I J'~r 0./4.d.'.
<br />9idORTGA~E _
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 2' , 563
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPRFSENTS:That Timothy L. Dunagan and Cheryl R. Dunagan, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or mon, in coarideratioa of the term of
<br />Thir y-five ThQUSand and Nof100--------------------------------------------------- 130LCARS
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Buildirv,; and Loan Associa[Mn of Gtand Islattd, Ncbrasita, Mortg[tgee, upon 354 sttares of atodc of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifipte No. L 23,563 , do hereby grant, convey and martgagc unto the said ASSOCIATION the fallowing
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />together with all the tettenxnts, heredilaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, indudirtg attached Boar coverit[gs, all window tsatxns,
<br />wi.~tbw shades, blinds, storm windaws, awnings, healing, air tondi[ioning,and plumbing and water equipment sad actesaorits thenta, pumps, sta,ea,
<br />rc`rigeratars, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached [o or used in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the nwrtgagor si[all and will pay all taxes and esstasnents levied nr
<br />assessed upon said prettrises and upon this mortgage and Jte bond secured thereby before the same shat( beconx delinquent, to fttinish appro,Ed
<br />instuance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the awn of b 35 ,DDD. DD payable to said ASSOCIATION and tq deUter [o said
<br />ASSOCIATION [he policies for said insurance; and not to wmmit or permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br />[n case of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this ttwrtgage or the bend setvred hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />an demand, be entitled to immediate possession of the rrwrtgaged premises and the nnrrtgagor hereby assigns, iransfen and sets over to the
<br />nwrtgagee all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during wth time as rho tttorigage indebtsdness shall rctuaia
<br />mtpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or :gems it may desire far the purp,se nt repairing said premixs and mating
<br />the saatr and collecting the reefs, revenues and intame, and i! may pay out of said income all expenses oC repairing said premises and ntxxasery
<br />mmmissicros and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of rroUecting rentals therefrom; tht baiancx nmaushrg, if any, to be
<br />applied (award the discharge of said nwrtgage indebtedness; these rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any tune during the existence of each
<br />default, irrespettivt of any temporary waives of the same.
<br />These Presents, irowevtr, are upcm tht Condition, That if the said Mortgagor shall repay raid bran on er before the atatwity of said sharps by
<br />payatent; pay nwnthty to said ASSSfX:lA17t?N of the sum specifred in !hc Bond xetued hereby as interest and principal an said ktan, au or ttefotc
<br />fftn Twer[tieth day of east[ ;;nd every month, until said Man ss fatly paid; pav all tzxcs artd assessments leered sgaMst surd pretaiaes aadoa tlva .r,ls~tg~e
<br />ark rite land se~~trrcd titcrehy, hstt[re definquatcy; furnish approved irtaaranrx upon ttte buildings thereon M the attm of S 35 , DDD. Dl~tayabk
<br />!o r_~ ASSCX:LATt(?N; [en-av [o sai<.1 A5SOCtATiOIV ulxra dsrrtand all rrrorxy by it paid ft,r sorb taxes, aai8aatfleais eau' ins[srartrx with ie9fere~rf of
<br />t~ ~,~..,...m ~gl r:!c tl~ r:,,n f:o.~:: data of pavnA... aL[ of whiz!: 4ottga~t herehp agt~-s io }ray; permit na avasteaa~-' pr€r~,:a~:~arr ~2:,-;;~ly
<br />with aii t~ ~;r~nls _r:,~.- e.,rrdit~ s ~~ tht tend far 3 33,Q(jQ ~(~#t~ day given by ttrt s~id'hiorfgagvr to avid- As~t3Cl.'iT3fiN. ark r}r,~
<br />with all the requirements ul the Constitution and By-Laws of sari ASSOCIATION; then thane presents shall become null and wid, otherwise they
<br />stroll remain M lull force and (nay be fotecMserl at the option of the said ASSCK'IA7'!ON after failure for thrss months to tttako any of seal
<br />payments or Ert three trumths in arrears in making said monthly payments, or to keep and romply with the agreements and canditions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a rcuiver appcxnted Yorthwith in such forccMstrtc prrsrxedings.
<br />If there is any change in ownership of the real estate nwrlgsged herein, by sale or otherwise, than the entire retrw.ining indebtedness hereby
<br />aecurctl shall, at the option of The i=.yuitahle Budding and E.r,an Assrxutiun of C.rand lsland,Nehraska,bewtne imtvxdiately due and payable witbtsut
<br />further notice, anJ ttu anwtrnt remaining due (coder s[ttd band, and any other bond tar any additional advances (trade thercutuier, shall, fttrm the
<br />date of exercise of said option, bear interest at the maximwn legal rate, an:l the nwrtgage rtwy then be faredoaed to satisfy the amount dos tm aid
<br />bond, and arty other twnd fi;r additional advances, together with all soma paid by said Ilse Fgttiubk Building and Loan Astwciation of Gran! ialattd,
<br />Nebraska for insurance, taYC`a and asacsvtxnts, and abstracting extension tdtuges, with mtsrest thereon, from date of payment at the nttixiuwm
<br />legal rate.
<br />As provided in the Bond secured Itercby, while this nwrtgage remains M effect the aarr[gagee may hereafter advantx additional satire to the
<br />makers of said Bond, (Frei( assigns nr successor: in interest, whicfi :urns shall be within the security of this mortgage the saute as the funds origituBy
<br />secured Ihenby, the torsi artarunt of principal deft( not to exceed at any time the uriginat amount of this mortgage.
<br />flared aria ~~-h,} ~ day tel September A. O., t9 79
<br />i,
<br />---~ ~
<br />Cfieryl Dunagan-
<br />_: STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ~ Oa this 27(}1 day of September 19 l g ,before me,
<br />the ttnderageted, a Notary Public in sad for said County, personally state
<br />Timothy L. Dunagan and Cheryl R._ Dunagan, each in his and her own r~ht, and as s~tayuse of
<br />each other. w are pnrcD known to
<br />eae to be the identin! persaa S whose nsaxS 8re afTrxed to the abo utatruaxnt mortgagor S and tYIE'raUy
<br />acknowledged the said instrtunnnt to bs their voluntary act and decd.
<br />WITNiSS my hwtd aitd Notarial Seat the dau aforesaid. 1 .
<br />My Commission expires / 1 -/ ~. - ~~ ~ ` .j '' ~/ .' ~~ .
<br />j ~ JL/" ~s
<br />-_~
<br />(starer at GENE[2nt Bi1TAFY • State 3f Nebr. € ~ ~ Notary Public
<br />My Comm. Esp. Nov. 12, 1914
<br />