-ag,=. ~~~~~_~ EXPANDAPLE MORTGAGE ::,~Lr,,l_1
<br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Loan "rJo. _____~
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That .lobo T. 'rielch arci Joyce M. ~ielc,!7. husband ,.nu ~,aife.
<br />(hQreinafter call d thhz Mo~~¢¢a ors) in consitlzration of the sum of
<br />Twent}* Eight t .ousand one hcndred and `iffy dollsrs ane~ r!oll0i, g Dollars (3 °•~ ^3,i5C.CG^~
<br />loaned to Mdrigagors, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL iEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha,
<br />Nebraska, (hereinafter called "Commercial`), its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in the Gounty of,
<br />State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />See Exi:ibit A Oacr. 5ice
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. with the apperterances ihzreunte belcnring. unto Commerdai, ifs successors and assigns. forever.
<br />Said Mdrigagers hereby cavznant w;dr said Commerciai. its successors and assigns. that Atertgagers are awfully seized of said premises. Ghat
<br />ey are free from andumbranczs, and G`tat they ;vill forever warrant and defend the life to said premises against the lawful claims cf all persons
<br />wfiamsoever.
<br />Provided, neuerthzlzss, these presents arz uaon the follawmg rmd:Lons:
<br />That wfrerzas thz said Atortgagers as members e` Commercial havz this date exzcuted a note evidencing such loan and agreeing to repay said
<br />sum of money, with interest, in pzymenis as set forth in said rite and nav>_ agreed to abide Cy the terms of said note and Charter and dy~Laws of
<br />C~^r:zrcia!.
<br />That whereas this mortgage shall secure any add; tiena! advances. oath mtzsesi-'which may, at the cphnn zf Commzrcial. be Wade by Cam-
<br />,^retcfa': to the undxsi,~red Mor#gaq,:rs =v; their successors m rile ?> any purposz. at any +.mz hefzre thz re!easz and tarcellahen cf this marigag€.
<br />;x;t PROVIDEu", HOWEVER. at ra .. _ >haii thz a~ Aga r ..._ ~a! a .cu ,, sour n~ '*is ~a•t;agz being the amcuat cue at any time on said
<br />original not= and any additimai advances made, zxczed ao a zyual to ;li percent of the amount of t;,z Ur!gina! note, but in no zvzni sha!1
<br />said note exceed the maximum amount pzrmiited by law, and PR017CED. HOYiEVER, that „cihrg tere!n Ioniaant-d shag G consrdz;ed as IimiGng
<br />t'ae ~naixrt that s`aii ire secured hereby when ad;2nczd i ,ratzct the szcursty e. ,n atccrdancz ai"f: covzr.ants _ontained in thz mortgage.
<br />Ncsr, rf the said Mart;agnrs shall pay or taus=. to ix-a!d the '!d su`"s of mGnay when c'u? as set iorm :a said note. and any other rote for
<br />at~ifitxtai advances made umtit ;aid d~hi s ha'h• ;aid wifi :ntzrest than !here presents shalt be void: ethzrr;az to t>r and remai.r in ful? force and
<br />!a? In any at the ~aymanis due an said note anv any other note for addi?ional advances made. as thzrz,n agreed to be :,ado for three mcnLhs. or
<br />ibi to k2e-ping the rmpravements on ;2:d prer-.isas in-v~red aga!na ross by r=asan of flr=. h~htr,:ng. ama ather hazar~,rt,udad m vxter,G2d
<br />~~ra~ fnsur7ca it an amount not less than the unya:d aaiance rt sa,d morty~~ loan. m a eorr:panv ar ecmpanizs acceptable to Gotr~
<br />me;cral. ~ original of wch paf~,cv cr polices to ~ held by Commeraiai. and wilt! a Tcngage clause at'ached is said policy or policies,
<br />i i iaYpi of ~',tr:;erCia i; ,f
<br />~. ?n the pay~t of fixes aid assessmeafis lev:ai iron said premises. tr an ;his ~crtgzgz. More thzy are del nqueat: c;
<br />;d'= tf Lose is ary ~,anx !n tiro oaanz;shir of the real orate ^,=rtgageo herein. yr =_. _. zither o;:Fr:g#;t :,r b} and conhact, ,t by assignment c,
<br />arrr interzsf dtzraon ar pthzrwis.,
<br />@len- in anv of ~ eve sat-forth =vents. the a~hc:z mdz9t~ess hereM~ secured aha!l, at the;~h:n cf Gcinaerc+ai. rnediately become due artl
<br />payattle ai$roui ntsthzr :rorce, and iM amwnt due . ~z- said me and ~,,. -~^izr Wale far addiY+ona: adFanczs -mdz sna`I. ffi~, the irate c: chz 2xe;cise
<br />of Baia nptiars. hrzr interest at ttra maxincrn lega; r e zr annua:, and th s Tpri,+age may then bz fa~zc'oszd to sat,sj^ thz amnu:it due er sale note, and
<br />any aarar note tx addit+nnaf advances. Ln~ihar w.? al; sums paid b} Comi^zr.a! for .nsurande- *wres assess" enr and abstract =_xtznsian :barges.
<br />>kith :merest ttmraan tram the date of p,:vneni of the ,°.3xii=,ut~ iega; ratz.
<br />?r2tC,9L'EP ttiat in na e:*2ni. e;tiher before or aster eztau!t. tea: the intpres? Cwe ,zaer said n.;e and this *origage aad any ••?tner note `;cr ad
<br />diLidn2f advsnc~ r =_xt€ad the maximum lak~ vl :nt=_r~t safe.
<br />p#~JV?DEsi_ n.,rther, that in the zvznt that sazt?ult c~c_rs :- -iz aR,ng ::.. :as-er;s ~,::n ~ c . ot?- ana en any ath?s note foi add, ti~tai
<br />adr~rces. as therein agreed i^ de ,~.~~. ~ r.ze: n the . a si. e . a>rax... : ~~ _.. * ~ m3dz in ft;e wvmtni of ?ne #axes
<br />ar ass25srn~ls ieF-,zi ~.r ~,e ze^,szs ab.v2 v_>~. '_u: _. >~:s ^I~"_ga a2'. _ ..- ..> _w ~_.. „?7t v~v:~e;ciat gall L~ entr;•._=d
<br />~ *k i~+~iatz ~ssasai~, pf the , zrr.,szs ah.;e-~s:*.!ter...;z,.~z~ n-: ~:', .. _.ee_s _ :.:ss:.~s a , -g ; ~ .f the premises. and nay'
<br />is ;+s ~iscretirfi: use ?he rents sa tar a w s ^_:ess~-. .. e :'<•. ~ ~ , ,t s _:. . e=.:s s a- _ ,.,e patfizcf c' +nsscranfe
<br />;s>~n!ua:> ~;xes aad assess,:~;s ci~n a h p-erg:sec a..r t; r ^~ es> ~ ex:. >?_ r::*r:-. s ?g s" ° z^.ses 3r., _ci zcbng rent ihzrafra^, ant
<br />!: a~::; sane an sard nofz air9 arty sates er,dz^t ^g '.:.. - a, a yes ^ > ~~» ~.,. ae_t>?,ess sec~-ze •u!;y ;2Ed. arrd far such {urrpdses.
<br />;,~ is-s+ goes :~rftr se: a,s^~ ,.: r,~r a ,. ~.s?e ,r . ._ ~r>, : s ar;A r:~~;es ,nciuding ~rY'and c~rtratt
<br />pat~+is srs msrt-,x.,Ee ~+rw_°s it am at:• nrc~ ? ..r„ :,~ :s,~. sa.:. ~rs2 •; :~ 2 a _ -,. -; -,e arias above 3escrshed. art sa,d
<br />Llfii Shal!!E n Case se `rab;e Tom. Te .. ...., ..._ i. .,S :... -... .. .. :~ t,-: ,Se'..:.? .-. ~> ~:~'e•:C1'e`: paSSESSIQn 3f Said premises.
<br />ibe YMri~gors tu77t~r arxrrnt Cxnnercia~ .f „ra hc3rssti ~?: _..:<~~ r `aa .,g ;a:c ., ^r„~. ~*wer :rreauabry- either on its pwn
<br />tae ~ ikrrE~gors nar~s ~ tart as? nzCessary s.~_ ,~a.._.. {s - -.r,p~x r k ;aunt N ,,rea:s=s ~ ix vacatQd. to celleu r?ntals
<br />~ snr~raes suc. aad +:aren ;scan: t,, ;let thz y^rve _ -.?,,e .__ . , - .. t
<br />' °. c '~ 12 S. ~ tY! 5 - .tiS Cdn tract payfneni5 Jr
<br />me asst .? r#o al' sum thugs etl}e• ~ ,k s+vr.. ,. s : ? -n. -~ ;w f a:~,. _._ n-: ~::- te_ ?y ,. s is aS_..t fo' said purpose. aad
<br />to ~rgz zrvaY a teasaraDle lee ;a? suu's sets rez ,:'e .. ,. x . ~,z zt s_° ~ a^_ .r s:. ,anne ,rid on such teams as io their sal^_
<br />atLxaey tray best. rnth iu:i i~ve! of su~~ L......
<br />Tke rs be:e a ee 2~at r ;~ : ~. y :> y c. proceeding relating
<br />~~ trf 5' S a L'Yt t.s »,i.,
<br />th S'ir rn~fdre deu;itr~l rear esax this ~ .s g- _ r: s r. ry v e;cia'- ~4ortgago:s nrtl
<br />r~mt~u-se Ot>~r€rcAa7 i~? a7d rbra _n K s[-~_ •s, ~ __ _ - .. ,,.. b 7.;? _ ,..,2, ,~b,.~ that ,f thR ra;e;nhefvie
<br />,-~S,-rr(ted real ~td2e ~ ar!Y }2rt ttiere_' ?~ srr~re^~>s_ ~~ **c _:~:c'. .- ~^t ~,-._ - ar s ^'.^e,aS s_ acy:.!red fd+a icbr.c u>e, the garages
<br />parsed, lira aroi~ds ~ *~re t~ir+~t®. and {„ "°y c~_:nom?„_,: ,d .,:.: .x,en; , ~ 2 •~-x;n: of ;;,e :ama,ning unpaid redebt;?i;-
<br />~.ss s th' $ais rannrt~ge, be, arn" tfry tre~etrq a .. ass:~, __~ ,, .~ :..:?:_ a' an.: > a~ ne Ca;f forthr, 2t _ .,r.Terua": to be applied do accouet cf
<br />ibe last ma~raag i~stditwer;ts of sv~ :noe'•i-rdrres<_-
<br />t~tbd ~i5 >t=^- dasi of ~ t o~=r =
<br />THE PRESERCE ~F_ ~' ~~k'~J .i: .r'L Ur `~-~~. - -
<br />8' ./~
<br />SIA7Et}F#tEt3HA5KA ..'cyee F".. ~e_ch
<br />CC1ll87Y 4f ~.A3 ;. ~ - -
<br />t3a ttia 5th Ccto~er 'S
<br />~ daY ~ - _ , 9 _ , before roe. a n8tar;' Whlic ir; and for sale Caunty personally came
<br />:~oht: ~'. Kelc:; and Jo}•ce ;?. kelsh, husi,ard and wise.
<br />~ ~ nett kaaem ~ 6e i~ id+~rtKat person dr persons rvtresa name rs or namzs are affixed to tha atwve mcrigagz as grantor cr grantors and they, he
<br />or said insttumen' rind ftre exe~ubon thereof, ie ~ ih°+r vcduoiary act and deed.
<br />NOILl~7~~IM~#l111111Y
<br />E f th+s say a»d year tart ab„x'e written. ,~~/~~ / ~ /~~--
<br />ifRttii~ ,y-_~_-~g:_'lltL-f~, `.Gc~'--~ ~Y--
<br />~~~ ~,. _ ,:~ Notary Fubhc
<br />sty cemmissron expires on fire r,~u T~ _ day of <:71iLz~_'3~ _-- . ~ =' ~'-- . '•i Si'.
<br />