe said
<br />i ur._regagerq=! a.:.d m ^.,. *nrr ter c: i~.= e.rs a:.d a~:i~ s fnre.~e r, prc~-idari slu~ays, and tirs~e gresenffi, ate upon the eipiws
<br />~S:.G, :t=s - 'ne: ~i1 , s ~ r ' :~=zu t>°irs. zi--~tpzs, minini-trators oz ass7gns shall pay of Catf7a t0 hB
<br />- ; l=aid t:• trE sar +...rg.xbrr. - `.: , .- . _.. n, ' r:ra, csecutsr= s~i.nistra>»:s or a3sigrr3, the principal sum of S 3s`~S~eQQ
<br />ga°a+sie as i~,l~i,~•., eo x~n: #n be paid is full, ri.th interest to date, no later thin it®uediatelr
<br />R folloriag final settlesent rrf' tha sale ofLot Siz (o} in Heritage Aries Snbdiviaian
<br />in @se City of Grand Island, X12 Cotmtg, Iiehraska ~Y sartgagors herein.
<br />C~{PANT £~ Giziik'D ZSLA2~
<br />} Riz2: ~.7=e:<~.: a;.:-.ra:.~~~, tc il+~,;~ ;a_c. _.._ r3:4- *.?:r :ncrgs~~rs zc~r;t•_en ,~rcurissor n~*.r'.res::tz~ afrn date a;ith thane pteasab
<br />i atsd snail gs} sat aaie•s ttzxc a~:,.ras r. ~._: ~ .- >_.,; re:.7 taL^+te; and afl riper taxrs., ietzes and asnc~-s:atutta levitd upon tt+is ',
<br />-_ sr.:.{age ~ tip r~'~ v? - _... a _- .-. :arr- rszfrrr Lire sa.~ne .srmc~s delitarttrent, ara3 deep the bui6draga m ~,
<br />;:.mid gr~cirit+es ~-z:r~-~ :cr chi _,........ ,. nIi its- if a_ny. uayahi~ w the sabi tugtfgages. t1~ ih.-ae pt~fs
<br />-_ ! to ire c~.;<3. sL~rv. i. .., _.r szsd rrm.:itn-, :.. :t.:i f-..r.
<br />17' i~ Fl'RTHER .~i~Ri~E:l3 t.. "that ~ ch.• se.id scz*~ 3~ri+na1 fail s., }xic s3r~: tazr~ :x procure auch Snsutasoe_ the ~.
<br />sai=' mon;.~rr mays ~:~~~ su,-* sales anc: ;miµ :.,e _;u_i: rn:~r>zs. e. szrd tine sv:n 3:t :,~vae~d, xzih sntatast at ISl.nb pet '..
<br />- cY~L slsa3l ie rr-~ucxi '. ,,,..~ ~.:_~,sg, ~:. ssssst :..u :n-..r*iry,~r z:-sti staan ~ -ti *it, ?::.; t.~ rase. f~) T'hat a fat~ure to PmY aaS
<br />~ rat tgc~~. ~,fver -twi . ,e..r-7, - k:er, =tea ~rz -trrir due. zr s iaitu:~ m c-rctttp;y +4ith aoY ~ the firre~ i
<br />.~ f afitertatreats. s`ra:: ext:se :.-~ ++,_.v. r.,:r ~f -~•ne~~ Ilerr'tn ~xrr~d ;~ L•rc;~ma dun arui caiieetilyle at ::nee at the option of the 1
<br />mart;agae-
<br />r~
<br />lr: ~re5:rrr. .. ~< t. _ .... ',.e..._ ~` ';,-_e.:. f - ~2.r_,~i
<br />.~ - _- ,
<br />i f
<br />.. i.G.. ti.- ~.-<
<br />- ~ !3e#t+te me, a aertary ptt`c#.ir :Taa:.i5~ fez ~ - ::vuu;e•, i-~r<•cuzalig~ ~ssr
<br />i'~ac3d 2!, ii.licn tbal and ilea R, Liles t~l,
<br />! k~+m so t~ m be ttre ihrastira3 taE;sr~ ct ,~err~,u€ 'A-ht+ si~.st-d ibe fategcsing
<br />- # tlti ttr lie its, Ats ~ tlsair r~tlraatsrt at': <<zi w.
<br />~taa~a ray haed aa:t notatia: srea3 :~r:
<br />_ - -, ~~.
<br />Noiary PuLlic.,
<br />- ..,~ ;
<br />S~P'A'!~ {yF_.._ ._, __. _ __--__... .. _..,__~- - _ + Entetr3 nud 5iad for raeot~d ,'
<br />C~Y ._.__,._.._.._~.__.____--_------_-.-.- !~. in the of TJeeda Offioc of said County tht i
<br />f~- ----.__.dtp' ~._..-----.___.____..._-_._-__._-_._. 2J_......_., aL._'.-.._..._..__....___s'dock an~_.-___-__.._.._.....minutrs ._.._..__._.__M.,
<br />... ~, atsd raec4ltat ~ Fttrok---~----°--.-._~...-----...nf..-----------_--_ ---.. -..'..-at e---~~---~-~---..__..._..__.._...._
<br />Ry._-...--~---.-__..- --- -- - .-..-..___. _.. _.-------. _..-_-.......-.Depaty
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