<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L Z3 ,576
<br />KNOW ALL MF.I3 BY THESE PRESENTS: That Maurice D. Penner and Sharon L. Penner, each i n his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether acre or mom, in cotuideration of the slam of
<br />E1f~Y-~h0usand and N917~--------------------------------------------
<br />_._ -----'----- -- DOLLARS
<br />Irnaed to ai3 mortgt~ot by The Egtsitsbk Buiidiag and Ltratt Assndatian of Grand island, Nebradca, Mortgagee, upon 50~ shares of stack of
<br />slid ASSOCIATION, Certif~te No. L 23,576 , do hereby groat, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the fogawitta
<br />tleser~,ed teal estate, sitmted in Hill Cotmty, Nebraska:
<br />LOT NINE (9) IN BLOCK TWO (2)
<br />fa~.thra will a@ the teaes~eats, hexrdirsmeou a~ sppattenarces tharuntn belonging, indndittg attached floor , ag rviodore stamta,
<br />wteadow sues, hliads, storm vrindoas, awstings, hating, sa txrttilitianing,aad phuabireg sad aateregaiptoeat sad aotsssaries thereta,ptmopa,stoves,
<br />wdtiecxors, sad albs fxutnes sad ege~meat anw ar hemfta attartted to ar used m rwme~ion wish said real estate.
<br />And vhtreu the said raiortgsgttr has sgreai and don hemby ~K that tht mortgagir shall sad vrsII pay a8 tares ami asat~mtt ieriad a
<br />araea~d ttpm sill presoi9es sad upnn rhea mortgage sad the bond sexurcd thereby be(are the same shall become deiiogoent; to ftxsnisit appeared
<br />iasra~ce ttpoo the btsi}diags as sad prrresses rittmed ut tSc sr>m of S 5{~,~{). ~ gsya6k to sud ASSOCIATION avd to deliver to slid
<br />ASSOCUTIOIV tfie pafiaes far said ®sasnaec; sad at>t to otstsmit or perart say wale as or shoal said premises:
<br />li taeve of dd'atdt in rite pafaemancr of aa} of tlsc tertm sad axd>tions of tins mortpge or the band stttrrrd hereby. the tnottgagee shag,
<br />oa des®d, be eanglod io isdnrexiiate pnsst~oa of tht mottg>gd premises sad ibt mextgagor hereby aatagst:, ttansfds sad seta ara W the
<br />a7I the Hans, rtveaNaes sad iaosme to be dttiveed fim the roortpa+atd pstraiars tln[iag sacA time a the
<br />stlstid; sad lire amre~ee tba8 have the pcwex to appaittx say ages: rx tpieots it may desire frx the of indebc~ :big raflert
<br />pwltttse tepaiitg said peesttisas sad reat~
<br />tie ststte and togettiag, the terns, resesa,es sad innnme. sad i! clay pay out of said iamnre ag e:peases of rep~utirtg aid przatiaes and aooaatsy
<br />coati sad rzpe~ ittgarLd ~ resting sad the same asd of coikGiag reatah therefrom: the balms rte, ~ say, t0 is
<br />applied saraud the diardrstgt ad and rsortg~e ~: tJreae rights of the mortgagee may be atereired ax say lisle dtemg the esi;ise¢ af'sttdr
<br />. etgpodive of asy tctr~torsy wanes of the ssate_
<br />Thee 1'4s>~ts, horrver. err upon the Caaditios, That if the said Monga~or shall repay aid loan ~ ar before the mttts~y of said shares
<br />payeea9; pay sisaothly to said AS.SOCIATlfN.i of the sum ssedfied is the Band seprtui hereby as interest attd principal rsa said icrmm. sal or bdo s
<br />dte Tsaatietl; day of etch a~ every month, tmril said lam is logy paid: pay rg !ores sad assr>~tts levied ag»st mid preatieea and m tills 1Jtat~¢
<br />and tie Brad sei®ra tfitte4y, befimr delingt,rt,~,y; ftsraislt approred iart:ualce t,pon the Lmild~gs:Inraoa is the stffi of S 50 aQOQ. 00 payable
<br />~ ~d A5~7CL~-T`i!,':; ~r y to sad I,;-;Hi': s~.:-~ : aS m~..sey byrY p~ fur s>~ razes, aaa®csrR sad lesntsaa vi[ie mtCSSSS st
<br />~e » isgpi rtes thnesrn fresco date ~ pa>~tear ag of whirA Mauagagstr hereby agrees w pey;prrmrt ao vtaste oa slid premises; ktap sad comply
<br />.idr a! dre a~rxaastts sad woalinioaa of the Bond far S 50, OOO.O~e day given by the sail fiorvagor io aid ASSOCIATION, sad oompyr
<br />aiti stQ the of the Crusstiitttisa std By-teas of said ASSOCLATtOAE; then ibex ptraxsts dug became tenth sad void, othrawiee they
<br />$~ :raait n f~ farce sad rt>r~ be faterlmed :t the n~gtim cf the sad ASSOCIATION aft« tatlsre far thrsx mtmthc to tsalte any of aid
<br />pysaasts err be thtstc mmtla a t:tears m reskirxg aid rttaatbly paymeau, oe W kelp sad y rith the agraee:rtersts a~ caeciitioas of raid Bind;
<br />ad awes in have s t:.ertves appaaatrd foztiraiti t$ :arch furrlxa7ae ptaavediag>.
<br />#f tdttst is say ~ in taasertdsip of tie rtal cssax asott~d haeis, by stk ~ otlrtarbe. rhea the entire tee mdta hezeey
<br />teraetd alYg, ar the aptca of The EtpffiaLie Bs3diag aaa3 Late Aatocatioe d' Grand lairesd,Nebradca,b~e imtae8iattly due and pyabk rrithoaR
<br />ft~ein asokia, sad the ataouat r dtse under said bond, ~ say ntltt tam! fm say add~ioeist adv:oas ~ thy, sSsg, horn the
<br />,fake of etsacae ri sand apzzm, het; iatema 8 tin fega3 roe. sad tiler taay thin be fneedrseed ro
<br />iEr>ee5,tad asy a~ bind fta adtsuiamsi s~isaaces, tries ~ r8 seas psis! by taiti The Egsitalak Buadstg sad ~titraof Gsa~nid mod,
<br />Itleharka fete iavuaaae, lass: >~ assrsmtns, sad absaractiag estttmaa r2targrs. with interest therecw, from date of psyarnf ai the r~simatp
<br />~-
<br />As~sevided im the &ad atzvsed Iv:ss:i~y, while this r~ai{~e rr+,>+:*+~ in effete tht roottgagee rosy hereafter adrana additional stxas to the
<br />atritras ad str`d Hasai, ties assign au sareceaors in iatnrsr, vvlsic6 sutm shag bt within tin: aer~rrty of the mortgagle rite same a the ftmds orir~aHy
<br />tarastnd titaaby, tic tats a:sorax of pry debt axes xrt ezcxd xt ar~~ lase ttxe arm smwst of thg rnortgag.
<br />Iiatad tlrit $th day of October A. D.,1a79
<br />!. P~t~ser))
<br />~`~~ ~ a tea t@is $~ dry d October I9 79 , before tae,
<br />tht tasdasigmd, s Notary PrtMic in sad far swirl Gnarly, persaugy rams
<br />tlatlrice ##. Penner alttl Sharon L. Penner, each in his a/nd her gu-n rigs, and as P~kso:nw
<br />s~baO~Ldgp-iat.pt~frr 5 °~'t ~ s Bll~e affamd to tie ~farft a m«tS+Ro+ s a ~ssd they sxticragy
<br />tIc lard i ;r+ba fl 1 ~E---,
<br />tf~i" ad >~ deeQ
<br />11f7f~S my hand sad Ntttr~ See: the drat afmtaid. !, ,/~ "~'^ ,. ''~ ~
<br />'C / /`,"
<br />'+kyaspiaes f: f yGl'~~ i;--..-~,~.-.,.._.f i' _~j ~'~'~~-"~,~-- ~~
<br />~ ~,
<br />»aaas as i~flt.#t+r ~ ~ rR ikAe. / - Notary °~
<br />.tAt~ta_s w, o:sont
<br />~ Cem:n• tsp. db.. iL Lf!79
<br />