f'r~rvided always, nevertheless, th.l~t nothing herein canlained shall in any wise a'.fect, alter ar
<br />diminish the aforesaid lien or encumbrance an the remain,ng part of the real property described
<br />therein, or the remedies at law far recovering from the parties liable to pay the same the balance of
<br />said principal sum, with interest, secured thereby.
<br />7n Witness Whereof, the said THE PxuDENTIAL IN9QRANCE COnaPdNY OF AaiEasCA, has
<br />executed this instrument in manner and form proper and auffcient in law, in iVIinneapolis,
<br />1VSinnesota, this --•--.-.-2A:tlL_-__._--....-_..dsy of_-._-.---+4tlgltsf'--.----._..._., I9_~g..-.-_-•
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<br />On this_...._.20t~ ........................°---..._datp ot.....-......~l9~li.S~........_.......-........, 19_x......., batons Ana the
<br />undersigned, a Notary Pnhlie o[ Mittaesota, Forsonally' appo , .... ..N~19LE#[f~-f°.., . `~1Cltll' ................................................
<br />tome porsonattty known and known to me to be a Vtoe PrenmidenL o[ The Prudentist Insurance Gompagy of America„ a oorp Yrafaoa ;
<br />orgapsed under the laws a[ the State of New Jersey. and also keowa tp me tc 6e the identacat person whose name is subscribed to the
<br />toregoinat iastcument as Viee President of the above mentioned, corporation, who, being by me duly swam did acknowledge sad say ;
<br />!tut he is a 'i+iee President of The Prudential Insursnae Company of Amenos, the corporatian described in end which exeoutod the '
<br />t ing iitstntment and that the Baal affixed to the fotegoirt~ instrument is the corporate seat! of said corporation; that. being informed
<br />af~e coatente of said instrument, he signed, sealed and delivered-the same, ae such officer, in babel! of said oorparatioa by authonty
<br />oP ice Board of nireotiirs: and Lbat he axeaut;-I the said instrument sa his free and voluntary act and deed and as the lroe and
<br />voluntary ato& and deal of the said oawdioraEion Par tho uses, purpoeet and oonsidertwtion therein set forth.
<br />Eaa TeatlmaaHy Whereof, I have hereunto sat my hand and affixed my -seed at my office in the City of Minneapolis, the day
<br />and-year 8pst shoes written. ,-, y ` }
<br />____ =:,61fi""""ilaafllUiFd#itlilri
<br />- - _ . t~ltANt- i'Lltltlt IdaryNE~;S7A
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