. _, , , ,,.
<br />FORM Ftg 2O8-RR (Rev. 1-7
<br />~!C~..,;~.R..~ia~«r~ Cate September 17, 1979
<br />. Lienemann, unmarried
<br />Mortgagors,
<br />ct Hall County, Nebraska ir, consideration of
<br />the advsncc df the principal sum recited to the Hate hereinafr~-r described, revel,^tef whici[ ±a acknatvledged, heraDy
<br />mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAMD BANK OF ONANA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose addrP.ss
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />Mortgageo(sub,;ect to oil, gas, and miner=: rlaJtts o~~sned Dy i.artla< other !;'!an Mortgagors; exSsting easements of
<br />rPeord; reservations in 1!nitea State:? and Statep?ter.*.s; and the ri,~r,ts of the public in all hlgh~••rays), thefollowing-
<br />described rea.1 estate in Hall ^o.u!ty Nebraska
<br />SEC. i1VP. R6.
<br />A tract of land described as commencing at the Northwest €:-
<br />~~ earner of Lot I of County Subdivision of the S~ of Section
<br />i 5, running thence Easterly along and upon the Northerly j
<br />line of said Lot 1 a distance of 50 feet to the actual ` '
<br />point of beginning, thence continuing Easterly along and ?,
<br />ugon the Northerly line ok said Lot 1 a distance of 96 feet, 4
<br />thence Northerly and parallel to the Westerly line of said
<br />' tat 1 a distance of 169 feet, thence .Westerly and garallel
<br />zi to the Northerly line of said Lot 1 a distance of 96 feet,
<br />`'! thence Southerly a distance of I69 feet to the actual point
<br />i of beginning------------------------ 5 9N 4 W bthP.M.
<br />' f,
<br /># 1
<br />+J
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<br />3
<br />~` t
<br />t:.gethsr with all at the right. title. and interest of the Mcrta_r__crs in said ++ 1~erty, ia_ciudir;3 a? bl-lldlr
<br />_ impravements, fixtures ar af;.urtananees ae•r: c '.a^~aitzr a;.euira;'. in.^.ludind all app,a°atus a~,;zipment, !ixtura3 ar
<br />' ~.- ~?e~ °.~sed '~ s.sNply 1'r~t - - c ~,'. - -„~~,. - - . 8-~ ---~ - grrn.}cn, V`e.,e il~wr ~.^., iaT' Uther `er~~ _°
<br />~ Seas, alyd tT.e turnlshings3cu tom_.,ly cr at „rep.iatelys .t~uded i,y rsscls .eilsaes 1n-lu#ing, Dnt Simited to,
<br />.,.
<br />- - mirrors means windows, starm Windows and naar:t ~arpatirh ann athar' fia7r-covarirv~-, ir.-:3-dao:- bads awn#a s, - -
<br />.,
<br />s ~x.t,.~., Aarnr enAfn„a. ~ e _ "- _ _ _
<br />''~~t?rS mar. s[t+
<br />-. e•~rel~. art •,4 he agar t. ^f *.he rP ~i cutsta, v,?_Y Ur ~,~-^s'. -_}~ ~.r~"+ f r~rcr_ .--- ~ ~I_? ~ _ ~-+c.i ;.
<br />_ tt. -a'&'C*isrl _.: f r r -_A n, ~~ r~ i ^•a" _•'}ng~. - - - --, - --__ -'- _` - -
<br />1 e C+r~riripaa su-rtr t 1'rd~'-'` 3 ~SA;~`~ r~f3U-`P Htr';'1'cE~ x"33 ;dl 1€3€# _ _ _ _ - _ - _ -. _ry., ° -
<br />..ly.8s.
<br />i ; payable In Snstallments with intarast ::cearding to ttta tartars at .>atd Hate, the i,lst 1rrsLallment bekng due and >=eiy-
<br />able an Liae ilrst dqv of^.._____October. 1999 ... T1!".:> c.,*aveyanca shat: ba vt+i.". upon the payment at ssid
<br />4 promissary Hate.
<br />=; t T1te Mortgagors agrP.e to pity, 1.' reciuested by Mort.,sgee, on eac?I irlstalimart data, in additioza to r.t;a sums required -
<br />in LhC ntaava-described pronissory note, a su•a equal tL` the emo!.nG 'etermined Dy theMartgagPe required tr aecutnalate,
<br />-` i zutd pay fire insurance premiums on policies of lire a!Id ether ha;:~i.ti trsuranee eoverl!!g the mortgaged preen".:=es, snd
<br />+ ~ the real estate t:txe:'. slid assessments due on the mortgaged premise^ +G days imiar to the due date:; *-hr>r?of.
<br />< i t;::e t~rent Ghat the s =accrued for the ^aymPnt. of the said preri~Im::, taxa::. _+r~s:;essments rive it °nt, tna
<br />) !4JCtga~?rs wt1=, uptr= re=+guest, pay such ssiditicnal Burn°, prier to *.he due date theraai. Ali sums re! tve+~r.haretar
<br />fs ; :;hall ba applied an W[e ,rlraelpal balance [ar!C11 such time as they 9I•e wlthdrswn by MUrLgagse tar the cavmPnt at
<br />.,lid i+rami!tms, Gaxas, ar assessments, - _ - - - -.
<br />'s
<br />S'ta+'t rwrtgagP i° suD~acC to trip pnrvisluns of THE FARM CRE[lI`P ACT and alt icrs amendarery theraot or supplemental
<br />h€~ ~-.. ~e ,,raeee -, r=t tt- a:, s are., harebY dill be used fur the ; _irp--., ~ s:=~*aSile# t.. tn.' Martgs:iors+ app?}° -
<br />+.at~sn f. ~ x~u iO~n dnd at.rhiri. ry.,+ by -aid ,;r:t,
<br />i
<br />`iZse Mortgagors, and ,.ach of them. hereby warrant that they are fee owners of the rttortgaged rest property: that they ,
<br />wt!.l defend thi< t.ttle against all c}a+_macits wl,omsoPVer, and that. said property is Eras tr~~m all enaumbrsnras; that
<br />they w11? keep all the improvameltts, fixtures, and apt>urtenances aecupiad wind in geod rer.3lr and permit na acts at 1
<br />~d -_rwy- ~},: .Ee.:,v:z. zh °e.ii rl},t;zv r,: ;~-~-3€c;ad t,s ,a:d ,r~rtl~as. ihl ,-.-;tip •:.:r.F tirtd :fir wlf* !'3e~ M.a tt~ergaa, ?
<br />(11 Ttlat that' will pq}• when -duo ail taxes, Bens, luQgments, ar assessments which may br: }rwfatiiy asst=s,.av agaiaist. !
<br />the property herein mortgaged.
<br />j
<br />iP.1 1Saat they will insure ant! Rsap insured Dulidings ar other imprnvemants now an ar which may hares..rter oe pieced
<br />on sai4 pre~ises Lo L2ie satl,stsetion oY .'he Mort~Za3ee, such itisuranee policy shall be endnrsa<± witty a mestgaa,e cla!ase ;
<br />w1Gh ttia loss thereunder Go he ptt,}•able to t.,RP Mortg~ee~ Arz<v sums received may De used to -_y rer n ^^strueti~n
<br />oY Lila ctestxroyed 3:¢provements; or, it •,at sa applied, may, aL the option of .trio Mortgagee, De ?lppliPd +r1 payment of `
<br />aqy indebtedness, matured or unmaturad, secured ny this mortgage. - -
<br />I
<br />(~{) itlaG In the event the Mortgagee is a party 'o any iltlgation strecLing Ghe security ar the lien of i•s mart-
<br />B$ge, -irlalut}in$agy su4t by the tk+rtgegee tetoreciase th}s mortgage or aqy Suit In wtlich the Martisagae may be named a _~
<br />a patty datendenG !n whieit iL is ob~igated Go protoeL its rights or lien, including cendemlratlvn and bankruptcy
<br />prooeedings,-.the Mortgage€ racy }Haar expanses and advance paga!ent for aDsGract fees, attorney tees {ax~~ept to the
<br />extent prohiC3ted tat' lsw;, cots, sx^,~nsoa, 3nU other-charges.
<br />..: _.., ,..:.: x
<br />