I ~ ,_:,.
<br />_- ~ 203-A-RELEASE OF MORTGAGE-GorparaLFon (Reviaetl 3962)
<br />__ ... ,..
<br />iha HuHmau Gmerni Supply Haas. T.mmin, Nda. }
<br />IN CQNSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein, the GUACtt1NTEE MUTUAL ]LIFE
<br />hereby releases the mortgage made to
<br />GUA~~TEE MUTUAL LIFE CLLMPA'v'? by Alice Ella Paine {also kno~m as mice E.
<br />Paine), single; Charles B. Paine and Hazel
<br />B, Paine, husband and wife; Bayard H, Pain
<br />Jr, and Lorine J. Faroe, husband and wife;
<br />as tips follo3ving described real estate, to-wit: Arthur F. Bentley and Imogene S, Bentley,
<br />husband and wife
<br />Ail of Lots One (1} and Two (2} and the Easterly Fortp-four (b4) Feet of
<br />t.ot Three (3) in Black Sisto-three {633 in the Origiaal Town, nov City,
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />~ Swim . is ToR-nahip ,Range of the P.14f., Hall
<br />=testy, State of Nebraska which is x3ecarsled in Book 101 of Real Estate Mortgages, page 39 ,
<br />~ fibs nyaoxda of mid Cotmtp.
<br />IN TE'ST1h#Ct;*TY W'I3EREflF, tfse said Guarantee ?tutual Life Co3~any
<br />Sr. Vice d Treasurer ~ ~
<br />these piase4ta to be emeeted Dy ita(presideat~nd }ts Corporate sal to be ail'lxed hereto this filth
<br />! d~(y ~ Segtanber , 19 79
<br />~ GUARA2tT !'f'UAL LIF£ CO!!l~A~+IY
<br />[ f - .............. _. .... _._..................-......._~r-...-. _..._.-
<br />:?~5^~.. Jr. Yi.t.lE
<br />~ .........._.,._.~r.....'~C.L'R:Ie.~+~i~yp(n~;.__..._..._--_---.--_------ .. By....i-...W~. .. .. _. .'_'~~r~„d, Ca~iuca~t
<br />Ass is taa$-`t'!~8''~{ti~ ~ 1rEa.{i3Ztr
<br />.~_._._..__~.. _..:.~:..._T._._.._. .mac +~cteai 9~~ue's~as~
<br />. ,,z-._. --- _ _- .... _....._....,
<br />fi
<br />`STAYS OF.._,~~~."a.a°~~._._~.~__---.,_...a llu, 9e tember 79
<br /><_ ~ "- ~~ €hl thta..- day ~._ ._.. . P_ ............. . 29.-°.- -
<br />t~afnre ~ ~^d?-:~: a I+Ia.a:p S ~:v.,lii;x ai,~3 €ar
<br />~ ~ A C. .3ohasan ~~ n~___~~
<br />•~ the
<br />.,Guarantee tlutusl Life Cos:paap ~ $easu e~r~
<br />i ~. ___.._...._.. __~...---- ---- -- ---- - ,
<br />. - .-~------ -._...- ----. __ -- ~ an
<br />f tp aos ply 1mc~~ t~`~s pem~dea#+$ -...- --- ---~ -._ - -• - -
<br />- ~Pe~ vahose name is afGsed to the above release sad I
<br />fibs ut":~n ih~,ea~ t~ 2:e hip k~uatary act and deed as cs~'rcer, snd the vtduntary act sad
<br />died rid asicl C~eeatim, asxl t3~lt i#a rarpc~rate seal w~ tl:erettr} afltzed by its authority.
<br />ors e~,y i~aad aad Notarial 9esi st_._._..._..--_-- ----- .. ............ . . .
<br />ohs ` Heb;~~ __.., in said County the day and year
<br />~' .- Daly 1#}_..._....__, I9__yt~~eH~iuA~kK~~-~-~-. Nataty Fuhlir
<br />f ,,__- - sgzdnw
<br />4
<br />Fsntenxl an numerie~il lades sad filed far recd ~
<br />~'1'A'T$ {?F .:»L..~...__.___..,~_____.~.....- ~ t~ s~.egssf~, ~ T~CIs C3f5ce ts€ Said Cauaty t?3e ~
<br />f
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<br />l 3H11 7H __~~.~......___..,..__~-_-__._.._...___..-..----.-.. . ,.-.....at page---._.--~--~--.......... ~-...
<br />l
<br />j~ ........................._._.....-....-..-...--~ ..- ..--Re .
<br />g of Deeds
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