tSl By ~el~eptirs~ pavr't=.txt of any susn arawrued 9u^reh.. after dt. ., u~e dsn~ nrmurlg~,~,.u J,,.n rust ova n'. rt~ti rtht :~t,,~:•r t;. rr rn iesrt" G, ci.e.r ,-~as ar~ru `:h+en ,3+.~:
<br />of all Luther surptis x~ ~rured m Ua xteehtlte tfefault for ha~i7urc sw to pay. itl M&crtg~agw~iu ~ha9i Wig' :~w1 '?r.Nrsa,;a .m~,~ ker.., a, rh~- t'r..~ca ;rFd :: a:.S~~ n ,rr u~.-r ,et,rtr~.ax€
<br />and sdea,tl. ahida lsy, dcrmpfy with. a~nrt rlul,y yn~stform aB lhdt~ coveaia~~nts sod ~aigrd~e+rrvants lisuati;n, then tbir G.cnna~re~y^an~ore ;hall be mri)i ue~n~l u-n1oi4.
<br />t43 A!~ Meartgly;usr~e x}~ail be~, js~antfy aa~d sererapty >l,abk: frrr futfi'llrn,.=roil of tp_sroir ,poren~an tµ and ra,3 .. n..ets htr~ir, contait r.9. m,,:! rl,i p.~. r.rei,A; ,ct tkt ~ ~~~,;.y a~~
<br />shall i~rurw. tu,; land ire bimdip.t up.7t1 iihe hw9rs„ axecuuxs, pudm~~nstrterons, surw~aissors, grut~nterw, Ildyn~ees a~~d as~~signv of the parus^s~ Pxe~ret~rv r +p.. ~.8~rvef} .'L,~n,y- re8e¢enc~m
<br />in thiy ~Ilctr,~y~s~ uq ,the uiepgud.ar stgai9p kri cunstuuwi as.plu{uit w^hrtla, app~,topri~agc°r.
<br />d7) Eau4i of tihe.ur d rs~tixntdef hcr~tiy~ ~svaau~c,t the right teu uia§m any d'~rnta~x'! dior tresp~~ss. inyury or any sort occssioned by or resutt'vng Irarru the c. e.r ~iseby~the
<br />Holler of the r:gnn given hrreunder or any attempt to e~ercisr any other right [he Haider is herein granted. or any other right that the liaidcr oas ur may
<br />have, W the ext.rtt permitted by law-
<br />tf3) Invalidity or untnforcrah,lity uC any provisions hetem shall not affect thr validity and anforc:eabiL•ty o: any other provisions.
<br />(4j Stiotid said property or any part thereo[' be taken by reason oC ct+ndemnation proceeding. Mo; tgzQ a shalt be entitled to afl compensation, awards, other
<br />payments Fherefar. and apply the snore on said indebtetness. -
<br />(!0).lf any bC the undersigra;d is a married woman. she represents and warrants [hat this instrument has been executed in her behalf. and Cor h=_r wte and
<br />:~parate erne and betret'it and that she has net exerutcd the same as surety for another, but that she is the Borrower tu;reunder.
<br />t1lj. ii is further provided and agreed that the Mortgagor shall pay all taxes levied upon this MortgaKe, or the debts secured thereby, together u.ith any other
<br />(saes osassessments which may be levied under [he taws of Nebraska against said Mortgagee on account of this indebtedness, to the extent permitted by taw.
<br />LL23 in the evens of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditians of this Mortgage or the note secured by i[, the Murtgag ti shall be entitled
<br />to immediate possession of the property above descrihed-
<br />IN WITNESS WHIrRGl7P the Mortgagors have hereunto set hand and ual this date~/~t'~~ ! r ~~~ / /
<br />Signed, Seated and Delivered in the lrresence uJ /
<br />' ~ Witness 11 -. y~@M'wt/Aga"g~or-- Bwrocver
<br />Witne rr Mortgaagor ~ Borrow2r
<br />ST9.T~ OF NEBRAS7i:A
<br />- -~ 1..v"~,rv) ~
<br />COUNTY OF ~y
<br />... :This - - ~. day o~ . 14~, personaUy appeued~b/efore mcy/y,((~UJ~O./{(~-t_ ~ ~.~is~rl(~.~A.~
<br />anA: +~~ ,his ~`~ , to me known to ire the identi.al pcrsans named
<br />m aad who exect.t -the foregaing mortgage, a»d ,•everalty acknowledged the exacu non thereof to b hiss (har) (theirs free and voiuntar}= act and dc~rd: --
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<br />Prtnr Name
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