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<br />4 REAq, E~TA'TE hfARTG~A~GE
<br />~~E
<br />~~~
<br />!~~ i rmte_~ 3~ptember 2~_`H~1979
<br />Sohn H. DeHart and Linda DeHart, husband and wife, and Frieda M. DeHart, a single
<br />Mortgagors,
<br />oS Hall County, Nebraska 7n consider anon of
<br />the advance of the principal sum recited in the note hereinafter described, receipt of which is ackncw,ledged, hereby
<br />mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF Oh}AHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska (8100,
<br />Martgagae(subiect ro oil, gas, and mineral rights owned by parties other thar, Mortgagors; existing easements of
<br />record; reservations in United States and State patents; and the rights of the public in all highways), thefollowing-
<br />dascribed real estate in - Hall comity, Nebraska
<br />SEC. TWP. R0.
<br />Lot 3, Block 3, Original Town of Doniphan, Hall. Co., NE - - S 9N 9 W 6th P. M.
<br />ingather with all of the rf.grit, title, and interest at Ghe Mortgagors In said property, including ali Uuildings,
<br />improvements, fixtures or appurtenances na~.s :;r hereafter acquired, including all ap~4ratus, eyulpmarlt, fixtures ar
<br />art7cles used to supply heat ,. gas, air conditioning, water, light, power, refrigeration, ventllatien, ar other sere-
<br />- ices, andtiee furnishings customarily or appraprlately included by Iassors tc lessees Including, but ner 11m1Ged to,
<br />mirrors, screens, windows, storm wind~~+es auC doors, carpe tirg and other floor coverlnds, in-a-door beds, awnings,
<br />stave,=., refrigerators, water heaters, sir canditionars, hamidtfiers, hearth and fireplsr..e equipment, sll a1 which
<br />- - °_ ^ecl^~ ed to t:e a ~v-r. of .,na ran, es t, te, w',*,et;-2r p;.,, gaily attached tbare'n ~,r not, and deemed .. p~rtlen of
<br />the security Sor the indebtedness herafnafter daseribed.
<br />This mortgage is given to secure a prams=;sary rote of even date herewith, executed by Mortgagors to Mortgagee, in
<br />th~princlPal sum of TEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND NU/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<br />~,)?,~,
<br />g~a e r Hate m?nts w_cn n crest accar rg to the terms of sold note, the last instal'mant being due and pay-
<br />able on the first day of a ctobe rt 2004 °,^h±s conveyance shall be void upon the payment of ssid
<br />prbmissory note.
<br />The Mortgagors agree to pay, if requested by Martgsgee, on each u:stallmanG date, 1n addition to the sums required
<br />in thu above-described promissory note, asum equal to the amount determined by the Mortgagee required to accumulate,
<br />snd pay the insurance premL;uns on policies of fire and other hszard insurance covering the mortgaged premises, and
<br />the real estate taxes and assessments due on the mortgaged premises 16 drys prier to the due date: thereof. In
<br />the event chat the sums arcrved for the payment of the saltl pram lllms, taxes, ar assessments are insufficient, the
<br />Mortgagors wlil, upon ^equest, pay such additional sums prier to the due data thereof, p11 sums received therefor
<br />shall ba applied on the principal ba'_anoe until such time as t..^.ey are withdruwn by Mortgagee for the pavmertt of
<br />said premiums, taxes, or assessrnent.s.
<br />'Phis rxlrtgetge is sunJeok, to the prov131ons of TE3E FARM i)RETIIT ACT and all eats amendaY.ory thereof ur supplemental
<br />Cherat.o. 9Rle proceeds et t:he lean secured hereby will be used for the purpose, sperifted in the Mortgagors xpp11-
<br />nation Sor said loan and au tri rfad by said pr t.
<br />Ttla Mortgagors, and each of them, Usraty warrant Chsr ri:ey u••e fee owners of Lhe mortgaged rea.t property; that they
<br />will defend the title against ell claimants whomsoever, and that ,aid property is free from ail encumbrances; that
<br />they will keep all the impravemenGS, 21xGUras, and appurtenances bceuFled and Sn good repair and permit nn arts of
<br />waste; and they will relinyulsh all rights of homestead Sr. said premises, and cavo;i`vrlt and agree with the Martgagee,
<br />~:, -fCaloW,s;
<br />(iy-i41aG they will, ply when due all taxes, liens, ,lodgments, ar assessments whim may be lawfully assessed against.
<br />the property herein mortgaged.
<br />{2) That Ghey will insure and keep insw*ed buildings or ether lmprevements now on ar which may hereafter be pieced
<br />on said premises to the satisfaction of the Martgagee, such insurance policy shall be endorsed with a mortgage clause
<br />txltil the loss thereunder to be ,payable to the Martgagee, any sums received may be used to pay for reconstruction
<br />_ of-the-destroyed lmpz`OVaments:--ar, if-not so-agpl#.ad, may, at the oiitlon of .the Martgagee, 6a applied in gavment bf
<br />airy indebtedness, matured or unmatured, secured by this mortgage.
<br />-(3)-That_in the evenLthe Martgagee ±s a party-ta shy iitigatlnn affecting the security or the lien of Its mort-
<br />gage, indluding any suit Ay the Mortgagee toforeclase this mortgage or aqy suit +.n which the Mortgagee may be named
<br />a Fez'ty defahdant-in which iG is obblligated to protect its rights or lien, including condemnation and Uankrvptcy
<br />prdceadings, the Martgagee may Incur expanses and advance Fayment tar abstract fees, attorney fees (except to the
<br />eXGent.prphibited by lsw), cnstS-,.expenses, an4 other charges.
<br />