pw~~; ~.~N {Revised tS52) ., ,., ~f'hc H'.m~~aa~u_ remcrr~ gsma.r Hrsnuc, [+eavim,",,. _,... - ~'
<br />221 i4--`IMIEGF3A~"$ i.3 ~~/t/S , ivd~_
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<br />N ~ O_ ~ HEI.S~7 CO _x. A_(7QRP_t'JRATION......_°-°....-°--.. Against:.'.CS:'~T_..:~S~IS7Y.~C..~__,91_lA.&~
<br />.._. _ - ZION
<br />Address...--.....23Q7:KEST THIRD ST ,-. ~!~'~. ZSLAND, NE._.•_- 4207 Lariat Lase, Orand falaad, Ne.
<br />rq.ZL_... Dr. Cr.
<br />' Jttly_ 23~1197~•__Mater3aYs usgd_ is caaatruction of four=pl~c__ _~______________~ _ ~ ~
<br />I ;~ at 70k sad 708 North Breadval2_ Grand lA2Arld_ ;! ~ s ,
<br />1 -~------r; i
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<br />=t •---------•---•--•----H~1--- ---.. County
<br />' A t', -__-.__._....__-...._.-_GEORGE. WE$B__, _gRESIDENT, OF•N. O. NELSON CO. a CORPORATION '
<br />ffean -...--•------'-- ----~ bung jmst
<br />'~I duly sworn, on his oath says that the foregoing itemized account of cork, labor, skild.._ ...................._.
<br />materials, and improvements is true and correct: that same were done and performed and furnished by the undersigned ;
<br />''i =` for the said.-......._._ ....... ......_._REGENCY CONSTRLTCTION~ •INC.•-°--
<br />under a= ..-...-•---.......ver;aal -
<br />--•----..•.....-- -••---.. contract. ..............•--••-• ---°.....---•-•---------------------------°--•--
<br />::
<br />or the'........_..... ...---•---• .............ROUE..-Ply.....-.--..__.. ;
<br />f .............~AAtRG~F.l1~L~.9.A-•.-......-•---•----...___•....--Of a ---------•--..-.. ....--__••._.. „ `-
<br />is Ott tke fallowing lot, piece or parcel of land, vis:' ...................__.....-•-•---.....---•---°.---•-•° ._ -
<br />-Lot Seven (7), Block Throe C3), Lambert Second Additioa '
<br />•~•-••-~••---•---~-----~-•-~~---• to the City o£ Grand Islaad, Ha21 County: Nebraska - - ;
<br />`~ ~ That at tke &me said contract uns made and tabor and materials furnished and delivered thereunder____-__ ....._ ~'
<br />REGENCX CONSTRIICTION, ING. ---_--------.~ the owner of said preneires$ i
<br />~._.I~t-~e~..~.u~~..etas...the..,cs~attacrax...fns..said_ t~uild~.n~..amd..~s~~iaS..~ox...~h~-_~.a_.._..,._._-
<br />.s ~ .... .........._...........-__............-.-..........._....._....-...............................-.-......._...--................................... ...-..- ..
<br />That the date of the first item furnished and delivered u~as ........................ Julv 13, 1979 and the
<br />date o f the last item was ....................._........-_July 13; • 1979---------......--•-------------°------ -
<br />Ajfiant further states that said tabor was porfvrneed on, and materials were furnished for, detivsrad at, and used in
<br />said building or premises on and betweex the dates specified.
<br />Thai tke prices charged therefor are far and reasonable, and that there is now due on said account tke sum of
<br />'~ ~~..~?JNA~F1?,.S~St~tTX...'..A~TD..O~J.1Qn...L$:8].3.A4).-. ---'..-...-
<br />........
<br />.......-. -. -...-._---..-.Dollars. tkat said"
<br />......._N. O. NELSON. CO.a---INC. ...-.....•-.._••-....•.._
<br />--.--__ ...................._.........-------•--..........°.-°.-_......---•--........._-• alien on tke said promises for tke full amount of
<br />said account, ta~eht; Tko sumo ~7.3..A~..•...__........•-._.., esker with interest tkerean at the le al rate, -
<br />;;
<br />f $---•-----••--•- 9 g
<br />., from tke.-....13th of ............................Julv•.....•....--•--...-.._.-..........,.-...-_..-., ty....79..., and further a$Fant says teat.
<br />„ ,
<br />,,
<br />~r ...-.• ................•-..............-..._........-..--..........-.........__.._.-_.-__....-.-._._...._.-.......-._......•.........-_
<br />' N. 0. NELSON CO., a Corpo_ratioa
<br />...
<br />_ RONA~.b S UcF.1~ _ _ B _ _ - - - _
<br />6~nElxF~ r,~T~~~d,
<br />Subscribtd in my prase»ce and sworn o gi~~eB ttee this-..•._~.'.~'..._....-..-....
<br />1 S'fATEQ ~'-~ 'l + .......
<br />C~r~mssia, .x,,,,a day of ...-... .--~°•- October ........................ .. rq.. ~ -...
<br />SePtemi~er Z6, 1533 p ~ „?
<br />( et t etions) N tary Pubta.
<br />~~
<br />$,
<br />' ~ ~ ~`~'~ OF Entered on numerical index and filed for record
<br />4! ` ty ' .; •- :: ~ ~. .: is the Register of Deeds Office of said County the
<br />. ,._~
<br />_ i
<br />z- - - -f? -.'- ........ ~-......dtty-~ ..,....~.;.:-_ ..... `...._.......~ i9 ..-..~...., -at.• . ...: --_....... -.._:o-dock and........._........_.........nuttutea .............-°-°-M•' -,
<br />o- ! 8nd'ZEC81dEd in Book . .................~.:, ... aL...::.. ........._ page.-..:._............• ..--- ......-------'
<br />~.
<br />~ ._• .........................°.-..°....._.._.:............ _. ...........Rag. of Deeds
<br />