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<br />r'~ SEPT, 18 1,37' I
<br />r./Qte- ._._
<br />dN THE COUNTI' COU1Rd' OF -__.._ HAS..L COtJ'N?"5.', NEtI'Kd.SKA
<br />HP,LL
<br />t This is to certify that there is pending in the County Court oj -C.ounty,
<br />~~~' r
<br />Nebraska, a proceeding entitled:
<br />fl~i+~ 'i IN THE i~[ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HARRY DIEKEI~I, Deceased
<br />r ,(f~ _-
<br />(ili;
<br />~ ' ~,0 37-184 .Doc.. 37 Page 18
<br />.lit
<br />whfch is a proceeding involving FORI~'IAL ADJUDICATIQN OF IIdTESTAC'i
<br />(probate of u~itl, administration of estata, determination of heirs, determination ~
<br />t~~._
<br />S
<br />itt luhich proceeding fhe following described real
<br />of inheritance las, guardianship, or conservatorship
<br />~`
<br />estate is involved, to-wit: Ifs
<br />r
<br />~, The East, Half o~ the Southwest Quarter (E%SW/,), the West Half of the
<br />Southeast Quarter (W'zSE%), and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast j,
<br />:i Quarter (NEaSE',4) of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Hine (9) Piorth
<br />i t Flange Eleven (11) West of the `vtl'i r.i , Hail Co::.^. };:, Nah ra si: ~,, __
<br />~lii
<br />An undivided one-half (%) interest in the Southwest. Quarter (5W.'s)of tz;
<br />' u.a~~
<br />"''' Section Tv;enty-two (22) , Tov:nshi.p Pline (~) i`iorth, :3ant e Eleven (Il )
<br />~!'~~41 West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Plebrasl<a.
<br />li~~ j
<br />~j An Undivided One-half ('Ja) interest in the East Half of the Southwest
<br />Quarter (E%SW'/,) of Section Thirty-four ("?4), '?'o:.'nship idine (D) North, '
<br />Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th r.t~i., Hall County, idehraska.
<br />I'
<br />~ i t'
<br />An undivided one-third (1/3) interest in thN Ncrthi~;est Quarter (NW.a), j'.. .i
<br />Section Twenty-seven (27), Township N9.ne (") Pdorth, Range L.Leven (11), t,
<br />Wert of the 6th P.i~1. , Hall County, isAeraska
<br />The North I[alf of the Southwest Quarter (,~. ~Fi;) of Sec.tl.on Twenty-seven
<br />- t>'7), Township :Mine (9) North, Range E2ev~t, {}1?, :test ,~ th;~ D*n s'.f~
<br />Hail County, i~ieeraska,
<br />;;_
<br />f,
<br />~l''
<br />,.,.
<br />(',iF _
<br />~,
<br />' 7
<br />Richard L. DeF3Acker
<br />~~ZY OOv, ~ County Judge of said county
<br />CJ! ~ ~ Wit` ~ /~ ~, ~1'~ n r
<br />~~,~, ~ r , •. ~ Cterk of the Gnunty Gourt~
<br />it p<~Loa ' ~
<br />~~
<br />~edton 24-:;59. "In any pro ~~ %~p~~~i~~ rnurt inwtoinp (1) the probate of wills under fhe prootsions of Chapter 30, article ,jl
<br />~~~ $; (2}lhe admtrtistration of estatts uri tans ajGhaptar 3U, ertiele 8, (3) the ddermination aj hairs under the pnwisions of
<br />_ ~ Chaptel.30, articia t7, (~; the determination aj inheritana ta: under the provisions of Chapter 77, article 20, (5) guardianships iii
<br />[order ttu praaisiona qj Ghaplu 38, article t, 2, 8. or 4, or (ff) tonservalorohips undo fhe provisions of CAapttr 38, artidt 9, when ~.
<br />~'' teat estate Is any part of tha assets of tha estate 'u proceeding, fhe county Judpa before whom the praeeding is pandirtg shat[ issue a
<br />tertijimte which shalt be filed with !ha regtater of deeds of the County in which the trot esta."e fs located within ten days altar the j;
<br />description of the rant estate is filed in the pracerding." ........................................ i "i
<br />"~~~ ~
<br />i
<br />ii
<br />a ia, _. _ .....
<br />