79-~r ~~~'~~~ MORTGAGE
<br />,' '„~`~~ 'Bits Mortgage Is entered into between FC7f11~ wd 7'd+'Vt7Tf~p~_ A-pgrtnPrGbip
<br />_ (herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />1HE OVE~IL;ADID NATIONAL BAI~II{ OF GRAAID ISI,AI~ID, Grand Island, Nebraska (herein "Mortgagee").
<br />Mortgagor is indented to Mortgagee fn the principal sum of $ ~.0~-~ ,evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />dated ~8~ 25.1979 (herein "Note") gm~ring-for payments of principal and interest, with the balance of the
<br />indebtethress, if not sooner paid, due and payable on. May 25, 1887 ,
<br />Toseaue the payment of the Note, with interest as provided thereia, the payment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />advanced by Mortgagee to pmtxet the secntity of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of
<br />the Mortgagor c+antained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following described
<br />property located in Hal 7 County, Nebraska:
<br />A certain part or parcel of Lot Six (5) of the Cotmty Subdivision of the Northwest
<br />Quarter (NW}) and the West Ii21f of the Northeast Quarter (W~NE~) of Section Five
<br />(5} in Township `II?n {10) North, Range Zen (10) West of the 6th P.M., tmre
<br />particularly dpscrihed as follows: Heginr_i:~~ at a Paint on the Present Kighway
<br />Right of Way Line, 534.8 Feet North and 50.O Feet East of the Southwest Cbrner of
<br />The 2vorthwest Quarter of said 5ectian 5, running thence due North, parallel with
<br />.the Wit line of said Section, 204.0 Feet, rutming thence due Fast, 3.0 Feet; running
<br />tht~ce fire North, parallel with the West-line of said Section, 21.8 Feet, running
<br />__ th~ce I~rth. 59 ~t~es, 00' East, 243.3 Feet. rtuining thence South 5 degrees, 32
<br />minutes East, 306.0 Feet, to the present highway Right of Way line, rtuuting thence
<br />South 55 degrees, 22 Minutes West, slung the highway Right of Way line, 120.4 Feet,
<br />rtmaing thence A1oi9klt 34 degrees, 38 tmnutes West, along the highway Right of Way
<br />line, 91.8 Meet, to the point of beginning, containing 0.95 acres, more or 3ess
<br />Rbgettter with ~ Irmldings, improvements, futures, streets, alleys, passagewaY-s, easements, *~tT, privileges and
<br />grptatenameas ioeated tirenm or in anywise pertaiaing thereto, and the rents. i4snes and profits, reversion: and remaiadea
<br />tBeaea~ trrdudts~, htti na ttmited tn, heating and rnding equipment and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />iayrtovemmts so as to eonsCidtte a futon; afl of which, induding npiacetoents and additions thereto. is hereby declared
<br />to >ae a part at the teal cattle second by the tier of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being referred to herein ss the
<br />...,-
<br />llsOrtpEot let cnnvegasts and apses, with , as follows:
<br />L Paymari, Z'o pay the indeptedtreas a~ the iate3est thereon as provided in this Mortgage and fire Note.
<br />i ?iqe. Mir h the owner of f~ Property, has the right and authority to mortgage the Roperty. sari
<br />w,usmt~ thM the ties tamtrd lresebys a fiat and prior lien on the Property, except as rosy othervrise be set froth herein.
<br />1314e Faopetsy is subject to a Mcutgsge wheteia
<br />is tli~ ~, tiw6nldid at , Pam of t ;a'~`.-,rt R~,rts of Ganrty,
<br />fi~nt, ~h k{atga•e is a rim prior to du lien created Iaereby_
<br />Otlrtr prior liens or earn:
<br />$. Tare4 Atsaaaarerta. 'f'a pay when doe all loiter, sparat asaesame;its and alt other charges against the Property
<br />rod, agros w[ittca deatand trg ', W add ur the payments zecluired nader the Note secured hereby, such tunouat as
<br />sty tae taRfident to enable the Idtttt;;gee to pay each taxes, assessments ce ather dtarges as they become due.
<br />!. Iauarmoe 1b keep the impa'ovaments twsr oa ~nafter located ova the tea] estate dasctined herein iasnred
<br />apsmt damq@e by !ire trod such other lnrax+3s as Mortgagee map tegnim, is amauttts and with companies aceeptaSie to the
<br />1yet~aa; tAd w~ ~aa paw ~ ilia D 1a nee +~ toss tmdrs writ Poficia tik Mostpgee is antbaiaed W
<br />tit~pay oaAe# ttt~ . ~ dimes, a8 e3aitar #heremdar at i$ ~ ttptirta, anthorizedto either apply tin
<br />pt®aeeda fn ~a ettttaaaeie ~ flee PraprtiY ea epos the ~s aemrtd ItcsebY, iwt paymeeia Ixnsader ~ eou-
<br />#iane ttatti tba taemsweed tm paid ~ Ems.
<br />14 C3 >gau~arir Fos Taaas and lisaatrasea Notaeithatasdiag anything c~tained an paragtaghs 3 tad ~# hereof co the
<br />tatter, ~iargt~ar pay to ~ ~ a tlx liana of paging the masthiy iaualim~ettta of prtottipal and interesx,
<br />ctee+lvad!>~e ~ the aaatwamesta, hat~ard iaa~nee patrnbWma, and gmued ants fif any) which may attain a
<br />otter: skd,F .~ as tstirsaLad Grata tlme to brae by the Mortgyre.llre amotsttts as paid shaft be
<br />~1. (-7 t3s fiWCl/tpee .trlt3ta~ i~uet: sad appl~d to #In wY of the items is Raper;- w which s»eh amounts were
<br />"1'!n ewpt pttld to hstesmdar ag pitxFad ar addit~sai nandty for z~ iadebtedatxs secured by this
<br />- ~~~~~ ~~ ~ anso~~ssy de6taescy ~ the att~ , its, insosaace
<br />a ag jpmread tail sea fir dRgpeta® w lfi ~ after dt~aad is made apoa id+>rt~or regiteating
<br />F. a sari Uee. 4b ?9 repair, teatnie to rebuild any bulidiags or improvements now or
<br />>> 1in tlrr ~; ~ ~ t'3te lsogfee#y ist good csadstloa and repair, without waste. and free ire mechanic°s or
<br />at~Sna tretelQmaiyq to ~ fies heretic; tart to make. snflt`r re permit arty nuisance to exist, nor to dtmin-
<br />Mh ar rite vie t# t3be ~ tgy t~ set ar omission to set; and to comply with all eequitements of taw with
<br />sew to the Pieptely_
<br />