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�. __ __ <br /> .��r -- <br /> �� � --_ _:.��� `T �...___. v.. ��•-. <br /> a. <br /> I ' �V" �� �, � L011N N�. 1 5 3 9 2 1� 2 5 1 <br /> Idata d tha m�thly�.�yrnarh�,wtdch ere r�ferreci to In Parepr�ph 2,ar chan�e the amount of such paymants�. Any = <br />• , e�coss�+rocaadu c*�or an a�r��nt r uired to pay aU outsundUp insiabtednass under the Note wnd thls 5ecurityy -- <br /> . In�ttument shaU tra pai�tq tii�+onttty�ly w►tidad ttwrato. _ <br /> ' O.F�w. L�ik�f�r ir�y caJ�i;:i iaas ar►�ct�ar�auit�a-iz�by ttw�ac,ra:auy. - <br /> ' �.Grourtda farAc�rk�flur��t D�bt. = <br /> i (�)Dahul�. l.erutur rrkiu,exoaat as Urr�Yeci by reyutat{ons Issuad by tha Sacratary In tha cas�of payment delautts, _ <br /> roqulr0 immaeilut�3 xra�rm�ni ki fu11 d all sum9 secured by tlus Secu�tty Instcument if: <br /> � (I)8arr4wot ctcr�ml�te by faNing ta pay t�tu11 a�y ma�thiY payrrraM rsqu�red by i�ls Security Instrumant;xi�x <br /> � ta or cn th�s duce dt�!e o�the naxt monihly PaYn►' _: <br /> ,: � (il}&xr���tr d�YJUUfts by'Fef9lnp,tor a per�od o4 thliiy days,ta periorm any dher ot�ilqatlons Cnntelned In thls <br /> � ; �ac.urir�fn;,�n�mtmt. F <br /> 1 ��}�Gt IHItt?ta�rt�II Aptproval. Lender sha!!,if permitted by appllcabio law and with the pdar apprava!of tt�a =- <br /> vec:aiar,/,��c�uirR immadt�ie pay�ner�i in fu!!oi aU ttie sw�s2c�rs�by thia S�:u�iry Irstrum::�i if: � <br />� I (I�NI crr pe�rt of the Property,w a ber�ficia!fr�teresi tii a tit;si r,r�vning all or part of the sok!cx o <br /> - J M te+vW:�a Ransfetred(other tnan by devise or desceN)by ti�f�,t.�ower,and �_ <br /> 1 (ii)T'iti��Fi,,, Is not occup(ed by the purchaser or granirk t�.s t�s or hr'v princi}�1 r�cience,ar the � <br /> . _ . . .. p����rw�,+�Y�rantee dc�es sa c�ccupy the Property but hls or he�credii tus nat beer�aippraved in � <br /> ttCCtY:'rl.ittc9 Wiih th0 t6qlairemeriis t�i iite Sen'.i e�a,y. <br /> � � (�i)R1Q VYyl�ror.Ii ct�cumstances accur that w�ould permit Lsnder to reqWra Immadiute paymant in full,but Lender ` <br />� . � .,� daas nai ret�ulte such payme�us,Lsnder dc+es not v�tiva qs Hyhts with respect to subseqtsei�i events. � <br /> (d)R�pufatlor+�ot HUQ S�crMaryl. In many cJrcumstances ragulai{ons Issued by the 5ecretary wUl lim(t Lender's <br /> ! �hts,In the caso ot payms�nt defaults,to requlre I�rxrx�dl.�te payment(n full and forectose H not�his Secur�y �: <br /> instrument doa9 not auttwtlze a�wlerAtbn or forodostup M not pe+m�fed by rest�iatlotw d the ry. F. <br /> (�)Yext��Not Inaund. BoROwor agre88 tha2 sttia�d thts Socutity Instrurt�t stxi tha note saclued thereby not ` <br /> bi 9iiQlbl6 fOr 1116Uf611C0 U71dAt t11Y N�tiW131 HQltilfl�At:!With111 B 0 D A Y 5 fTOR1 tF19 dat9 hYri�D�, — <br /> lender IW W�tia►and notwiths4ndktip anythinp G�Pan�n�ph 9.requke tmmadlate paymeM In full d W = <br /> ��, � axns�CUrod by thb Sact►rky Irutturt��A wrkten etntenwnt d any stdhor�ied aqent d ttto SoCrWi�y dated = <br /> subsoquent to s o �w r s hom tY�date hereol,ded(�to Insure this Instrument and tha <br />;,� � noto socurod thoreby,shel!ba daomed c�or�duslw proof d cucl�tneil�lbTlity.Notwithstandln�t fc,��oG�,tlds - <br /> �{ optbn maiy not be axwclsed by I.ender wh�n tha unavatllabYity d Insurance Is sdely due to L�encier'e faNure ta remk = <br /> "�'- e�mo+t�e tns�uance Premlum•e tha�ecretary F <br /> ' � 10.RN�iatan��t. Borrawer tu�A rbh�t to be rekistated if I.snder has requtred tmmediate paymeru tn fuU becauso <br /> a��j of 9ortowet's fsllure tca pey en amourrt due tu�der tlte NAte or thl9 Securiry Instrumer�t.Thfs�ht appiies evet�after _ <br />° �.� foredostue proceedlr�s are Inst�uted.To reinstate t?�Secur�tyy InstnuneM,Bortower shsll ter�er(n a lump sum a11 c <br /> atTlotuitS required t0br�g BOROW1tx'9 aCCOUn4 ctlrretlt 111cluJlny,to the exterlt they ar�Obflgetbne of BOrrower under <br /> thts Secu��Instrumerxr ,fioredosure costs and�easonabte and customa`�y attorneys'tees and expenses Prope+tY <br /> assoclated wit�the foredos�ue praceeding.Upon reinstaternent by Barra+�er.thls Security InstrumeM and the _ <br /> obitgatlQns that it seceues shall rernain In effect es�Lender had not rer�.�ad immedtate payrr�ent tn fuil.Ho�we�ver. <br /> I.erder Es not req�tired to petmii retnstateme+�t if:(i}Lender has accepte¢9 rek�tterr�ent aiter the of <br /> foner�osure Rroce�ed�x�s w�tt�ta 4KO years tmn�edlately precedEng the c�a�ce�nent d a curreM foredosure <br /> ed��ars�y�a�t ti�pr9otity af the Iirn crested b�y t�tds�SecurttY�nstrexr�ene. In the iiuture,or(iiq rei�tatement wil <br />�� 11.Bon'ow�r Not RNsa:ad�Fotb�rl�nC�by L�nd�r Not a Waiv�. Extensbn dthe tlrne of peyment or <br />,:,�,� modlflc�On of emorteYation of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instnunent g�anted b r�L�to any successor in <br /> .~.� Nw'r'�it+a�i�v"�.v�r..�w.�...�.w S�wM•Mes�fn fn role�aa�M(inhii7N nf t�W/V�ff1�M){;f1ffUM141iK K-- -- A RI MY�AIifiK�17 If1[� <br /> ..p...�...«..�.��.. i �' �.._ <br /> - Ler�oktr�i not 6e requtred to canma�ptaceedl��ariy succassor tn Iriter�i�r�r2fc:sa to eid�d��ra'� - <br /> '� paymerar tx�'�►�:5e modffyl amortlzatton of tf�e sums secwed by U'.s Security InsL'ument by reason of atny tiem� - <br /> �-.s • made by tt�e o�g��orrower or Borrower's successors In i�rterest.F,rry fabearance by Lsnd�r in exerclsitg ar�Y r� <br /> _= or rerrtiedy sha�rr�t te2 a wafver of or predude ttw exerclse of any Rgis��-remedy. <br /> -- 12 SucGSSCx�and A.s�igns Bound:Joint sed Sawnl LIaWi�y;Co�SiQn�cs.. The covenarus and a�reemerxs of <br />.-=a� tt�s Secur�y t�trt9rr+�r�sl�aft b+nd and�be�f'd the succ�ssors and asslpns of t.endmr.rind Borrower�subleci to the <br /> � ��P��9.���but doesc�gec�te�he Not�e.�(a)Is t�-sipnin�this SeCtuity l�-r�n�tner�t oNy to <br /> � r�on�e,a�c�.-�a co�►eytr,�eo�ow�s�ceres�u�u,e�ope►cy u�ae�me terrru amts sec�ir�sw�:�)�s <br /> �—�— B�r�oner maY��to extend.modify forbear or bmyake�Inswmer�t: wiEhh c�reparcJ�W tthe�thfs�SecuritY <br /> - — tr�rcrae�re or the Plote v�ichout that Bonr�wer's ca�nsent. <br /> �- 19.Natic�s. My notice to Borrower��ptavkled for in this Security Instrumont shall be glveri by deliverir�g it ot by <br />-� malitg k by fir�dass matl uNess appl bie law requires use d another method.The notke shall be dUected to the <br /> --'�- P A�ddress ar any other address Borrawer desi�nades by notke to!_ender.My notice to I.,ender sha!!be given <br /> by�dass mail to Lender's address stated herein or any sddress Lender desigrtiates by rwtice to Borrower.My notice - <br /> .f - �� �InsUument shaU be deerned to have beon�hren to Borraver or Lender when phren as <br /> t4.GOVrmi�g Lsw;S�vanbility. This Secuiity Ins�rurr�ent•.h a f l b e gov e m e d by F e d e►a t l aw a n d t h e l aw d t h e <br /> � [tuf:.sdtcibn fn which the Pr is located.In.�q�c that any provisbn or dause dthfs Security Ins�ument or the <br /> �la�tc�oor�kkxs with appl e 1aw.such cordtict shail not affect other provislons of thfs Security 9r�slru+neM or the Note <br /> whic�s can be given effect without the conflN�inp provision.To this end the provisions d U�ts Securky Instn�and the - <br /> Idote itro ckCliired to bo sovotetbla. _ <br /> 5� 1b.6amwrr'�Copy. Bortower shall be Siven one car�forrned copy of ticis Security Instrument. _ <br /> 1�Assiynttt�n!ot RMb. B�ower uncond�iot�aliy assf��atid transiers to Lerider all the r�rtts and revenues d <br /> _. ths Praperty.Bomower as�t�2es Lsndar a Lender'a agenRs to coilect the rents and reva+wes and hereby d(rects each - <br /> _'` teRard oF sure Prnpen'y�a pay 5�"+e ia�t�t.e�R;a c,�i.a-�;a s�K.:�s«�'w,p�K,:�a ls:.�:s��ta°��.,:.o:� <br /> =-�=� �orrower's txeach oF any cavenerrt or agreernent In the Securky Instrtxnent,Baro�r�er sttiatl coiled and recelve alt re�s - <br /> _ `�` . a,�d re�ne�w,es oi the Property as tn�stee ror ate ber�e�t of I.e�der and 6«roM+er.rnfs aasl�nmerrt a rents�an - <br /> ' BL�dut�assl�rxnerk and not en SSSiprunent for addkbnal Sectuily oniy. - <br /> ' � � If l.ender yhres notice d breach to Borrower: (a)all rerris received by Botrower shall be heid by Bortawer as Wdee _ <br /> �' � to�benefit aF Ler�der be applied to the sums secured by the SecuNty Ir�stnune�t; (b)l.ender shal!be eruitled to <br /> cdlect and�ec�e a11 d the rents of the Property;and(c)each tenaru d the PropertY si�aU PaY aIl rer�ts due and unpald - <br /> l to Lrender or L,end�r's agent on Lende+'s written demand to the tenant. _ <br />� 1 Borrower has not executed any prior assignmer�t of the rents and has not and wiU not perform any act that would _ <br /> preveM�der fram exerclstrt9 iLs NghtS under this Paregraph 16. <br /> I.,ender shall not be roquired to eMer upon,take coMrd d ar maintain the Properry before or after glving notice af <br /> fsrc;sich to Borca�wer.F-towervar,Lender or a JudidaUy appolnted receive�may do so at any time there ts a breach.My ;r <br /> appiicatian of renis shali not cu�e or waive any defauit or imraUdate any other riyht or rerr�edy of Lender.This <br /> ass{gnment of rer�ts of ihe Property shall terrnirtiate�hen the debt sectued by the Security Instrumsnt ts paid(n fuU. - <br /> ° FFIA NEBRASKA DEED OF?RUST S/o6 <br /> ISC/FIA�TNE//06��/(595)•L .*i f�ALiE��� - <br />