<br />79~~ QOfs~~~~~ flA®RTC1~t9E
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made Chia 5th day of Oct41_eL__.__., 19 79_, by and between
<br />Ra~rmend S Mavhew ^nd IZaren A~_M3vhew' h +G_~ bnd anr~.ytif.e_f P-~-'-n h; c and her otsn r; eh~
<br />and as spouse of the other,
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska, as mortgagor s ,and Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organved and existing under the Laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island. Nebraska, as mortgagee;
<br />R'I4'NESSETH: 7`hat said mortgagor _~_ ,for and in consideration of the sum of - --
<br />Seventy Five Thousand and no/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -DoW~rats .75,000.00 i
<br />the receipt .f which is hereby aaknawledhed, do by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgegco, its successors end assigns,
<br />foxevar, all the following described real estate. situated in the County of _ Hall
<br />and State of Nebraska.to•wit: Center One-Third (1/3) of Lot One (i} of Windolph's Subdivision of a
<br />Part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (WlgNE~) and a Part of the Bast Half of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (FtfNW~) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine
<br />(9), West of the 6th P.iki,, in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follow
<br />Comtaencing at the Northeast (NE} corner of said Lot One {1), running thence West of the
<br />North line of said Lot One (1), a distance of Eighty-Three and Seventy-One Hundredths
<br />183.71) feet to the actual point of beginning; thence running South parallel with the East
<br />sine of said Lot One {1), a distance of Nine Hundred Seven and Five-Tenths (907.5) feet,
<br />running thence West parallel with the North line of said Lot iTne (1), a distance of
<br />Ei'~}iba=Thrc°c "uu Jc wait `~iiiie IIUildred tfls ) ($31d dLS Circe ~ClII$
<br />Saa~J a ~ (Q3.71 teat, li![-Sic or 1e5j,
<br />the Center One-Third (1/3) of said Lot at this point); thence running North parallel with
<br />the West line of said Lot One (1}, a distance of Nine Hundred Seven and Five-Tenths (907,5
<br />feet to the North line of said Lot One (1), being Eighty-Three and Seventy-One Hundredths
<br />(83.711 feet East of the Northwest {NW) corner of said Lot One (1); running East on Che
<br />North line of said Lot One (1), a distance of Eighty-Three and Seventy-One Hundredths
<br />(83JI) feet to the point of beginning. Subject to real estate mortgage in favor of
<br />Flower-Evans Company and grantee assumes and agrees to pay.
<br />AND
<br />The East One-Third (1J3) of Lot One (1), of Windolph's Subdivision of Part of the (OVER)
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, light~g, end plumbing equipment and futures, irrcludiag screens, awnengs, storm windows and
<br />dov=e, and window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the same are now totafad oa said property or hereafter
<br />pIa®d rab.~.+,. t
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with ell sad singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be•
<br />kvtging, or in anywise appertainirtg, forever, end warrant the title [o the same. Said morgagor 5 hereby cotenant -with said
<br />mnrtgsgee that -~ he }' a r8 . at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner_~ of the premixes above conveyed sad desrn'bed,
<br />and are eeirsd of a good and iodafeaffi"b18 estate of inheritance therein, free sad dear of all eacutnbnrnces, and that t_hay_will
<br />^atrant and def'eod the tide [hereto forever against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever-
<br />- PROVIDED ALWAYS, and Chia instn:mmt is ezecuted and delivered m secure the pe_vrnent of the sum of ___ .. _
<br />Seventy-Five Thousand and no/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - Dol}arsts 75,000.00 i
<br />with iatete9t theteaa, rogether with such cbatges e~ ~VenQS ss may be due and payable to saw mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br />t& the ptoffiiseory note ei even aete hetewitb sad struted hezeby, executed by said mortgagor s to said uwrtgsgee, payable ss ezpresecd
<br />in said aote, and to secure the paf~ma~s of aPr the terms and conditions contained therein. The terms of said note are lletaby incazpr$ated
<br />hetain by this tefa®te.
<br />IC ffi fhe iaCaKion and agreement of the psttias heeto that this mortgage shalt also secure any future advantea made to said mortgagor S
<br />by acid a>ottgagee. and any sad all indebtedness it addition to the amount abolr stated whicF. said mortgagors, or any of them. may owe to
<br />said mortgagee, haweL•er evidcored., whether by ante, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall rennin in full force end effect between
<br />the parties hereto a~ their heirs, petaottal rq»rea®tati><•es, successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, including future
<br />advance. are paid sn fuss with eatae..t.
<br />Tffi mmtgagtx 8 6meby . to said taortgagez ell rents and income arising at any sad all times from said property and
<br />hereby autharire said martgngee m its agent., at its option, upon default. to take c}targe of said property and collect all rents end imrome
<br />thQ~asm sad apply the aatae to the pacmeat ~ interest. printipal. insurence premiums. lazes, assessments, repairs or improvements
<br />neoeasary W keep acid pmpaty in umanteble condirim, or to otTxr charpiav or payments prrnldad for hernin or in the note hereby secured. This
<br />zest. aotignatmt shell coatimte in force until the unpaid balance of said cote is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shall in ao manner
<br />paevaat ox retard said ma m the callactian of said sums by Mute or otherwise.
<br />The #ellrse of the mtrtgsgae to asset am of its rights hereunder at any time shall not be construed as a waiver of its right to assert the
<br />saw at snp later time, sad to ina®i ~ sad enforce striti ceaaplinace wish ell the terms end provisions of said note and of this mortgage.
<br />If said matgagar S ahaH oatee to be paid io said mnrtgsgee the entire a.,...,a,ar due it hereunder, a~ under the terms end provisions
<br />of said ntKe heeby eetmed, i fatnre advances, sad any ezieamas or renewals thereof ~ acuerdanca with the terms end pmvisiona
<br />thereof, and$ said ~_ ehtil emspdy with aU the pmviaions cf esid nee and of flue murt.gage, then these presorts shall be void:
<br />athar+r»e io rao:in in fats screened affect, sad said matgegae shall be entitled to the poeaeearon of all of said property, end may. al its option.
<br />daehve she zrlrote of said rota sad a- raSxeeented thereby w be immat;.ray due and payable, std may fotsebee this mortgage
<br />Q talcs any athr )ggat aetim to pr3eet its right. Appraiemmt waived.
<br />'19d+ moue shalt be binding epos sad abaN same to Che heaef8, of the brace. e:eaetora, administrators, suteeeaors end assigns of the
<br />tegrective parCfs Irerato. _
<br />'tN WITlf1383 WHER$OI*, mod M,pl~a~ S ya ve ba~nto ,aC their hand s tt,e ~}ay and year fire[ above
<br />written.
<br />- /~
<br />and S. h • „
<br />r .- ~,- a ~ :.1
<br />ran yew ,
<br />