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TtfE Mt}JZT~atc~r[l3~ ycrKTf-l~ chcav~r«r~,raTS Ax~r Ac~l~~~~: <br />'Phat the dviongagor wilt pay the indeRtedneaea acs RereinRefora~ provid>:>e1, <br />That the Mortgagor is the ciwner c( swirl prnpr-sty in tee simple and has gorx; righE and {a~,~fui nut?~r,i it. t.. ~,- noel <br />convey the same and that 'the same is free and eteat of any lien or encumbzanee; and that .^lnrigaKc.r wit} warts.,+t and defend the <br />title to said premises against. tRe claims of ati persons whomsoever. <br />To pay iaEtnedia+xly whet. due and payaRie s!i ganeial taxes, special taxes, special assn<smcnt-c, water r-ha rges, s .t-car =c rv~ <br />ice chttrgcs, and other taxes and charges against said property, and alt taxes levied un iht• debt seru reel hereby. and fn furvci~h :he <br />Mortgagee, ufx?a r~,urst. with rite ;Srrgina! cu duplicate receipts tt:?refoc The :~..nrtgagor agrees that t,tere= -ha8 he added trt <br />~~~EE each moot-hly payment rcgr ,red hetauncler r under tFe eridr ne (left cur 9 1 r h :n a r m tr : t i lfc rtyat r= <br />~o.Py fn h- ,~caent to enable the Mortgagee 1 - t~a.=. as }ty bee. m tuc, all rase astie. meet -tn 1 - rr; la cP 3rKr- u~ n the prem <br />:'~C. i:cF_ suhjct.t tRcretu, anti i-Sr ~enct }>+=r ~'tu5 : f tn~ to ~ :F ne r r -uch d Idif ~- nt. pa4m r.r; f it h- r tti ~il, t t `lt ~I t. <br />h4attgagnr witSr the S riKagee ~rpor, ;ten a 1 ,-r fh- -rt;; -. P_ v .t- .t ..It .: n.i• = tf:-; t -r-,,. ;; ,t- s,.,ell ! ..r .-nr~i a .Se.auit ,r <br />-` payriiottt of taxes, ascc s_mrntc, nr ;im:lar th.,,gas ,<nurred h=rc ua;ie:. <br />The illortyagor Rg rrr-s tha± there shsil also be addod to ,_;tch munthlV payme-`art nt principal and interest required Rere- <br />under an amuma cctimao~d Ry the Mortgagee tc he suflic~ent to <=nahit• the, SL2ortgagrr. tr puy. a i! ',t-rss+;<.= due. the in~u raref' <br />premtu n. nn an} ixur to It {tr 1 ii+<=re i t } Mortgagee -ant defei ~-r <} c a i_ ..C ! , - F--.,. C f _ a tt cdd:tu;rut .a} <br />[~ meet., <1,ail tee fc rthw„}. 3opu,a_ 1 in Lhr R4 trtFagor urth fh< 11 ~rtgagre upon de n~.,u by tt \M1nrtgap Any rirfauit uni~.r thi=_ <br />paragraph chill tr= dc.•med a de(auif in the i:armoat of loco ranc• premiums. If tt;r p=:li^}' ur poliri••s r(rpnctr-d orr~ such ac :rvme- <br />nwner!: nt sll risk pr.!ir~, r~ noel the .irpn;,it- d = fnsuf8eiert to I!a,f tF,r- ••n[irr• nremlcrn. the- 1L~rrg_:3r,y. :n ne applt~ the r:r•posi`: to <br />pay premiums r,n asks n•Guired to hr u;:u red by this mortgag^ <br />Papn,r.nt. made- by rhea S4„rt~,,~or amler the above pa:~aFraph; may. at tLo option at t?:,• Mortgagee be h;•i~! by it and <br />eommin(;Ird vrd}; ~>thrr such f.; n,is .,r ifs awn funds for the +•+aym eni of such item:, and until ~t eS+plic~i, such {:ayrn.•r:r .,.. }„•ra•b}' <br />p?c-rige~d ss srrur:tc inr th.• un;:eid balance ut Iho mnrtnage indehtednec5. <br />Tv prncu.:~. ~irf:+~er t.. ar,.e mauctain (ur the benefit of the hL'utgagee during the li(,• :,f this rnuetgage urigina! poll. ~• ~ and <br />rent*w•ats thee,-+;>f, -i.•l,v,•rrd .<. .~., ~•t t~~ri ,1et.~ ie°f,~r•• thr• ,~<p:rari•,n n( any such policies, incurinY; ~.;,ainst Firr and „thee loco table <br />hazards- ca.:ualtir-- •,,.,, c. t.ttnga•nrie:, as LRr hiortgagt~ ma requite, in nn amount eqc.;,! to the indeRE.edneas secured by this <br />r~ -e gage, and ~•::nt n -= eccepki h!•- n> th j4"rtt,at, .. rith lo,e pap able claus• u; feu.+ ,i and ir, form arcaptable to the= ~lnrtga- <br />pt:r- in the' e.a n[ .~' pot F .,- .c h~ ^.R r>r i;C[nre IC'il days -~F 11~ c`Xpira EieF.. fhe MnrTg3gee maY t'i(]r:tre inc:IranCe `:'1 tt;e <br />improvement-_ - aye the pr-rrnium t}t, ;..y~r and such su to .hall r-ec~:rop irnmediatr!}• Clue nerd ,rayabie s~ih r_ie;eat at Fhr tale set <br />forth in said note u:tfd paid and shall ta- ..=cur.~d by rhea n;ortgagr~. Failure on the part of the Mork;agor to furnish such r.~newnls <br />as are herein requia•d ur fariure to pac any sums advanced hemurder :hall, at the nptior: of the \gortgagee= caastiFUt+° a ,lrFauii <br />under the terms of tRcs mnrt„ag.-• The dedi:~cn~ r~{ sorb pnlirtirs ahaS1. ~n the r'vt•nt aF default. constitute an assrgnment of thr, un- <br />t-arned premium. <br />Any sums received h}° the hL+rigag<•c~ by reason oY loss or damaKe insured against rosy he retained by the 'ti4:,rigagee <br />and applied te+w~ard the pa}~ment of the debt h. reb_v uav nod, oc aE the nptinn of t}:e ~SortgaKee, such sum-. tither whally i:r ir. <br />part may he paid raver to the Mort„ugor to be used t.n repair sur_!i huiidings or to huitd~ne:+• buildings :n tI>,~:r t>Vacr :~: -ur soy <br />ether purtxzse nr nRje,:t xuisfactun- to tRe Murt Kagee without afTretinK the lien ~:n the m„rtgagr~ ter the fult inn hurt <e-crated beer <br />by Refire such payment «ver t«tk place. <br />To promptly re{.,air, restore or rebuilt? any huiidings nr imprr=;•e=mints no>. .:r hrreaf te=e on the prrmiska~ whu•h may h2 <br />come damaged ur destroyers; In keep said premises in gcxn3 condition and repair and (err Crum any mechanic's lien nr olhC•r lii•n or <br />clam of Lien not ezprexsIy stiwtdinated to the lien here=of; nut to suffer v:r l:xrmit any nnlawfut use= of or any nursance to exist on <br />!raid propr-rty err to prnnit w;r.'!c- nn saicY prrmtsr•.•;. nor to tin any ,>thr,r uct whc~reh}~ the, {>r:,t>rrt}' he rt•by i-orvey~ed sF?a'1 t}ecnme <br />it-ss .al.ra:rir. nv. .., ~, ,.s34 ., ,irepas= e~ -arue i i a-,. ai, r.r . .c..+<,r• „_. ., ._, ,,: r., - ~+-ir .,., . _ Sur - inentc t:t raw vith re .pest <br />to the mnttKaKrd pre•mrses inr+ the> use thereof. <br />'I•itttt -houtd ter-- r..t .. a..y.- -any s:zcrt th.•rr~. t tv, t.:l,: ..:-- l:sma„ ,. t.} .-.-~_ . , ._ a::- , --. - :. .:e ; ,<.i.•,t,r,.- ,-..,,t.~lr ....,. i:,n <br />pea - r_~irat~, ur tutd.•r tit<~ rrt•l.r ~,. -r.,; nr t,t,in- ., - ic.; ..iit~r m,antre•r. rite- ~} r :t;:,.r -- .t. t_ tat tt...:,t to at. ~-atmex•ruat:uns. <br />awards, and any of}:rr i -, r. e ;t ur rrhef tt.t .-t-er.:zt Ratl hY enfttied. aE :ia optic .t. :.- ce ,•rmencr. appear in an<i pr<~ecuia in it-s <br />o° 3 na.~~ -...;~ :.,. e-, _~.~ a,r ,1t-., n.- .., _ - ..., --..... ~,., ..,-.. _.,~ a.,..._ „ ~ ~.,- <br />c~€i2-zi.-~...~_. '!~^=an„°°. xght •.f•~?:~ =r~i~r~~~ ~_- ~.r~L} a.- _Ka~c. .- .z-.=. `sS.r,fz,~;:~. -~. .. ~f •. •,t,,.!•~:ti.t <br />tRetrfmm ail its ezpe rises, release any moneys s<t r~ceavexd by it rte apply the same un any indeRtedncss eecuredV hereby. l'he ,'t{art- <br />gagor agrees fn execute stx:h further asvignmrnis of are}- cc,m;N-n.can„et, awar<Ls. damage::. and rtKhts „f actc,:n amt prcx~er: is a. the <br />hortgagee may require. <br />That in case of farfun• to perform any ..I the rovenant> haven., tier ~tortgage•e= may Flo n+~, tEe ynrtgagor'c F.e-h:c;f e•~er~ thing <br />so rnvenantad; that the Mr>rigagre may a}sn de any wet it may deem n~cPS,-:wry to ptniect the lien thrrer~(, that the \~tortgagor w~Sll <br />eepay upon demand any moneys paid ar disRursed 6y the Mortgagee for any of the above purptnes. and suoR moneys together with <br />interest thereon at the rate provided in said note chair ttecnme so much udditwnal indeMedneas h„reh} -ecuccd :and :nay he in- <br />cluded in any decree farectosing thec me+rtgage and tx• ;mid out nt tt;e zenis nr pr~.erds of .ale of said ltrrrnises if not +>theanvis~ <br />paid; that it shalt not tx oRligatury upon the Mortgages !u tnyuire utSo the validity of any Iirn, encumhrane-e=. r+r claim in ad- <br />vancing moneys as aRnve authorized, but nothing herein containeet shall M~ constnted as requiring the Mortgugee to advance any <br />moneys for any such our{xme nor fo do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee churl not incur ani~ S>t•rvn+al liah:tit•. !~<~e aus.r• of any- <br />thing it may do ctr omit tse do hereuetder. <br />Tn the event of the default by hSurtgugur ut the payment u€ any inatullmerrtt, uS requirod by the Note secured hereby, nr <br />in the performanec of the nRligation in ibis mnrtgaKe or rn the note sarured thereby, Ehe Mortgngee :chili bra rniitied h, dei.lanr the <br />dabp secured hereby dot= and payattle w•ithaut notice, and the blortga$ee stsall be entitled aE iks opt3nn, without native, either Ry it.~lf <br />a€ ~ x~- v a..- sr~-r,t. trd t'y - S.Y ==~*°rt tFe-H--=r, r- pvitR<>xtt regard to tR: ada*iEuacy of ant-' =•~=•cir - i€,r `: h:= .r;cfaht:-~n~q ~-- <br />¢ured Rereby• to enter upon and take Ix:s~,ession cif the mnrfFagtd premises. anti to enltect and r€cehe th-r n•nt.., iv-ors and prafts <br />ttrereo€, and apply the sarne, .less costs of operation and rnliectian, upon the indehttrlness secured by this mortgage: said rents, <br />issues tread profits-being Rereby assigned to the Mortgagee as further security Jot the payment erf all indehtedneas secured herieRy. <br />The Mortgagee shall'hsve the Fower to appoint any agent or sgenks it may desire for the purpace of repairing said prem• <br />ices; renting the same; collecting the rents, revenues .and incgme• and it may pay nut of said ircctme all expenses incurred in rent- <br />ing and managing the same and of collecting the rentals fhere[rom. Thr balance remaining,ct any. shat! hr appliral toward the <br />discharge of the mortgage indebEedness, This assignment is to terminate and Rename null and void upon release ut this mortgage. <br />+,,.- <br />