231-A--F1 E(:t•l NtV tC'8 G.9E{W (t8ev'igea i9~2) Ysaa &IuB.ma.c raeraE 53pyv4s~ E3orsao, LiacaEn, xr.br
<br />. _.., _.__,,...__.~,_, _._.._ .. . ......... ....._ _.___~.. _. .....--,_.._,,......,___ - i
<br />. -l~jile ~. Fash~r & Frances ~1. Fasher
<br />RgainstAfT! ,E_,... ean..Wa .fe-&.-Jud:a~h...Walftr----.---..
<br />410._~Ql~~h.. ~Qb~.. RRs~S~~_.Gxatid..~.~la^d,...l~E._ta88Q1
<br />Dr. %r.
<br />- -__ _ . --
<br />State nf.._.. QK~ rh,~lOM11. ._.-....
<br />( jss.
<br />._._.........._ ........... .............. Caunty I
<br />.4~rtrtr~, •-,.--_Law-ry„•-C,-_M!-oodl--President,.-Metal---Buil-di_ng--~i,v_;-,-_Braden-_Steel_.Corpgr~o~ei„g first
<br />duly stExn~, on his oath satin that tl=.a foregoing itensiaed atcount of work, labor, sksll ._..°-•- ----------------------- ~...-.....---.
<br />` nrutrriolsr asad improvements is true and correct: that same u^ere done and performed and furnished bti the undersigned
<br />for the .~tyle.~: Fisher & Frances_ M. Fisher and E. Dean a~olfe & Judith Wolfe
<br />undo a={"t._...---•---•--.AraL...--•- ........ . ........:...... rcrntract..._....--°----°-------------........-................----•------•--------•-----.._._..........,...-......
<br />materials •------•---•---.... f el i .. g-
<br />for the°_ .............. ......_....._........_.--------------- --- ------. o a ........S:~g....... bU...ldi-n 5.---°---------•--.......
<br />nn tke oUoutin lat. piece or arr., o; land, via *.._..~.0~--9!!e-..Ll.~.~..W. .....
<br />f g P Qod.1..end....Fi.rs.t...Ss~.~i.vi.5i.4n~...Gz~!..._...
<br />of Grand._Island.:..-Hai.l...County-=--Nebraska :.................._.............---- -...-._-..........._.....----.............__.........-•---•---°------
<br />That at the tithe said cantract .cv.s made and labor and materials furnished and~dPjiyerrd EhereRnder ..-.-......,_.,-......
<br />....,.,.~,Y.1.e,.A,....F.i~h~r....&..~rantt~~...M>...Pis.herd...~,._.R4an._Wolfe..&--Judith_ _.....'etrTaiT the oumer of said prrnaiscs°
<br />. :sere
<br />- -T ._
<br />......,.-..P?asiex:..t~.~lc..~,.. ~vas~_.~h~.t<ontracttQC_~n. th~..Prem~.se~_~na.,was ~c~~no rc~r..tne..~wn~rs.. .
<br />Thai the Bats of the just item furnished and delivered 3cvs..- Fiut:„ust.-~i...',.97.9 ......................................... aa~d the
<br />date of the last item was .................~ugu5-t.-$>- 19i9-....._...... - -......-..-... - ................_.........................._........._............,
<br />Afjtans further states that said tabor u~as perfartsed on, and matt~-ials ruere furxisfsed fvr, detivercd at, and toad in
<br />,raid building os premises on and between the dater speci(eed.
<br />That the prices charged therefor era fair and reatonable, and that there is now due on said aerount the sutw of z
<br />•Thi,Y'ty,-Qpe•Th4llS~11S~...~1X..~.ttndCU.ci..5.i.xt,K:-.eighx..ap~.-381.~.QO-.r.--.--.-.--.---.-::.---.--.taattxr, tl~t said^
<br />Bradep•--5•~Pgg1,...~QY'pQ.C~:~.J.~n .......................................... .......maims a lien on tke said premises far the ;uf! arotnunt of
<br />said arcoa>!t, to-toil: The sum of 5.. .....................................together unth interest therean at the leg:sl rata,
<br />(rant fhe,..:....$:~tl.,_....day of .......................RUBSASt................................................., :rg.Z~...,.., and further aj~iant saYS nat. i
<br />~ ' , ......l,.attry....L.....Wttoi..,.Pres.identr.-MEta1..But.ldi,ng..U.i.Y.is,it~.ti~.-.••-•..---`-..._
<br />`' ~'~ Braden Steel Corporatpn;
<br />......,.
<br />.,... d+
<br />_ e~ . ~ ,
<br />-., ° t ,~~^ Subscws~ied rn presanre and stvar:t to before ma fhis.....F~.':;' ............. ..._... _;
<br />> . ~ :: ., ;' day of St~pttiah~r......
<br />,- - ~ ' ............. .............. ~y i.. ~........ i
<br />7 .
<br />St. ;
<br />$~ btd .far instructions *~-° Notar Publu.
<br />S'T'A'L'E 4F...,._............»......---° ................._........_..,--.... ~ Entered on numerical indez and &led for rerord J~
<br />Cottuty in tfie Register of T)eeda Q($e~ of said conr,ty the f
<br />...,._ .................................................................... ~. 11
<br />.._.....-_.._..._..ltay ai._._.._....._............_ ............... T9-- - -......, at..._.._-.-...-_...._._ ---o'clock and-............._..............minutes ......._._..........M•, i
<br />I atad recorded in Boa}c.._ ..................~.................ot.,._......_.......-.°..._ -°-°---st page,...._............_.............. , . +;`
<br />i3y ...........
<br />.................Reg. cf Duds
<br />...............................Deputy
<br />
<br />Lien elaitned by.' /~ --~ '~ f t~v
<br />Braden-.Steel.. ~Q.Cf?:t2rati 4.~ .. -...._...-----------••------------
<br />llddress-~Gx...~l ~ a...T.u:[.~d.a_-.Qklslh~md...7.4-1.D1--------------
<br />