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<br />i'
<br />~ <_T - ------- _.__-.___ _..________._ .-. ____. __ ._ -
<br />' SB-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (Cor )-With Tax Clause Revised 1962) The Hutlmmm Gcncrat
<br />-~ ' P• ( Supply House. teeuWn, Nebr.
<br />f -___
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc.
<br />a corporation organized and esistiag wader and by virive of the lawn of the State of Nebraska is
<br />cvnsiaerat;on of the sum of Thirty-five thousand and noJ100 ($35, 000) -------- DOLLARS
<br />!~ in hand paid, does hereby SELL and CONVEY unto
<br />~; i Commercial National Bank & Trust Company
<br />1 of Hall County, States of Nebraska the #ollowing described premises situated
<br />~; I is Hall County, and state of Nebraska , to-wit:
<br />t
<br />~In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted
<br />ao be transferredr from the underlaid for any reason or by any method
<br />rr:hatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once
<br />~.becottte due and payable at the election of the holder hereof. Failure to
<br />iexercise tt,is option because of transfer of title as above stated ir_ one
<br />instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same
<br />. ;in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />i
<br />i
<br />- dine-izitentott uei~ to taxtvey hete~ry :n soaoiute title in fee simple-
<br />; j 'f'O HAL'$ ASdD TO ItOLD tf:t prenuxs atxav7r described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said
<br />Ct~fmcterciai National Bank & Trust Company
<br />and to 1tS hetirs and avefgns forever. ptwided always, sad these presents are upon the ezprtxa condition that if the
<br />?said Mid-Continent Enterprises, Tnc.
<br />rx assigns shall pap or cause to be paid to the void
<br />C~~~rcial National Bank ~ Trt:st Company
<br />~. ~~• ~,iaissratzszs or ~~^^~= the s~ ~ Thirty-five thousand ~ not 00---Dallar4 paya3lt~-ee
<br />fe@ow~tvwiik
<br />f Do2~m~e-ae-d~e •~reE- ,-}9-
<br />"~ '~Tef- ~"t9
<br />~ fir' uE- -,-38
<br />i ~z3adtats-acrt'hc -daTtrf° -,-f9
<br />i ~iih iateaeeR the:em atr y~..rn~s.par..awrrira, pavatrie aanaaik•, aamrding to the tenor alai effect
<br />~t tine prominaoty irate ~'~r-~astse3s~eE-said or notes of said Mid°
<br />ECrintinent Enterprises, Znc._ dated 8J15/?9 or as such note or notes may be
<br />' ~ ~~~e~~ia~ u~'~+tesbtte and all other lases,
<br />j fe~srs and iAPee4>~ died npcm the mortgage m ti>r rwae which this mortgage is given to aeure, bdore the same beck
<br />. tktiogeerrt. sad keep tare huiSdi~a as said pttm.isca inss+rrd far the sum art E 3~, d00. 00 - 3.~a+a. if any, payable to the -,
<br />sa®d taastgsse~e„ rhea :here pteseetts to tx +~oid, othet~iae to 6e and remain in foli faros.
<br />Pt fS FtRTHER AGREED, t2} Tbat if t!x• mortgagor ahaII fail to pav latch lases or orr>.+.rn ~uctt imora re the
<br />sand taeee racy pay arm tsars gaol pracare inafrranee. and the son ao advanced, with interest at ~~. ~ per ~,~
<br />rmt 'ae . bq s:id atort~ar, and this mortgage shall Bland ~ saearity fnr acme. t33 That s failure in pay any of
<br />a~ , e-"a! or isrtrteat when the acme heroes due, os a taiiure to e+~aply wit3t any ad the foregoin[ arree_ -',
<br />- ~ atemtr~ atsaif ,the vrlsaje tam of mosey betx~.in wecsized to became due and colleetiblr at Dace at the aptinn of the mortpegee- ~.
<br />! ~ I~'.r~ ~ i~tid-Continent Enterprises, Inc.
<br />i bas ~1"~'~~ seal m he a!&sed and these presents w he sigoea by its PreS ;.dent
<br />~aa~ ~~.2t +day s~•t is 79 ,
<br />- _- °~ m presence of
<br />} ~~~ ~ ____--_.._._ Mid Continent ztr~s s I~c.,
<br />- 'Ri3n "-R:'--VC3IIL~~T'6 ', ._ ecy.
<br />~. - Htfrxe ma, a public gnalti8ed in aid c>suarsonaily came
<br />~aD, D. B1Sh Presidt:tts crE :~
<br />M~td~-Continent Enterprises. Inc- .a,c~arpQrat;~a
<br />lttenasf b be ~ vn~ ! sad ideatiea2 pesaoa vrho aigaed the fvregoirig xnatrument. and aclutoaltx~ed the eseeattiam
<br />.sut~ wirer sad the wn}untary ae# attd deed of anal aurpareWoa sad that its cor-
<br />paw oast ~tia tiseae6o .. ,..
<br />, ~, ', ~.i. ~T
<br />vyt~itrx ~. ,. ..-._._._~3.~~._..,_._ ..__~ ----.-._.-._ --..._.,. t~ _ 79.
<br />- Cf -: .F
<br />.. M7 °!.~~` ~, __-.. 19ct=-__ 'c,~~,--~-- ~-._.._,.~:~~:,~--:-...-3+totary Public-
<br />$Titifi$'tl~` __________ .-...,~ ~} F ~ stutruridtl Srte#ez and 51ed €ar reao~
<br />t ~ .__._.-.~~_ j ~' is the Register o1 Ikeda Ogee of acid Catratp t~ra
<br />~:.._,_-ate o[...________. ~ l8-.._-..--.. ai _____:._~--.o'dodc and..._---..._.._...._.-_minu4a .------°°-•--.,...-M.,
<br />»d raossdar! is 11,it ~of_.,_-_...~-__.-_.~.--~ --------•------.-...-- ---
<br />.----- --.__---------- ---.-.Reg. of Reeds
<br />By...._.. _. ____._ - -.._ ........................__...-.-_. - - •--- --.Peouty
<br />