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<br />MORTCncE LOAN No. L 23 , 502
<br />KNOB'ALLMENSYTtiESGPRESENT'S:That Rudolf F. Plate and Jeannice R. Plate, each in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the srtm of
<br />Forty-three Thousand Two Hundred and No/100-------------------------------------- DOLf.ARS
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable $udding and Itran Association of Grand Island, NeTraska, Mortgagee, upon 432 shares of stork of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23,552 , do hereby gent, convey and mortgage unto the aid ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described real estate, situated in hall Connty, Nebraska:
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments arrd appurtenances thereunto bebngutg, including attached floor coverings, aU window stteens,
<br />wittdaw shades, biir:ds, storm windows, awnings, !waling, air ccrndrtiunirrg,and plumbing amt wa[erequipmeat and ataxssories thertio,ptrmps,stoves,
<br />sefriaerators, and other fixtures and equipment new ar hereaftrr attached to ur used ht connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has ageed and dw:s hereby agree that the mortgagor all and will pay a!1 taxes and assessments levied of
<br />assessed open aid premises and upon this mortgage and [he bond secured thereby l,efort the same shall became delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />rlsurantx upon the buildings on aid premises situated-in the sum of S 43 , 2~6.0~ payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to aid
<br />ASSOCIATION the pobcies for aid inrurance; and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said premixs:
<br />!n case of default in the performance of any uI the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the martgaget shall,
<br />on demand, be entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the truartgagur hereby assigns, transfers and sets oter tv fire
<br />rrtarigagtx all the rents, rerertues and inevrrre tv be derived fram the rttortgaged premises during such tune as the mortgage indebtedness shalt remelt!
<br />unpaid: and the rtrortgagee shall have the power to apprrin[ any agent or agents it may desire for [he purpose of repairing said premises and reativg
<br />the same and cuBczting the rents, rerenttes and invrottte, and it may pay out of said income aU expenses of rcpairittg said prcadaes and neceaxary
<br />camnrissiuns and ezpert~s incurred in renting and managing the same and of wlltciing rentatt therefrom; the balance remaining, it any, to b.
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of tfte nwrtgagee may lx exercised at any brae during t!x exigtana of such
<br />default, irreNtective of any temporary waiver vi the sane.
<br />These Presents, however, art upon the Condition, That if the said Mortgagor shall repay said loan on or before the maturity ui said shares by
<br />payment; pay nx>nthty to said ASSOCi ATION of ttK runt specified in the $ond aeeured hereby as interest and principal an aid loam, on yr be&ttc
<br />the Twtntitth day of each and every mantle, mrtil saisi loan is fully paid: pay all taxes and asazsarnents fesied against said pret~tives and on !leis Mort
<br />and the band secured ts••.zrtby, before deiirrgrtznc_y;fornish approvxd instttanut upon thz buJdings thereon itt the surer of $ 4~ ~ 2~1~1, ~Q prryabk
<br />ao said A:~.S{iCiA~70N; repay to said ASSC7CiA?'tEiN upwt demand sit tmatxy by it paid fur steel! taxes, sss~s,mtnts and insru;kmx r~ith inters! at
<br />t!r., ra~ximum ~ 1 raft it,,..~un front d_~te e,f yr[xnt ,u ut which Murt • twrebu •a-s ••a rmil .ter waaFt it s~ k~ aml
<br />~,a. _..--- is _.. ., ... gaE"u. ~ ~__ •. ~y ; pe ~; - ;..'aply
<br />~islt all the a;,r€:sienl~ artd s~7irdit:us= f the ttand ter 3 4~,20G~.Ol;<f-aa day gia~r: by the mitt k~gah~=r la saw AS:F~iA'Cit)Al: std aarup+`'i'
<br />with alt !fie requirenterrs ul` the t:OrrS6tUhan and By-taws of aid ASSOCIATION; then these presrnts shad beoorne ouU and void, othetwpe they
<br />shall remain rn full force and Wray 6e foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure fur three months to make any of aid
<br />payments or be three nwnths in arrears in making said rnonthly payments, or to ktzp and amply with the ageements and conditions of aid Mond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a reueirer appointed forthwith in sur;h foreelusure praceedittgs.
<br />if there is any change in ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by ale or otherwise, then the entire renuinittg irtdebtedrtest beroby
<br />secured stroll, at the option of The fiquitabk Bwlding and Loan Association of Grand [gland, Nebraska become immediately due and payable without
<br />further notice, and tlce amount remaining due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional advanos made tttertunder, ahaB, from the
<br />dart of exercise of said opfton, bear interest at tine maxirnwn legal rate, and this mortgage ntay then be forcdosed to satisfy the amwmt dun an acid
<br />band,attd any other bored fur additional advances, together with all sums paid by said T'he Equitable Budding cad Loan Aatxtciation of Grand Nand,
<br />Nebraska fur insurance, tares and aasessrrients, and abstracting extension vhnrga, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the maximum
<br />talc.
<br />As provided in the Bo•td secured hereby, white this tnortgsge rtmtins in tfi'ect the mortgagee may hereafter adraace additirutal runts to the
<br />niaker< of aid Bond, their assigns ar siirc-tsans hr interest, which sums shall be within the security of this tttortgagt the sent! as the funds originally
<br />!carted riwreby, the total amount of principal debt not to exceed at any time the origirraf amount of this martgt~e.
<br />red t • ~ bet n. o., is 79
<br />- '~>~
<br />Jeannie R. Plate
<br />~ACOUNTY o~ HnLL ~ "' °n th's 27th ~r bf September 14 79 • ~f'ua ~,
<br />' the underagted, a Notary Public in and Cor said County, neraonally qme
<br />Rudolf F,-Plate and Jeannice R. Plate, each in-his and her own right and as s o of each
<br />ether whO are ly known to
<br />im to ba the identical perms S whose names are affixed to the
<br />acknowledged the aid irutrument !o bt their vciltmtary act and deed.
<br />VdITNF-SS my hand vd Notarial Seat the date afarcaaid.
<br />My Cantatis~ian expires / .may
<br />I67tFEM nI ~+~'~ / T I /Gf:J~'
<br />/ ~~
<br />as mortgagor s and they sayerauy
<br />C~~~
<br />Cf.NfRAt NUf~HY ~ State of Nebr.
<br />J.AM[5 W. OLSt?r~
<br />~~ 41y Ccr..m _xn. Nuv. 12, ? 979
<br />