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<br />'~ j ,q~,nti, Lowry-•,_C.--Wood-,-- President,-Metal Building Div., Braden Steel Corporation, being first
<br />;duty sworn, an his oath says tha# the foregvinq itenri<ad account of ;;;ter-k, tabor, sk~l ..----,-- ----•-- •--°-° ...............
<br />'~ ~ materials, and improvements is true end correct: that same u~rrc dune cn~? performed and furnished by the undersigned j
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<br />„ .
<br />ti ~ on the fokowing lot, piece or parcel of land, vii:'----.--.l,mts---Ten.-(1A~....E1eYe11--(-1.1.).-.d1}d---T.Wt?1St~e--.{.1.2.) ................. i
<br />'i ' in-.Block-,Fi_ve,--Town-of_Cai-ro-,•-Nall---County,.,.Nebraska-------------------
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<br />7`hat at the time said contract u~as Trade and Arbor anti material-r furnished and delivered t~~reund~r..,.,..._-_.---.--..--
<br />,•,_•„~ldon-,Kluthe--~- ~Y1S--KlUth2•----._ .... .................._......-.....-.._-...-......-..._..........-...the Darner of said prettisres"
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<br />date of eha last item ans...-..-.Au-gust-_8x--1-979----------------•
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<br />Ajjian! ftwther states that said labor uns performed on, and materials :Mara furntshad fcr, delivered at, and used tin
<br />` '= said building or premises on and betrueen the dates specified. j
<br />;' That the prices charged therefor are fair and reasonable, and that there is now due on said account tits s'uM of
<br />-T.hl.rtx-fi.x~..Thou-s~.Rd•Se-yen• Nundred.Thi•rty,:-Nine_and 461100----------------•Ltnllars, tint sairt"
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<br />..........................................................................................................claims a Tian on the said premises far #ha lull amount of 3
<br />f seat accgixlt, ,ta-Tull. The sum of ,~.~~>~-~~...4~...._-._ .....................,..,-.,.togathar with interest thereon at eha legal rote, `
<br />~' jTone.the:.'.::~>ih...::..•,...day of .................A~~U~,~.,,-,-.,...,.-,,.-.......,........,...,,-....-.-..-..., rg79..--..-, and further a~iant says +wt.
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<br />t% ~ t
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