~- j 52-A•-REA GSTA7E MipR"R'~G ,d1L.E (W Yh 7.R7c f atis0- ~fXemtN,e~.' t~ C,~~ 'TW¢ Bi'-u~oae~ Gaearad 8npp-q Biunrat Lscc 'si i -.i .. ..
<br />F:NONi7 ALL MEN BY m -IESE I'RI'1!Sl~?'uf'l°'S: T;hawt Sarbine 3~esrando+,raki„ '(a si'.n,gle perroaJ
<br />cf Ha12 C:'ounty, and Statr~ of Nebra ei;a . in consideration sf the sum of
<br />Foar Thousand and QO/104_»----_...._..____~__________~-..-°-----q-~,___~
<br />DO:..LARS
<br />fn hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto the t+ltANL ISLAND FINANCE Gt2MPANY ,
<br />of Ka21 County, State of Nebraska it~e following described premises situated
<br />in hall County, and Sate of Nebraska , to-wit:
<br />82ock Fifteen (15) Lot Frsur (4) in Charles
<br />WaetAer Addition to the City of Crand Island, Iie2i Cotr~ity, Nebraak^
<br />_ 't The intention being to convey hereby ast ahsotat_= titiw ~ fee sin,pie, .nc1_,ding all the -fights of homestead aril dawar. -
<br />7'O HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with aU the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the rzprese
<br />condition that iE the. said mortgagor(s), his, her or their heirs, ezecutors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be
<br />~ paid,to the said mortgagee(s), his, her ox their heirs, ezecvWrs, administrators or assigns, the principal sum of $ 4,000,.E
<br />payable as follows, to wiE: FOTty-eight (48) inetalltaenta of $122.21 made taonthly with the first
<br />payment beginaipg Ontc;ber 5, 2979 and the last gaytttelit due Septe~ober
<br />I 5, 2983 ''t'en#!!~#tlICE dlAfl~E tsrarltrtpetlfdan my
<br />i.st~ut t# tYn Itpreit! ra1lS#~K tricNfitt (~t9i
<br />~ ~ hN~tite
<br />lit tint it3 ax~ttAi ti! t%~ ~
<br />trtndb {t#Mr par der) an Mnt of ~ un-
<br />p~- 9+>tro~W mwlnloe ~eu~~ ~,ooa.oo
<br />irut sot ~t nt~~l of ! 1?441, par
<br />teort~t 1Slf, por itllor on ltlrt p~mt of tM ten-
<br />~~~ ~B.Oi;t1.00 Dut rrot in
<br />with interest arrnrding w the-tenor and e~rct of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing even date with these prints
<br />aa;d shall pay ail taxes and assessments levied upon said real relate, and all other taz~, levies and assessments levied upon this
<br />r~wrtgagr or the sate which this n±ertgagr s given to secure, before the same brron';~ delis 7urnt, and keep the buiidinga Oa
<br />sanl' pretrases itss°arecl for the :urn of $ 4,0,00 ,lass. if any, payable to tl?e said mortga~rP, thr€~ ihe?a ~r~ni+
<br />to veid, atherwisr to be sr.<t mmain in tali foyer.
<br />Iff FI1Ti-fl;R ACrFtEE~s tt: That if the said Mortgagor alral) fail to pay such lazes or proeurr such insurance, the
<br />_-~7d~r~ortgagre-may--pay such-lazes and~tocure each insurance; and the-sum sa advanced. with interest at. -per
<br />shall be repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand ae security for the same. (2) That a failure to pay auy
<br />G of said money, either principal or interest, when the setae bscomea due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregaiag
<br />agreements, shall cause the whole sum of money herein er~vred to become due and colloctible at once at the option of the
<br />i tn47tgeger.
<br />Signed this 6th day of 3epte»obeT 19 79 /"'
<br />r £
<br />- In presence of /? ~ .f=¢i-y~i~ fix.^-?:~:7:~. f::~.,~'..s<f: ``~''-:~:'.........
<br />v
<br />;i ..................................................................... ........ _...-.....
<br />6
<br />z'tPATE OF'..., .... RA. - _ ........... ...... County ot.._.1LALh. ....._ ._. ..........
<br />ik. I Betore me, a notary publte qualified for said county, pen-amily came il/~ItItMIM81'NMirt~gsli
<br />8abioe Lever-do~rsk! ~A.MMt14
<br />r~ ~ kritr~ tr. ear to be th4-i$®rtticai - - ~~~
<br />,~ ) pers~xt or petRms who signed the toregotttg 4n
<br />--thereof io be hie, her nr their voluntary ad alai dyed-
<br />n ~_- Septeaber 6 79
<br />Wtu~a my hand seal notarral seal oa ............... . ......... ........... _.... 18..,»....-...
<br />...
<br />' 1 .......... .... ,}„..~ .....,,
<br />t .fir aommwaioo~ expirea:....._'1~7._~~ .....:.:................ Is~3..... - ~; ,.- . ~. ~, i'ublic,
<br />,~ ..
<br />}~ i $iA OF ...,.
<br />t --e - sa Entered an numerical indez and filed for record
<br />~ kCamty .» ....:... ....:....:.. ..__.:.._ ,.... } in the Register of Ikeda Office of eakl County the
<br />>,
<br />~~ i ....,.,.:.o..,....day of _... ..... ..., 18........._•, ak.._...._...._....._........o'dock oral...._ ......................minutos ......................M.,
<br />~' ~ amt recorded in Book .,..... .... - ..oL,...._..» .......................... $t page_--_..._..........................._......
<br />...._.._--•-°--........_ .............._................_..,...,.....--.....Reg. of Deeds
<br />liy.....,..,._ ................ °----- - .._............................................Deputy
<br />