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.���.�.--� . - n'� .:v�M1 ` . .. ._,-_ <br /> =� .. , �.�/:,�I 'i' _ _ ....... - ' . .- - <br /> '. __. <br /> �nL"_ -i� � . '_—'.—_ _.__. <br /> - - _ ��r �oO�i7� <br /> --- - TOOETHER WI'i'N �II the im�overoenti now or haraRer aecled oa Iho propaty�m�i1.+W1�sa�.+��� <br /> -- fixwros now ar here�fleP o p�rt oi tho propertY. Alt nepl�cements a�d uWltintw slu�l��Iw be o4MA�ed h'Y'tW� 9�atW� <br /> -� L�stnunau.All of ttie fore�oin�is rcferred to in tbi�Secu�ity Inctn�mau as the'PropertY." . <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS th�t Borrower is I�wfLlly�cisod of Ihe ectate henJsy cailVayed and hpp,th�ri�lpt w[[�nt�d <br /> - _— convey the property and th�t thc[�'operty ix unnxvmberod�e�coept for enc�unbrancea of�o�ord• Bor�w�wur�aod wW � <br /> defeid generally thc tide to the Property againu all claim�aad denwxb,wbject to any enc�atnbtincxs of.rixad. <br /> - THIS SFCURITY INSTRUMBNT combft�es unifam coven�nts for nsticx�l uce and�►x�o�wufcnml+Ppy������ <br /> _� _____ v�rialions by judsdiction taconstiwte a uniform secu�iryinrun�ment covering rul pmpetty.• <br /> �---_ _ --- �--� <br />;-�� UNIFORM COVHNANTS.Borrowcr and Lender rnveront�1 a�roe�fullaws: <br /> 1. P��meut at P�iacipol w�d Intensti �P�Y�wd l.We Ch�e�ea. Borrows� slwll Pro4t7{�lY PoY wtxn due�the <br /> --� princip�l of and intercst on the debt evidcnxd by thc Nde and anY prepnYmeiu And late cltt�es due u�tdqK the Nou, <br /> � 2. Faadc for Tau�s�ad lacuaace.Subject to applicable Iow or to a wripea waiKer by Lendc�,,Borrower shill py w <br /> ,,;_ Lender un the day rnonthly paym�•nts are due under the Nate.until the Note is paW in full,•a sum("FuadA')for: �.�y�y uxa <br /> and assessments which muy attain pdority over thia S�curity InstNment as a lien on the Prn►�eny:(bl yeArly Iwsehold payments <br /> °,��„"`�`—'�' ar ground rents on the Property,if any: lcl yeuly h�rd or piapeAy imurwK.�e premiums;•(d)yearly M:rad insurance prcmiums. <br /> ,� if any; Ie)yearly mongage insurance premiums, if any;und 1�+u�y wmg payable by &rtrower to l.e�er. in aa��darce with <br /> m the provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mongage insuru�ce premiums.7onese ilem.�wYt cWled'Escrow Itema." <br /> �' . ` � I.ender may. at uny tiroe, mllect ond hold Funds in an anwunt nvt ta excced the maxirnum amouM,a le�der for a fedenlly <br /> ,,,�; � relsued mortgage lo�may roquire for Borrawer's escrow aemuM under the federal Rex�E.wate S�ttktnent Procecfurcs Act of <br /> 1974 as amendod from�ime to time. 12 U.S.C. Sertion 2601 et s�q.("RESPA"), unles�anpt6er law 7li�t uppliea to the Fw�ds <br /> ---- r�ets a lesser amount. If so,l.ender any time.mllect and hold Funds in an am►�unt not to exoeed Ihe lesser amount. _ <br /> — •�,. '' L,ender may estirtu�te the omount of Funds due on the b�.cis of curcem data atd reaso�la estltnptes af cxpenditures of futu�+e <br /> � F.cerow Items or otherwise in accordance witb applicnble law. <br /> :i�s ��.,.. ,. ,�_" <br />—=-- The Furds si�all be hcld in an institu�ion whose deposits are insured by u feJ�nl ugency, iqr.tsymentality, or entiry <br /> .—.— ..... ,.� �� <br /> � lincluding Lender. if l.ender is such an instiwtionl or in uny Federal Home L.aan Ba�k.La:nder shvll apply the Fw�ds to pay the <br /> �,. ;,;��.,;�„ ^ Escr+nw Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding unci applying Ihe Funds,unnually analyzit'�g the escrow account,or <br /> _. . .:. � , , verifying the E.arow Items,unless L.ender pays Bormwer interest an the Funds and ap�*iicablc law permits Lender ta make such <br /> _ �� O�i w :: <br />— �T�.,;, '•� ;� u charge. However.L.endcr may require Barrower to pay a one-time clwrge for an indc;osndcnt rcal srtate tax reporting service <br /> � �� }, , ," . used by Lender in rnnnection with this loan, unless opplicubte law provides otherwise. Unless wn agrcement ia made or <br /> -- �+;�'��� applicable luw requires intercct to be paid,L.ender shall not 6e required ta pay Borrowet anv interest i►r earnings on the Funds. <br /> — �" �"" " Borrower and Lender may ugree in writing, however, tha[ interest�:fwll be paid on�he Funds. I.cndeR sFiall give to Borrower, <br /> "��� ,s _ •� � without charge,an annual accounting uf the Funds, showing credics wxl Jebils to�he Funds and tb: purpo�e far which rach <br /> —`'��� -''�'±+"'.� debit to�he Funds was made.'I'he Funds ure pledged ac udditianal secu�ity for ull sums v�u:ed by th�t�ecunty instnimert. <br /> ���=��� � � ' If the Funds held by Lender exce�d�he tunount� permiva! to be held by upplicablo.IWw, l.�nder nholl account to Borrower <br />._w�;, d�=*�•,.�,:,� for the excess Funds in acrnrdunce with�he requiremen�s of applic:�ble luw. If the umuunl of Ihe FutKis held by Lender at Any <br />- �M� '�-:� � ' time is not sufficient to pay�he Exrow Items when due,LenJer mry so n��lify Bnrrowes in writing.unJ,in tiuch case Borruwer <br />:�n^,�. d. .a-�-s y <br />-���� shall pay to I.ender the:inwurn necessury to make up the deficiency. Bomnwer.r-hull make up tiu: deiiciency in n�more than <br /> —� "' twelve monthly payments,ut Lender'ti ude dixretion. <br /> y-@„�•�-"—``'-'-"�"`�" Upon payment in full of nll .ums k:cure�l by thi� S�xurity Imlrument, l.c�uler shall pn►mptly refuncl ta&irtnwer any <br />_-:���. u.,��.;... <br /> -.��:.��+�•�-°��+� Funds held by Lender.It',under paragr�ph 21.I.rnJcr.hal l acyuire or,cll�hc Property,lander,prinr to the acyuitiition or+ale <br /> '�1°""'":'`� Pe Y�• PP Y' Y Y q R <br /> _,�_:� ,� of the Pro rt �hall a 1 .�n FunJs held b l.ender at tMe tinx of or uiaition or wle uy u credit a uinat the aums s�tiured y <br /> °;:i • „ .'. P,j this Security Instrument. <br />-',���.` �. �a� 3.Applicalion of P�yments. Unle��applir�hlc lax pruvidcs athcrwix. uli paymem.r��ei�•cd hy LenJer under paragmphs <br /> -'� •-�-- "J" •• I and 2 shull be applied: first. to uny prepaymrnt rharEer duc unJer ihe No[c: .econJ.tu umountn q•ry�ublc under p•rrugroph 3: �'�: <br />-}�s;�. '*•� � � third,to interest due: Gwnh,to principal duc:anJ la.t,to:�ny late rharge,due unJer the Notr. <br /> ,£'-,-� , ..� � <br /> .,;,ti, 4.Clw�es; Liens. Borrnwer shall pay ull taxc,,asK.,ment.. rha�ges, lincs aiui im�i+itiun+iiuribu�able to the Propeny ���� <br /> ::.i��. �"'.` . which ma attain riorit over this Securit In�trum�nl, ai�l Icaxh�,ld r nuntti ar �rowxl rcnty. if uo�. Borrower,hsdl d <br /> '"j ., a Y P y y P'Y b > p'Y <br />_ . _,r. these obligations in the manner provid��i in par�gruph 2.��r if n��t paiJ in�hat munner. &�rrowcr�hall p•ry them on time Jirectly <br /> _ .� , � to the perwn owed paym�nt. Born�wer.hall prompdy I'umi,h tu Lc�xler all nuticr+��I'unuwntr a�be paid u�1er thi�purugroph. <br /> If Borrower makes�hese p•ryment.directly, Bnrrower.full ptumptly I'umi.h tu Lcndcr rercipta c��iurncing the pAyments. <br /> , Borrower shall promplly di.charge ony lien which h;t_�priority rn•cr thi�Scruriry Inrrrument u�le.�Bonowrr: tal agree�in m= <br /> �,.;: �_"" "' a writing to the payment of the ubligation xtiurcJ hy thr lien in a m�nner t�cecp�at+lc to I.cndcr:�b1�:!+mc, p�roJ tui�h thc lien � <br /> - by, or defends ag•rinst cn(orcrment ��f �he licn in. Icgal pnk��.ding, �vhirh in tNe Lcndrr'� orini�m ���xrnte In prrvent thc h?"� <br /> ' � '� enforcement of the lien: cx Ir)u�urc�from dic holJrr ol the lien un a�r�kment,•rii.ti�ruiry ���I.c�xlcr,uMirdinuiing the licn to - <br /> • this Security In�trument. If Lendrr dr[ermineti that an?•pun nt' �In Prn�xny i..uhjcrt io a li�n ��hich may atwin pri��rity�wcr . <br /> , „ this Secun�y In+trument. LetldCT 1118y rlvC Rurn�wer a ixnire i�lentit�•ing Ihe lirn. H�ttruurr •Ir,dl ..ui+fy Ih�lien ur lake on�or �. <br /> .. � �, ,; . more of the actions set forth at�ve within 10 Juy.ul'�he gi�ing al n�dirr. 1 <br /> . " Fam 30Y8 81�0 i1.:�• <br /> r�• . vp.a m a �! <br /> Fe <br /> , F� <br /> V �� <br /> .. .. .� t>;' <br /> �� <br /> .. .. �.+�m�--....,..:"" ,�r . . . .. . r �.�. '��.i�'. :('. , .� � ..... .r';i�. �..:t .. <br /> , . � ��.���.: . _ � . _ .. . . <br /> , � � ' <br /> /( <br /> 1 • � <br /> � . . .. �___ ._.__.__.- _ _, <br />