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<br />MORTGAGE to rerecord mortgage to correct the date o#' acisntmtledgement.
<br />~~- _
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 2?536
<br />KNOW ALLMII~IBYTHF;F.PRESFNfS:Thst Carlton L. Beckstrom and Karen M. Beckstrom, each in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or mare, in consideration of tfre sum of
<br />Thirty-nine ThQUSand Six hundred and NoI100------------------_-_-----_-_____________ ~ly~
<br />Iwned to said ntoxtgagor by The Equitable Strilding and Loan Association of Ctand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 3g6 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIA170N, Certifipte No. L 23536 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION t~ folbwitrs
<br />descnbed real estate, aitwt~ in Hati County, Nebraska:
<br />togelhtr with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenan«s thereunto belonging, including attached Hoot coverings, alt window screens,
<br />window shades, blinds, stone windows, awnings, heating, air cronditioning, and plumbing and water equiprrtent and accessories thereto,prrnrps, stoves,
<br />re€rigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attatated to or used in cannection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and dues hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assess,ttents levied of
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this nwngage and the bond secured Utereby before the same shall became detiagtxnt; to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises sitwted in the sur,t of S 39,6DO.OD payable to said ASSOCIATION sad to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and not to 4rommit or permit any waste on or about said premiss;
<br />In case of default in the performance of any uC the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the iwnd secured hertby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />un demand, bo entitled to imrrxdiate possession of the trrortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to She
<br />ttwrtgaga all the rents, revenges and ineurtx to be derived from tiro mortgaged premises during such tune as the mortgage indebteditea stsaS eemain
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing saki prcmaes and renting
<br />tite same and collecting the rents, res~entres and inatnte, and it may pay nut of said irtcame atl expenses of repairing said prctniss and rtecetaary
<br />commissktns and expenses incurrad in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balan« rctrwining, if any, to be
<br />applied toward the discharge of said rtturtgage indebtedness: these rights of the murtgagOt may tae exerci~xi st any brae dttrittg the exeaeace of stttdt
<br />default, irrespective of any temporary waisrr of rho sartte.
<br />These Presents, however, are upon the Cunditian, That rf the said Mortgagor shall repay said loan un or before tiro maturity of said shares by
<br />payrrknt: pay mtmthly to said A5Stx'!A'f10N of the sum spreiftod in the S.md secured hereby as interest and principal un mid Loan, an or before
<br />tt*_s Twetttitth day ref each and every rtsrruh, tutu! ztr3 has is fatly paid: pay alt taxes and assesstnonts levied against said pretrtiss sad tin this Mortgage
<br />and the Bond secured (hrrehv, t~f r detutqu. -sv ternisft approved -r•s.ttaru'e spun tlx b;ttidittgs the-t•ir, itt fhe sent a` c 3g ,60E3. `v~ psyabk
<br />to said ASSfX'(ATtON, upay tr, sa d AS.4flf:tAT1pN uprm demand ail money by it paid tar such taxes, assrssnxnis and iastuance with interest a[
<br />ttte rsrattimuan legal rate fiterectn from +~au of paytt~nt atE of whiett Mor*.gagur ttetebF° r~s to pay; porixit n+: wasta on saiei pretrtises: keep ~ cxtmply
<br />with all the agtoamcnis and condniu:ts of the bond for b 3~, 600. ~~Jthis day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, gird aumply
<br />with alt the requirontents of the f.E)tutrlgllon and By~Laws of card ASS(X`IATIUN; then those presents shall become Hui} and wid, otherwise Cloy
<br />shall remain in (all furor end rrtay br furrclosod at the opuun of the said ASSOCIATION after failtue (ur three months W make any of said
<br />payments or be there months to arrears in making said monthly payments, or to keep and cumpty with the agxertnttrts acrd cunditiotw of said Sand;
<br />and Mortgagor agars to here a recetvrr appointed (urthwrth in such foreclosure prucYedings.
<br />li there rs guy change to ownership of the real estate mortgaged heroin, by sale ur otherwise, then rho entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br />secured shall, at the option of 'fttc h.yuitable Building and Lunn Association of (;rand lsland,Nebraska,becorm immediately due and payable rritttout
<br />further notice, and tree atrruunt rrnraining dttr under Bard band, and anv other bond fur any additional advances made thereunder, shaS, from the
<br />Hato of excreter ut satd option, tzar intrust at the maximum kgat rate, utd this nturtgage troy then be turcrtosed to satisfy ttto amount due ott said
<br />twnd, and any other bond fac additional advances, t fgethct with atl wins paid by said l°he Egtdtabk Budding and Lunn Association of grand Island,
<br />Nebraska for insurance, taxes and assessntrnts, and absttartrng rxtrnsiun o:harges, with nterost thereon, from date u( ~ytrtent at the tnazituuat
<br />kgat rate.
<br />As provided rn ihr Nratd seemed tKrrby, whtk tha mortgage untans m rfi'eu the rmntgagee map ttercafter advsn« additional stems to Itte
<br />nukrrs :rf said Stnul, then assagrts ur sttccess,ers to merest, wF,u:h sums xtta6 be wtihtn the socgrrty of ibis rtttsttgage tree samo as the funds atigltaatty
<br />securrel thoreb_v, the: rota! amount of princrp;<l drbII rat b. e*_¢resi a[ .rah hrne the ~rriginaf atrkrunt .,f this murtgago_
<br />t>nated utix 4~h day t,f September A. D., }v~g
<br />..~;.
<br />~s~__ ~~
<br />Karen M. coke
<br />day ul ~~.Y ~,.,.- f''-•. ~ t9 l :~ . befare tae,
<br />CO(7N'fY OF ~, ss O his ~,<y
<br />~..,.._~, f = -.'=~ s'"~ ~C"~4i`- `~ the undersigned, a Notary Public itt and for said County, personalty sine
<br />J 4 _
<br />„~QL`z("~s,2.,-y ~,~.°r,g~.-Lie z :a',R '~~3~ar:~. ~?i~/,~+r.~.u.~<s- ._ who ~,,.._~. personsllyknowntu
<br />~ilu..sf.~.G-, ~.rf" GLr~ c~ .~t"~~t f
<br />rtte to be the identical petsan ~ wttus.~e~ c//ome-; ::k~,..;_ affixed to the aiwve instrument nwrtgadttr'~~•,•'••,"~~• ~ tr 2....~,~ seNerally
<br />scknowlodged the said irtstrurrtent tube ~ «se.. voluntary act and deed. ,• ~:G,~.•• '• -S~ •`'•
<br />Wl`iNISS my hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. 2 ,~~•'• 3ti •+'if~~`` ~ ~.
<br />My Cmm~tisvon expires _ _ «~. Vie.-5~. ~'/ / "-f';;ir ? ~' ~~ ~ '~l"t ~
<br />~'. , - _
<br />~~- -~~ ~ 0~ Qtr, otary Public
<br />taraxxt at y .,.. 2
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