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79~~ 00~~'~3 <br />MORTGAGE __ _ <br />- MORTGAGE LOAV NO. L 23 , 572 <br />KNOA'ALLMENBYTHESEPRFSENTS:That CENTRAL NEBRASKA ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CITIZENS, A <br />Nebraska nonprofit Corporation; Charles E. Hoffman, President and Vera M. Reddish, Secretary <br />-----Mortgagor whether one or more, vi consideration of the cam of <br />Twenty-nine Thousand and No/160--------------- --- -------------- mLL,~ <br />lo~ltcd w said mortgagor by Tfie EGui[abk Building sad loan Associatiaa of Grand Island, Nebra~a, Mort~gee, kwon 290 shams of stock of <br />ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23 r,72 , do hereby grant, wnrey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCiATtOIV the following <br />des°~ tes1t estate, situated in Halt County,'Febtaska: <br />LOT TWO (2) IN BLOCK FIVE (5) IN EVANS' <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />NEBRASKA, AS SURVEYED, PLATTED AND RECORDED. <br />together adih a6 tg trnemtntc, greditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. including attached floor coverivgs, all window anew, <br />wintbw shades, 6Bads, storm wrnduas, awciogs, gating. ai; atwiitionhig, an3 phwbivg and water equipment and arxe~ories lgreto, pumpa,stova, <br />rdrigaators, and other fnttwex a~ equipment now or hereafter a[tarhed to or used in cmeneetioa with said real estate. <br />Aed whethu the said mortgagor loos agreed and doa Icereby agree drat the mortgagor shall and wiB pay all tea and assessiffints kvisa or <br />~ upon said premises and upon Ibis mortgage and tg Iron secured :tcereby before tg sauce shall become delinqurnt; to furnish approved <br />irssmana npov ttte buiWm' gs on said premises 9tuatedin L'te sum of S 2g s DQQ. DQ payable to said ASSOCIATION attd to deiira to said <br />ASSOCIATiQN the policies for said insnraace_ x~ not w commit or permit any waste on or about said premises- <br />!A me d de#anh in the perfarmanae of any of tg terns and conditions of this mortgage or the bond secured greby, the rrioF~tgee shall, <br />oa demand, be entitled w immediate posseseon of tg +^.ortgaged premises and tg mortgagor greby aligns, transfers and sets over [o the <br />taortgagee all the rents, resenua and inmmo to be derPvsd tram the mortgaged premises dicing such time as ttx mortgage indebtedness shag remain <br />tmped: sad the martga~e s1taB bars ti-.e power to appoint any sgrnt or ageuts it may desire for tg purpose of repsiriag aid premises and tenting <br />tBe oar and ooBcetittg the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay oat of said incovte a!1 expenses of rcpaviag mid premivea std neamaty <br />a~ expetnes incurred in :eating and rasaapog !g same and of calkctirg Tennis thsrefrom; the b:lance rerminirig, tl' any, to be <br />appfmd towed the disdurge of said mortgage indebtedness; there rights of tg mortgagee may g exersia-d at any tune doting tg existence of suit <br />ddaah, irra,xctise of any terapneary waiver of the same. <br />Thee Prescvts, hoaxvrr, are upon the Condit»n, Thu. S tg said Mortgagor shalt repay said loan on w before tg maturity of soul shoes by <br />payment; pay men[hty to said ASSOCIATION of the srim spedl'ad in tg Bond secured greby as interest avd principnt an Sid loan, on or before <br />the 14~eatiet6 day of udt sad every month. unU7 sad loan K fully paid; ley all uxa and ~~nis levied against said prttnixs and ~ this Mortg~e <br />and the 23osd xiYrrtrf thereby, before deilegaency; Tarnish approved iasuraOCe upm tg bwlai~s tbsteon is tg srtn of S 29 , 000.00 t <br />~ aid ASSOCYATtt)N; repay in said ASStIClAT1QN upon demand all rmrey by it paid far such taxes, asssitnwn and insitnnce with ivtaat at <br />the imazeama~a legal rate ib.-.rrnn fzom date of payrnent aB of whidt Mwtgagothcreby agrees to pay-permit no route oa said premises: keep and c~pty <br />arit§ ~ ~ its smI conditions of tIx Band for 3 Zg , 000.00 ttro day gives by the said Martggor w said ASSOC1ATli'Ni, sad Y <br />with ~ ibe regstvetaents of xhe Constitution ~ By-liwa of said ASSOCIATION: rhea these preaeats shsB become null a~ void, othenviae they <br />3sg rt~tin ~ fall force scot may tX fo;et]ossd at the option of the scut ASSOCLATION after faiitue for three month to stake avy of slid <br />pnymmta err be three months in arrears in msltiag sad monody payments, or io keep and couipiy with rite agreements s~ conditions of said Bond <br />and 3dOrtgsgcv agcces to have a reccisrr appointed forthwith in s»e:h fotedostne pro,xedicigs_ ' <br />accrued dodi, at ~ of'/ p of €he rut estate mortpged tserein. 6y tale or otherwise, thm the evtite tetruiaiag indebtedrm berahy <br />optioe Egttitabk $uikLing atw Lam Associat~t of Grand Island,ivebraska,become ittmtedately doe std payable witltoat <br />fetlrer nofia, and the amwmt mmaining dtce tinder saw band, and auy otl~r band for any additions! advavoes mrdt thcretmder, shalt. from the <br />eF~ ~ aca'dse of said aptiov, bearaticitst u tg maximmo leg! rate, sad this mortgage may tlxn 6e Iarerlosed to tatisf'y the anroimt due oo said <br />bona,aad tiny other bond Ear additimtf! advances, together with aB ~ paid by said The Equitable Beiad'mg sad Loan Anoaatien of Graff Ldwd, <br />Nehaalra for irx, taxes sad asaesvnents. and absrartitig extension rharga. with iatcrest <br />~ ram thereon, frota date of payment st the <br />A: paorded is the Bood sc~aed tiaeby, $trik tlm mortgag remains in effect tg morrgagu may laaafter advance additiaoil stmu w the <br />~ sale anad, their assigns ~ sucaaarx err mieresi, whirdr sums shall 6e within the security oT this mortgage t!u same as tg ftmdt arigimHy <br />>ca>ad thereby, the total amoimi of printtipal debt nor to exmed at arty time the arig;rtal amount of this mortgage. <br />Dttrtttd the 3th day ~ October A. n., t9 79 <br />r~ d P <br />es man si en -` <br />.t <br />Yera 14. Reddish, Secretary <br />~~.~ <br />_~,~ as. Oathia 5th day of October 1978 ,bettrrema, <br />- the ruderaigocd, a Notary Public in sad for County, peraoa:liy came <br />f,1es 1. ice, Aresi M. Re~dish; Seeret>~ry,-for ~t~ CENTRAL Kato <br />~IATi{R+1 ftTR RfTAi~D G S, ~ aka nonprofit.COrporation are <br />tae ~ be the i penmg ~~S are:',; ; _ to the above it~ri®eat as mortgagor s and they aevenlly <br />at]<aoaabdgedtLe.aidits6rrraaenttobe _,~"F~1' rtrlaadarga& aced. ~ ~~ ~ /y~- <br />r-raasru k''4k. ~~ £{~~~ .,.~ =~~,'Tt )~ NotaryPnbttC <br />'~. '- <br />