<br />MORTGAGE _ _ _ ___
<br />v MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23551
<br />KNOW ALL MEN 8Y TIIESEPRESENTS: That Lea Liske and Maxine Liske, each i n his and her own right
<br />and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether otx or more, in consMeration of the stun of
<br />Foamy-nine Thousand Two Hundred and No/100---_------------------------------------ r~LLwRs
<br />banod to said owrtgagor by The Equitable ButMeng and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, M 492
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate Nn. L 23551 , do hereb ~~~' upon shares of stock of
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: y grant, convoy and mortgage Lmto the said ASSOCIATION the foIIowiog
<br />together with al! the tenements, hereditarrnnis and appurtenanars thereunto hekmging, including attached none coseritigs, all window screens,
<br />window shades, blinds, stomt windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing atul w,^ter equipmtnt anti accessarie thercto,pumps,stovts,
<br />rofrrgera[ors, and aifter fixttues and equipment now or hereafter attached to w used m cannectk,n with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shalt and will pay aU taxes and assesstrtents levied ar
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this murt!'arte and tlu bond secured thereby before tht same shall become dclirqumt; to fitrnislt approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings on saM premius situated°in the sum of S $9, 2Q0. ~0 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to acid
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and not to commit or permit any waste an or about said premises;
<br />In case of default in the perforrtranee of any of the terms and conditions o1 th,s nwrtgagr ur the bond secured hereby, the mortgagor shag,
<br />on dcrnatid, be entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the neurtgagor hereby ass~tis, transfers and arts once to the
<br />mortgagce all the rants, revenues and inaame m 6e derived from the rtwrtgaged premises durirsg wch time as the tetortgagc uuiebtadttess shay tettsain
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagte shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may devre for the purpose of repairing said premises and renting
<br />the same and collecting the rents, revenues and income, and it shay pay ou[ of saW inwrne atl experues of repairing said premises and ttecesrry
<br />commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the sonar nerd of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance rcttuini~, if any, Ea be
<br />appl+ 'red toward the discharge of said mortgage irnlehtedness; thrsa riglsts of the .nurtgaget may br exercised at 1ny tithe dttritrg Ll~ existonte of w~3t
<br />au,k, ittespecsisre of anti rrn€parary waiver of the same.
<br />Theme presents. i&:wosRr, are upon the t:onditian, That if the said 6tortgagar shall repay said loan an ar before the maturity of said shares by
<br />payment; pay monthly €o yid ASSCx'fATiON of the sum specified in the Bond secured hereby as interest and principal rm said loan ou ar trefare
<br />the Twentieth day of each anti every rewash, until said loan is Cully ptW; pay all taxes and asaessrsxnu levied atrairtst said premises ztnd ors tAis Slrui:~
<br />grid tfre ~atd ~a~trr€d Ll.~reby, beti±re Ti~rgtrency; furnish apprttaed insuratt~ upon the builditgs titere~€s ~ t sttm of S 4 ~, ~~}. {~ payable
<br />to ~1:; As.'rt°R-'i,t., t.t~~, ;epav i~ ~airt Aa;;E IATZCLN upon demand ail rrwrtey l:y it paid far such raze, as*sgsments assn 1AaUfaRrc wills etttves: at
<br />the tnax+rnam legal Talc t hcrcr,rt (rwn .late aC payment all ut w1v.:h AJtutnc hereby agrees to pay; perttit rts.: w=as ws asd presr~~s~ kR~ a~ c-,:m,.~
<br />arsih a!7 iF_r~ aeteerrxn[3 anu ~>:r: t,ttun3 ui tt~$~ti si.fs t t~9 }~QQ<~~F~+~c d3'f sst&n ~y !lt€ i ~Jr tti E4~'~~AT~~i.~: ~„ ~.
<br />with all the regtnremrnes of the i:onsueueian and By-laws ni said ASStiif fA'170N; then tFtese prtsoms shall b~otne nttU grid vv~, alurwisa tltry
<br />drat! retrain in full fur r and shay tee farcdvscd at the option of the said ASSO('tAT10N after failtue fw three months to stroke arty of said
<br />payments ut be three nx>nths in arrears ur making said nxsnthty payments, ar w keep and comply with the agrtements and condl[iotu of said Bond;
<br />and Mangagor agrees to f:syc a rretrvrr appointed forthwith in such fareciosure pruoredirtgs.
<br />It these is any change in ownership u!'thc real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, thou the retire retltaitting irrdebtedrxa hereby
<br />secured sha31, at the aptirm of The F,yuitabk Buitditig anJ Lunn Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, becotite immediately due and payable ttritlqut
<br />twt.trr twtix, and the atnauret rermtinirig due under said bond, and any other bawd far any additional advatttts made theratttidrr, shall, front the
<br />date of axerrise of said upthrn, bear interest at the rruairnum legal rate, attd this Linsrtgagr tiny then be forrc4uaed to satisfy tha atnoeent dtx on uid
<br />bomi, amt arty other bond far addrtn>nal adyantxs, together with al! aunts paid by said Tbde pquitabk )lttildittg u~ Lwn A~ttrcbtfian of {:rand island,
<br />Nebraska fw insurance, taxes and assessments, amt abstract;rtg extension charge, with interest tltermn, from date of payment at the tnaxirottm
<br />legalratr.
<br />As provided in the Mond secured ben:by, whrlr this mortgage retrains in effect the tnurtgatwe may hereafter advance additmsial sitttsx to the
<br />makers of said Bond, their assigns or successors in interest, which suttst shall be within the socttnty of this tttortgagc tltr aatna as Utr funds originally
<br />secured thereby, tits total antuun! ut' principal debt nut to cxc: rd at any liens the original atnuunt at this rnattgage.
<br />th;a ii nth day of September n. rl., l4 79
<br />Maxine Liske
<br />- STAFF OF NEBRASKA, ~ ~ On this 19th day of September t4?9 ,before tae,
<br />the trt~rsigrted, a Notary Public in and far said Cotmty, personally tatux
<br />Lea Liske and Maxine Liske, each in his and her c*m right,,~wd.~s sDOUS@ pf each ppthen
<br />. ,~.- who 8re persottslty known to
<br />dte to be rho idantical person g whose nxmeS dre affixed to the tbove ' t as mar~gw 5 and they
<br />acYrtawledgrd the said instrtunent to be shot r mluntary act and deed. /
<br />WITNE~ my hand anr4 Notarial Seal tl:e dare aforesaid. ~
<br />MY Cammissrc,n expires E ~ d ~
<br />1~/
<br />rarer aai «t iEMERAt NOTARY ~ 5tste at NrbracEs
<br />Jly Ctannt. Exp. Ir I~1
<br />