<br />- - . _ . .r_ ._~_..._ . __. _._. _ .-.... ~._. __.~ --- :..~.r.n.~ii.r~~
<br />ryry' ~ ~+ry~2 I' first i~tatiana~l Bank of Grand Island ~/~ G,
<br />.-?19~° ~~ Note. Security Agrertnent and Financing Sfatement ~ / `~ ~ /(//~~~"'
<br />" S 12. 361 . 3) v_ f,;rxnd island, Nebraska, - _ ht~ . /~ // ~~
<br />~ b 3 t , I4,_j_g,.
<br />- I, we or either of us, jointly and severally promise to pay to the order cf TNC FIRST NATIONAL P.ANK OF GRAND ISLAND hereinafter called Hank,
<br />principal sum of
<br />TIJELVIS Til0U5ANll EIGli1' IIUNDIZEU SlR1'Y-Qj4'~[•',_nNt7 "i7/1(1(1=^________________ ___-__ DOLLA_
<br />tstRether with inicrcst thcrenn from the dam hacof unu! fully pad, 31 the rate of, _, I ,.~ __ _ per cent per month on unpaid principal balancer up to bet aof
<br />I.0
<br />excess of S i,000.D0, and at , ~_______ per cent per month on unpaid principal balances in exeeu of S1 ,000,00, payment therwf to be m~e in ~ I ~_
<br />;~i - 376,52 1st --
<br />"~tnrtaitmems of S____ - - . __. _ _ __ ___ each nn the __ _ __ _ _ da ttf eacfi month I St
<br />_ - - Y De(Fimm~g wtth the day
<br />^JUIy ~__~_ " • 19~y__ ,and nee installment of S 376._52__ __ _-_ en the_ 14~____,day of_Detgmhpr , 14~
<br />7Aia mrtr ra lravaldr..n inwtul nx v•rt llrr irutnf glen.-: •.11nu•rnn wl :hr l,nn4rny r. r.-•.i NII(ti"1 `111r rV 11 it \~h 1.1"t;it:1\1+1!.1.1 Vi1r +:rnn.lt»Inrxl. trnhrn kn nn<I xli lwymentn nirrrim~ipa(
<br />rrnde rlwn dar. wMnMr the ~ yuw•nta maWrr Irv Wtrw ed Inn. rx hr r.a •m •J Avlardf .n :t:.~ n xrv xrui rnn,4lr•~n. „1 rln. not ..h.iii la~nr rnt. n•.t ul +hr hixhrrt kKal rate after rret.,r ity ,m tM• unpaid Intt
<br />In the e t ttul w m»iat:nwyrt aMti mu Iw iwni writnn t•.n dxt. all•-. ,f:n.-. wh» h n !.. •nn.~. riere~ h.~.,~:rn=i:-. eh.~ itanR m e+•14.v :r .4~lrn=tu.•nr. rhwrKr mu in ..ar»av of Fivr pt-r .v n[ e•I •~.h xtstnptnv[
<br />fiw rLAhrw. whirhrv.r rs b•r rx m t:.xr thrr.•nl net, r.•.e..r(i.r mnlu _ n.nrh sue n rn txllnr.~nt n x. n, ..,hit; rt,,. h:Kh,_n {r~nn•rc:rh4. reel rant rte.,
<br />'iln•rnxn brat lx•Irahl xiw rnn•in•I.rn inn uril. h, i..• nn nr ,.l lh•. refine .i l,al.x».~1,~- Ih: i.r_ ~..... elr.=>. .e ..1 rl:...,.,r, ..f n. nt with .,
<br />pit ~tr• :,f tr. mputrvi rhararn Magid nrt the auie .d .w-a.
<br />IrM mwbrrs, ornt•nw+•ra ami -ar- »•. nl thi+ n. e~ wit: ~ ,h~r rnnJ. pr• w .n r rn1 her tmv r~r :. pr.• ,.; .rn.i ern., r~.n, r,,.,, p-e n»nt. a:nl remw•nr !Aa: the hnhfte M•rrof .hail haw thx naht, withWt notice. to dr-
<br />an a t ~tinw withthr•par M t!xtrnKtr.rl»panrrna arnirnnw•nt thar~t in~h•'I~h I.hnll l,•..~th•-nYht.wnlr.wr exit d I'n ~ at site nmr rnh U.e partuxt hercia, mt.tlna tr.
<br />Rnnttf trn.inn. often»•n(i - lfrtl nr not iu,n r.f rh.n unrntn •nK h=r.~nr at err- rli. •, 1. ,,. rrt wrrMn-- ~ rsnn'trrtt(ttw ix rwrnni l,+MlnvMana P.ny hem..
<br />~~.- eafidity nt lti.iwd.•, rarh n(Ihr a.KrrnUnm.lrrihrn nrrteda»inr•<hnl i`hr. rnl`+., -Merl wrrh e,•I,r,•ra.•t,rnrnt niw., rl»'irr „r rel. r..trt ••I tl I t r•wlwtra and wrlireM~rntrrtl to hirM tM aline rith pwv
<br />Mwauf.~ ri..iw nnr nwru.l xn e:i her of IM~m .x Mvrnhr•r m~clnr r.t Irt tnrrrhn••• Kdr. .}.•vr.,• en t».tn.~.r
<br />rlr.vn failure In rmhe•enr nw:rrtieir lrwvnw•ntr Ixlr'~.In....,n.n:n.•.t.rM•rnxr ntr~r •qn n•~1 rn=.h.,rl•.~h•r,~•~I...ralll..:.::r.~.1u•.»rul pntuirh~xt nine 4xthr lmw,anunrnl ttMrrvd tan nr•armatrhnt
<br />~An.rcurilrhrr tM•pq mnM rdthis Nnle Rtx4rx hn.ph»hp.l wrtl,lnnrt the•I.d4.w uxt lvnla. tt, nnel rlr+. hrr••i.v r. .u ,. ... urur intrrr••I tlu~r. •whnthw ne.r uwrxd rx lnareftw xvfuimtn
<br />1979. $UICK, .t~llF.L 4MY7Y )21635:35
<br />~ ,
<br />(tncfadina a0 eas#s, stint and usher Jtridends and all rtahts to wbr.nbr far secunttes msWrnt to, dreWsd, ur aran(M to canaectton with acA property), which ProPertY ntaether wltA ae
<br />.- additweu.aed suhrlilutiorts-rwsxiler pkdacd write hart sa ceifrd the tsaatuil. - - - - - -
<br />- ~ - - 3f nnr' at fhe Cal}atrnt he Cecn attaehcd taw .r to hr sttarhrd ea rent neax<, a deccrtptian of the rrsi rsute a u faFFuws~ _.~_,____ `-
<br />alaaet wirranir ttit unku muted a:hcn•tse the r'onautat is uvd at betnr eourpt pnasudt tur pexuotal, 4may ar hoasehol4 pnrpuus; but ii muted base ~ fine feamina aparatim;
<br />- - ' it mutc8 stet t j fat huuntu ofrttatwas, and if muted tern ~ the Cotiaruai a oesri~ uyuhdf with Ine ptaudsaf the aatc~ wee•_ wh~h SscuseA Party esr Sjs!r~ dis~ily Ys !!tv>sk~~
<br />a of the Caitatccil. -
<br />4
<br />_ - its: ut~di:t --
<br />~~ atittwwKdaes tecsipt ut a espy at the tents mt tae dale Berea(, and saran tint ht has read the aQeemeat and that tail smaeteent incWdes and u tutye¢t w the addYfoaa
<br />_-_ Afwtsaans set 1txtA helaw and an-tt rtwus rv+r. t- rQL itrsafas.bsisa s.rnr,.,T__._f_.hescia-by xataxea~ - -.. -
<br />!. Pttsceads S I:'.461_.~2 ~ i..:_::, _
<br />..~7~'r` __. ___
<br />.. Other Chuaes, ttamizaa CRf3U1T LIEF, AND UFSABlLITY INSURANCE is not required to obtain this loan. Na chug
<br />,y trot, is mane for Crean insurance nits no credit mwtance a provWed unleu the ttorrower s$as Wt
<br />! ~______._.______, _____._. _.. .. S __ ___._._ appropriate statement helaw-
<br />_, ___-,__..._... _-__. _. _. s - ._ --_ _ ..__.._.- •Ilt t f r a' t r Node
<br />_._.___.........__ ~._.. ._., S ..-------_-_.~
<br />J, Amount Financed tl ~ 2) S -l.au.~t.l,~_._.
<br />~. F(NAN('Et'tiARGP ~ S .,;~a91~,jj, __.,
<br />S. To#ai of Payments ; ,l~ay`f 13.84
<br />ANNUAL PF:RCL'NTAGF. RAT:: ._ILIl__.._.%
<br />e cos ur _re n _t a and Dt4abdtly Insurance wdl be S for tht
<br />rein of the credit.
<br />1 desire Credit ldfe (IX) Nf)T want Crodk -
<br />and bisahthty Insurance. Ltte or IHrbduy ignsu~ance,
<br />Rx/!~ NIA
<br />(Wte) (Sytnaturej _ _.__,.__,__._..__._ tthte) (Si`nature)
<br />AUURESSES ~ ,' )fiGNATURES / ,,~~
<br />3A 25 "ARI~'itt:US'P ~ ___ . __ _____.__ _e __.~._. X _S_.t. ~` ~-'r ' .~~~: ,~.- 111~tj~
<br />~ ,R(~ISF.R"F I'RUC:K1.tR, JR,
<br />OMAt1A-_~y'ja kA!;2fA ,__1~?~ _~~-~_ -a x / i' t (~• /. L i .•• tt ~__ _
<br />_ ~~
<br />- ___ ROBERT 1'RLiCRLEH, SR.
<br />hoe utposea of flltnlt as a firuncitsP statenn•nt than Nutc. Secnnty Attcemcat atW 1-ivancitts Statement akc-aptsa tlsst _ rf d,yr
<br />of-._-. .. ~ ~~±! ___ __._ . 14 ~.`~ T71F FIRST NATIONAL BANK UFGRAND ISLANU
<br />- Srreurrsd _tty Copy - ,(f'-C,~6~e1~... ~~ ~ .F"'-
<br />ILD-!OS Bty -~ jl~~~"tC
<br />_ . .. 1 ttnr+t zr;rrr t.,xr:a =:rrr•.: . -:Jt.
<br />
<br />