<br />79- Ot~~~'~9
<br />MORTC,AGE LOAN NO. L Z J , 574
<br />Subject to L,
<br />~tOWALLMENBYTHFSEPRFSENTS:That Paul J. McGowan and Wauneta B. McGowan,~each in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each ether
<br />--------Mortgago;, tiuthzr one or more, in mnsideration of tbe sum oC
<br />Ten Thousand and NoJ100-------------------- --------------------------
<br />- . _ OOLLAItS
<br />loaned to seed mortgagor by The Equitabk building sod l.rsaa Association of Grand Island, Nebradta, Mortgagee, upon 100 shares of stock of
<br />ru`. ASSOCIATION, Certiftpte No, L 2$ 574 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the fol~wing
<br />deszShsd real estate, situated io halt County, Nebraska;
<br />itrgefber' with a@ the teorments, heteditsments nttd appurtenances thereunto belonging, intfuding attached floor wvcriags, aB window aoxxns.
<br />window shades, blinds, storm wav3ows. awnirtgi, hating, air wtrditionveg, and plumbing and water egttiprnen[ and acaaories therem,pnmps, stoves,
<br />rd'ri, attd ether futwa and egtupment rtow or hereafter attached to m teed m watteciiort with said rest estate.
<br />And .-rAereas the said mortgagor has agreed std does hereby agree that the mortgagor shell and wffi pay all taxes and aastnsoen# levied ~
<br />aaaeaed aQoa said premrses and upon this mortgage and xbe bond secun5i thereby before rite same shalt become delingosat; to ftttnesh appmred
<br />irmexme upm the buildings on said prrtnises situated in the sum of S 1 {}, 000.00 payabk to said ASSOCIATION and to detivr:r to aid
<br />ASSOCIATION the polities for said insuranm; and not to ~t*~r mil or permit any water as ar about said premises_
<br />Ln ease of defauh in ttx perfonnartee of any of tiK terms sad conditions of the mortgage or the bond senaod hereby, Itte mortgages shall.,
<br />oe deatsmtl, be wtitled to immediate possession of the ivortgaged premiers sad the mortgagor hereby assgrts, transfers and eels over to the
<br />mortgagee aEl rite rents, rewcattrs sad incoate to lx derived from the taortgaged premises during sudt rim u the mortgage striebtedrass shall rmm~ia
<br />tapr:d; and the mortgagee stub base rite povrrr to appoint am agent or agents it mry desire for tIx purpose of repairing said ptc®ea and resting
<br />the ;tee sad ooBcctiag the roots, rereatses and intame, sad it may pay out of said income alt expeaaes of rrpairirtg said premises sad Y
<br />mmzq~ioas and etcpemes incurred in renting amt "~t< the same and of colkctiaB rentak tltrnfrilm; the balsam temteoirtg, if any, to be
<br />aoptied toward the distaarge of said mortgage indebtedacss; these rights of the mortgagee tiny be e:ercived at any time dtuirrg the ettistaam of such
<br />tiefmh, frrespective of say temporary waivrr of tlu same_
<br />Thee PteStatts. ttuwera, szx cpon tbe Corvlitioa, l7sat if the ~ Mortgagor shad mpay sad loan oa w before the mattttity of slid shares by
<br />patymuet- pay monthly to said ASSSOCiAT[ON ilC the sum aperified in the Bond se~wcd hereby as interest arrd pr~ci~l on said loan, oD or before
<br />the Ttirentieth day of radt std every month, until said loans fatly paid; ply alt taxes and assessmeau levied against said premises sad ~ Htis Mortgage
<br />sad the Bend aesa?rsd thereby. before de§nquency' furnish approved aananm epos the bm'idmgs tttercon m the sum of S 1 O , 000.00 paysbk
<br />to said ASSOQATION: repay to aid ASSOCIATION upon demand all tnomey by it paid £az suslt uan, aszssa~ts alai .oa~»M wilt attereg at
<br />4>'s-tsts~rsnn k~ rate tl~s~tt f._.o dare of pageant aLt or rrh~b'arortg$ sr :~r~by ag-ces to pay: per,aitt ao ts~e on said premder;keep and ra`mpiy
<br />with aB the agreements sad condition of the t3ond for S 10 , 000.0Ohit day given by rho said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />wi#t aH the tn~smemeata of the Cottstittdiou and by-laws of said ASSOCIATION; tben these presents steal! become null sod void, otherwise they
<br />s;IatB tetaxm is fuH fora and enay be foreclosed at the option of rtes sad ASSOCIATION after failure for three months to make arty of said
<br />paynrests or 6e three rtmrttM :fl arrears in tttskiag said moatidy paytaents, or to keep sad comµty with the agreements and conditions of airs Bond;
<br />sett agrms to have a receiver apparnted forthwith in srtrh latecktsute prooeedmg_
<br />tf these s say is owttcaship of the ral estate mortgaged berets, by sak or otherwise, rhea the entire mnaitrmg indebtedness hereby
<br />aeewed a6aB, u rite option of The pa.,:i.t.k Butldaeg sad Loaa Action of Graced Island, Nebraska, become immediately due and payable without
<br />form trati¢, and the amotmt rtyaavtirtg dt~ under said fiord, and say outer bond fw guy additional advanms made thesttndv, shall, from the
<br />ewe cA goatee of aid option, bear ~terea at the rnaianum kgil tntc, sad this mottgttge may then ba forerloaed m atisfy the amount due at aid
<br />baad,and any oshst bond for additions] adsaata, togethrg wiffi an seta paid by slid The Equitabk lAtading and Loan Asaodatew of Grand island,
<br />ieLxasks fin isatraars, taxes s~ Rrs. ~ abattac+Sng czt-rsiae vss,~ges, with sttaesr tlserecta., tram date of ~y-meat at if¢ maaimum
<br />k14d calf
<br />AY provtdrd ffi The BOnd aecrrrsd Mreby, whae this mortgage remains in etTeU the m0[tgagrY may hCreafter advanm additional anma io the
<br />taaitcss of said Bond, tire's assiyst or strcrossors in intert:sr, which sums dts0 br within the ;rcuriry of this mortgage cite ante as the funds originally
<br />aesr¢ed tbeaeby, the Total t of p . -~ t debt ~t to exeecd u say time rite orSgin.~d aatourtt of this m~xigage-
<br />--~1 _~Ycsf 0ctnber A.O-, i4 79
<br />~~.v V
<br />~tt~-~. )rt831
<br />~A~~ } te. an r3ss 5th say of October 19 79 , hefnm me,
<br />-- ! the +, s Notary Public k and for aid County, personally uata
<br />gabf3 d. ~n slid kiauneta B. McGowan, each in his and her own riy~t, and asperamituyY~afato
<br />-each other - are
<br />ee ~ ~ ~ p~ s wLnre names are :faced to the strove ~owtruQtent t:a mortgagor s sad they sevtaally
<br />ffie asud i to be the] P vaiwttary act and decd. 1 ,,. i `' ,
<br />- litl'i'NE4S mY Asst asnti Nnaria! Smi the dare aforesaid. ~ tl"~-~
<br />MY Comntmvao espmes ' G'C--~fL-'f l_" `~ , j'~j' f / ~`--'~'-r--~
<br />~riā¬RAL NOTARY. Seca IN tsabe. - - - Notuy Public
<br />»aiL1m TAMES W. OLSt}N ~~
<br />4a5 t.~'-m ET=ft4v.12.1074
<br />