S2%-A- COI DTREAL ESTRTE MaRTGAGE-Tax Clause {Revised 1902) 'Ea H Q a~ r I S+~P~ty x- Ia t N fr. '_
<br />- .'"TTY.". _. ..
<br />xnozv ALL 4tE~ s~ Tx~s;, rr,>;sE1vTS: Tt.r~T 1 or ltrs, Frank E. Kolar a single person
<br />j of Hall County and Slate of Nebraska __-__--.,-~,-q.-l~rytt-_~`t of the sum of
<br />fihirteen Thousand and no(1CQ-_-_____.._.._____~,_..___ voLt..aF~s
<br />zn hand paid, do hereby sEI.L and colvvE~ onto The State Banlt of Dannebrog, 7}annebrag
<br />Nebraska
<br />{rnort~a;;ee)•
<br />_ s of Ha11 Cnunf?•. and State of Nebraska ,tire follc.,ing dt•cesiF.ed premisas } -
<br />siFUated in Ha11 Count. erred State of Nebraska ,
<br />lot Nineteen (19), Capital Heights Eighth Subdivision, Hall
<br />Co;anty, Nebraska
<br />T3,e• is<.evxt3iu: lz~ina 1u ruse*z~ !:i=rv!~? en a:zk,}u2Q titir in fea sn:p,r• .nrhxtin;~ 2:3 thr riche of tt~>nt:-si.~n,i and d;,rvF7. -
<br />- ~ Tt7 ?'',.ii'E ADD Tf) Hf31.D tl,e l+r.`SL•i.t-~: ntx,l~e~ .-: ri>;-d. With all thr a,.uu rtenan:z•. t}~err~un!•, i}r•t,~nrin~ unto the said+
<br />- tm rtgag~ r,r rn;.ri~accxas and ;a, i:is. her :+r th,•tr n<,r. anri a.si~ms, for,•r ,=r, {,nn iriri a;+vav.., .u,:! the.:, pr..,ents ore uFwn the ~ .
<br />e*stresa txaiss3itinn that if t!K girl rao; ;,:ar.,r a:r me~rt.~;~,,r;, his, bar •rr thwr heir.:, taccu n,ra. adntiniaraiars or asig2 shalt ~y !.
<br />cz cause to t+e raid t:, the Bait ttte=rga=e~ err r=,c.rits:;ex. anti t~~ hi.. her c•r the;r belt.. exe=cutors. admini<tratc:rs or a~igns, the
<br />sum of `s`~.i T:eeA TL'fJ338aIIi~a and Tifff l~%----------------~--~- Dollars. }?a3-ab!e as fuilt,ar>, to-b-it:
<br />frith mt>.r:5F ihert.nn at i~i Per <~rt iter annum, pas able at IIEat~_.r1~Yual!?-, acvt•rding :o tte~ trr:or an,l eReei of the ~.
<br />pr _k'?u3s.,,n ter. tt with int=ire.-t nwpan: attnchn3 of said '~Sur!~,agan. t,r9n :g ,~r.rn dxrr r.;th tl~,~*s~ t;rraenis, and
<br />attall ps.P alt isue> and ao~ tntrr:•>t ;.n, or maturing irtitail>ae ni ui principa}. due vn an? prior tsx.:r;_aar and asses<nrc•nts: ,
<br />3en'ud uF"~n ~atd >r3? e;.tatr and sS! .,tiler iaax. iet=,e: and aic erintrnis Ic'ti led ut,c~n t.,.-. the+r<,_i:;e• •,r ih.~ n,yr u-hiCh this
<br />. tac.:tpr+{;e ;s ~i~eu t:. ecr-vtrr. iwt•.se the ,antes }x-c•nme„ dc•l:ngnent and Lec•p tr•r 't,uiid:nF;~:~n . -sad ;~;cn:s.•:+ ; ^-•,iee1 fer the sum .
<br />_ ~. ~ Itns, ii an}•. pa?~h3e tx> su,^^}; hzst rnurtgag~s or this rucnga~=a•- .:.r ~..eti:, ~>er=; !?=.•:4• y _~a-^t E+e vaid, -
<br />others+'-err to he ar>,<i r2lst9in ir: foie fon •.
<br />TS` 1S FL`RT13HR AGFlt !~E) Teat a tha :aid tFn++rt~si; ~ shall fa: t Pay t ~a vt .t, n -± =.a. •+r matarx~g
<br />insrgl;asesiu <ai )zrial:al, due .m erne pricer tavrt€~e ate }~ru-u re urrh iza.~Franc'~, ah t z- ~-:.. t.,a.,c. ._av ;+:es• :.ue3, taz~ a.~d
<br />~'~F iattreat on, c+: raa:t~nr, inatadr_tzrts c,f gritscF}sat. due cn +urh }rxior aac+rtgat:r and }t:,w;ur.~.uch trssur3n:~r; and the srrm
<br />i+'A. a:~san:°rd x°i33t ~~zserc~3 at ::inr ~•c= trot sra:l !3r tiaizl 'uy ~1 merigagar. a_*;d thi: z7crrzza~z• ,halt stand ri- xrar4x_a fr,r t}u•
<br />- ~-t. (') "hs~ a -u''iF=i- va tn~ an - of Saatti FnnakeF, e341trs pn ncipsi of inter. eit t•:; LhtS ~=r ana ~,Fh+°r ,.r:-.~r rTx,1K..~aaL. 'rt'Sh'R the
<br />- ~ hB d"3e or ed f3.3;irv' iL= s13rn}N.' K;.h 8L•~ iu: the Firrt`~ffd^,f a~r~Fc-~il?~L„~. _.t:nj. :'~}3ii- '.'*. - ~':~ i+,- ~c:.T, cif nY~ne_1' ht=R'LR '.
<br />' .3.tvrez is: ii'~"hM duc~ a~3 _~11~t•rth°~ aF r~tre aF tlx c=pica; rrf :2tt r:><rtie.
<br />~^ lc rl'1?TH€1? 4GREED That said m_,r:haF'c+er. ;*eudL~, tnreclusun= ai thi m-•t~_ag~ and afar. ar_rrr ant: }>zndta>; .
<br />' atsy titer~r, az appea} ti~u•reirrvn erred peru;tx~ ea_r t,f prc~zni~:.: r-t~rigagxi, znas pas _u ~ tax, ~utd n.atu z, i., ,n€err>r rtr raatur
<br />itg insiallmen'ts id pi`Fnr3pai ~a prxrz imutga~r, pnxe;re s:Frh v,-uran.v ary~d oxen ,. 7 '. hail le adCecl Fc .r ame~u.^.i due on -
<br />- tlecrze anti up=n erntnrLAaF::uo ..f axle h? the ca,un c.~denn: tal en i:ut c= •+nti~eis .4f eerie, .~, •, :~~rea.,,l :Iuru:G >fa}•. appeal
<br />- or sale. suc3e a~"ta.unts slsaSi l+s ~il~^tttid the >ama s_ ...x,c•gn zt we;•e s part z:f su:::: drr~et.=.
<br />s i nth. ~'>` ~-` t.}etcoer l~ pia
<br />In , re>r~,-~ z,t
<br />Janes A`. Silado~ ~tca'r~`'~,;-
<br />~ ~c'&~'Sr8S3CS _ rfl4r'si'd
<br />l"AT1? o1F__.. .. ___. _.- ._ __.. _.., t_'tw.ntc of .. -.. .,: -
<br />__ Z3..-ire ~~ s ~*ary tic x.:afr-' for cr_.-. ~rs<,aaiiy rsrna ~'a'2~' .. ~'Dlar 2. 8133g1E yeP3JA ,
<br />i
<br />- ~fiif tKr:~-Saz~t d? ,
<br />kan~?n to xa:e Lo Ire t}rG ~ srht, ragnec3 the #treg~~ng iri?LnF~+e_ t and acEn<.=xlud4 ~~± the ~rc~ut;:.a
<br />t}~ettt !o br ltis. 1xs x-r~
<br />~tateas ~ hand and iwtar7al ;teal tai iii'}vEs 7! - ....-'- .. 2ri ~'~~ _i 7( -
<br />- --~- -- - ~ !i ,
<br />t , 3
<br />- g cKassaairaiwn a~rcu. ~1~4..._fi5.~$s-. -., i --- _-. :4:.: _ ~l~ C?-dust-,•:,ts~.. - ._ tiotar}' 1'uhtic.
<br />' ~ STtI'!Yi OF.._..-_._._.__.~..._.._._--.------.-..--. y Entered rm numer;:ai irxlrx and ilyd for rcrci
<br />.ac
<br />!`~aftnty ~.__`.__-..-----•-.-.-.-._.-..___...____.----! in the Regi.aer r,i' FhEUis CtiIut c,f said Cc,unic the ' -
<br />f
<br />}
<br />~. 3 .. ~.,__~.___•.-{faj Q(._.. _...___._..,__ is. _.........~ 8t.....-....._....-_....... .. A'4I4CL= aFid.- ... ....^..tiH:te'i - 4f .,
<br />anti reGDislad ac ._....__._.___.._....._...__.__. of_..._.._.._._ .......................st pale......... -_....._-..-....-.
<br />...... _........ .-- - -. -.. .. _ - .Reg. of I)x:9s
<br />