<br />- 31-02-0245
<br />v This form is used in connec-
<br /> y
<br />k~ tier with mortgages insured
<br />~~R~'~A~°~{` under the one- to four-family
<br /> provisions of the National
<br />~~~ ~~s~il~~ Housing Aet.
<br />THIS MQRTGAGE, trade and execated this 9th day of October ,A,p-
<br />19 ?9 ,byatdbetween Rodney D. Hanquist and Donna d. Hanquist, husband and wife
<br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />theMortgagar,ard Mortgage Plus Incorporated ,
<br />acotporationotganizedattdexistingunderthelawsof the United States of America
<br />party of alto second part. hereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />WfTNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Thousand Eiq ht Atutdred
<br />Fifftyy and 0 0~3 04 hs - - - -- Dollars (S $ ~0. 0 C ), paid by tf-ie Mort-
<br />, gagee, t7teZecapt of whirl. t tsby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold a~ b4 L se presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain, Sell. Convey attd Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-descnlxd
<br />re~ estate, sifuatedet the County of Hall ,and State
<br />of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />Lot Sixty Three (63), in t9est Heights Addition to the City of Grand Island
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />also known as: 415 N. Sherman, Grand Island, NE 68801
<br />of the Sixth l4iacipa! Mtxidiaa, contait:i~ sa all
<br />meat s{u'vey:
<br />acres accotdsng to Govern-
<br />'7t0 HAYS AN7) 7G HC}LD the premssts asaove dcscrshed, with all the appnrtenattces thereunm bebttgirsg and including
<br />~ Leatielg, l and Frghtoag 6:aces and equipment ww or he2atter attached io or umi is c~onau;tton with said teal estate
<br />tta6othe , std to its stxxesson and assigns, forever. The Mortgab„or represettis to, attd covenants whit. tilr Mortga-
<br />get, tl~ ffie M has goad t4 soil sad convey said ptetai~s; that zhcy are free tram cnc»rabrattce; and that the
<br />w~ warrant and defied the same against iht lasvfsd claims of sit persons w°homsaever; sad the said Mortgagor here-
<br />in[ rhos afl tights of homestead, std aFl strartial ts¢hts, either in law ~ in egnity, sod slt otitet contif interests of the
<br />r~ ~ the above~drsrtrihe$ prcn:isss. the itstitztirxi bests[; to convey hercby as absoiate title. itt tee simple, ~tud-
<br />ing ai<tig6as of h~cad. and othu tights sad ias~csts as afuresakt.
<br />PRt71rtUED AEIb'AYS: and these prt~nts arc cxecstud and delivered span the folkiwiag conditions, to wit:
<br />Ilse liar agrees m pay to the Atort~gce, or order, the principal sum of Thirty Thousand Eight Hundred
<br />Fifty 'td flfl/106ths -----° r1aityrsfS 30,850.00 ?. with interest from
<br />dattr at fire rate Ten dAd one ha 1 f pet restate ; 10.5 0 9£ f pcr aamutt oa
<br />toe sarpaxt hats$oe urml pad. Yhc sad prttappal zed snsetest shall be payable ai the at6cc of Mortgage P 1 us incorporated
<br />ffi Engletuoad, Colorado +~ ~ ~Sfl~rh
<br />the>kae may desi~c in sTitag, ®monthly sasiadimcnts of Ty.-o Hundred Nine ay n`e~a ° as ---
<br />D~oflars tS 291.53 I, cvmmttufsng on tht first day of
<br />7)efieffi~Der . 19T ~ ,and an t}x fast da}• of cacti rnanth thereafter anti] the prittcipaf sad in-
<br />taesa arc fully paid. except than the final payasent of prrne~pal sad interess, if trot soamr paid. shalt be due and
<br />l+eyahk ~ the bxt day d NOVffiber 2 ©44 : ali according m the terms of a certzin premiti-
<br />say note at iveu sate herewith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />'flat ls3erREs,~t is aMtr mare fu9y to prcetut tine security of this lortgggr, agrees:
<br />f. 3hai ht w~ ~y fife inde~dasss, ffi haeiabefae provided. Privilege is rsserved to pay the debt in whole, or in an
<br />tats !o a~ ~ m*e ~y pr:ytacnis ovt ti: ~ tP,ot are r>rxt dtR en itx . *_w the first day esf as}' nroath
<br />prior to F: ~ovidcd, lbtt~ever, 7bas sutlers notice of an intention ta exacsse such prsviiege is given at least thirty {~}
<br />~YS 1~ ~ pre~ayoent.
<br />3. 7Sm, togts;,er with, and ig additfoa so, the monthly paytaeats of principal and interest payable under the terms of the
<br />ante seem!dd hotr9ty, she ldcts2ptgar ~ pay to the Atortpgee, oa the first dsy of each rmonth tmtii the sai71 note is fully paid. the
<br />~_
<br />- {a) Arawtnt snftioeat to pmRida Lhc ftddet hereof with futds to pay the next mortgage inwranx premium if this
<br />insmnsmtt rmd the tttAe acrttred herefry are imured, or a tnonihly dtarge (in lreu of a morrg~e insumnre pre-
<br />naut eJ if may are l~ by dx &eeaetary aiHottt~tg and L'rhan lkvtlopment, as follows:
<br />{7} i€ lard so long as savl sots of event date sad this instrument are insured or are reinsured undo, the pro-
<br />viasons of site Naaottal Housing Act, an amount sufftciert to accumulate in the hands of the holder one
<br />~+.sia.- €~'a~ sea t r N t.-39x3#3 i 9 v-? 7 i
<br />