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~~,~~rtif'ic~te Of County ;iA7ux'i:: "~~'rG~C•eh':Ctiu"1,'y, Zn~rol~r'in;~; i:',Weal ~5"It~:'_'~;.C <br />LttC' ©CT~JBF'R 1, 1979 <br />ir7 ~ ~cul~ ~our:i cA HALL ccul5~~, r~I,l;~-r~.i> <br />phis is to certify th<:t 4 decree ~ been entered in the County <br />Court of I:L.lI County, I;ebr4slcG. in a proceedin„ entitled: <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GLADYS E. APdDERS01`J, Deceased <br />IIo. 37-?_15 roc. 37 hI'c~e 215 <br />+.hich is ~. proceeding involving DETEP.MINATION OF IPdHERITAPdCE TAX <br />(Probe to o= ,?ill, L_drainistr~tion of <br />Lst~te, ietermination oi: heirs, I:etemin~tion of 1nY:eritanee Tax, <br />Gu`rdienship, or Conserv~.torsY'ip) <br />in e~t~ich proceeding the ,`olloL•~ing described real estote is involved, <br />t0'~L9it : <br />Lot Twenty-one f21) in Block Fifteen f15) in Ashton Place Additio;, <br />to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />Person acquiring interest <br />in and to abave described <br />real estate: Interest acquired: <br />Austin B. Anderson All of decedents interest <br />in above as joint tenant <br />c J~~rITY °Q L~~ <br />'~ 1~ Richard L. DeBacker <br />~~ ~ County Judge of said County <br />"' `~4~ Clerrc f the County Court <br />PVT': <br />