<br />_ __ ._ _-
<br />__-
<br />303Ya-RELEASE OY MORS6AGE--Corpoxalba
<br />
<br />Huffman and Felton & Walf, Waiton, Ne. 68461 i
<br />~~ IN~O~~BTION of-the paymext of the debt named tkerein, the First Savings Company, Grand
<br />hereby releases the mortgage made fo
<br />Island, NE
<br />girnt Savings Company, Grand island, N$ry 4layne H. Schultz and Mary L, Schultz, husb+
<br />and wife of each other
<br />o»- the following described real estate, to-wit:
<br />Lot ltaenty (20} in Argo Fourth Subdivision, in the Village of Alda,
<br />-Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />~'~ `Sectiat. , in Township ,Range of the P. 34., Hall
<br />County, State of Nebraska wkich is recorded in Book of Real Estate 1Yfortgages, page ,
<br />j of the records of said Connty. Document No. 79-000192
<br />IN TESTIbfONY WHEREOF, the said First Savings Company has caused
<br />-these pruents to be executed by its president and its Corporate Seal t~ be ajjired hereto this .twenty-eights
<br />day v}. September , ry 79
<br />~t-i,
<br />Wttness• •---- -- • t t.- .........---
<br />. ~~' ~ ~~ _ ....._.......3ttest - ---------R_..Keith..labes --°-- - -•, Cashier, Setretar
<br />~ v y, ~ _ ss. (Dn this_28th------ day of_---..Sept~tult~~._. _... - - ., 19..._[9
<br />° E' + ~ r L~ = ligll....-...-.--••---•.---County before me, the undersigned, a Rotary Ptiblic in and for
<br />-*. -ms's ~ :..
<br />-• .-. ,.u.~mo R_ Be~f_h_Sohes....... *~;doncyf tt~,m,
<br />_.:._ . _::_ •-------------- - -•---------F#~&-k..~aY3,nSS-..ComganS'•-------------------------- ---•-•--------... - ...._...a Corporation
<br />to toe p~unslly kncvm to be the President and identical person whose name is afnzed to the above release and
<br />ackaowledged the execution ther~# to be his voluntary act and deed as such offieer, and the voluntary act and
<br />de®d of said Corporation, and that its wrporate seal wes thereto affixed by its authority.
<br />~ Witness my ]nand and Notarial Seal at-_-.----Grand.Ssland.--..-.---.-----...---, in said County the day and year
<br />{:{ last aboc~ written, ~~
<br />j M9 commission ex - _. dtt ~~p.--.--.. ..-- • -- ~•---- ------- Public
<br />- . _- - ~-ild'-f~-6p~fMt:~t;~elt .,. _ _ _ -
<br />--
<br />-° ~-,~,~.~,,:~_-;„~,.,,.«.~,~-~ _,.~_ ,:~3»:,n,~ _-....,-~~ gym- -
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