<br />. REAL~ST~!TE„MORTGAGE _ FoeM Fts zna-r,~ L4ey_._;=.ZZi..
<br />~~,.~ ~~'~~ Data SeFtember o, 19J9
<br />Ronald G. Pittman and Marian K. Pittman, husband and wif
<br />Mortgagors,
<br />of Hall County Nebraska in consideration of
<br />the advance of the principal swn rzoited in the note herelnaftzr descrtb?d, receipt of which is acknowledged, hereby
<br />mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Coronration,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />Mortgagee (sub,3ect t.o oil, gas, and mineral rl ghts owned by aart.ies .tthzr than Mortgagors; exist inc easements cf
<br />record; reservations Ln United States and State patents;:!.tidthe rights of the paDlic In all highways), thefollowing-
<br />desrribed rzal estate ir, mall CG.ii!ty, Nehracka ,
<br />SEC. TYiP. R6.
<br />A tract of land in the SE'-~ NE's, more particularly
<br />described as beginning at a paint on the Fast line
<br />of said NEB, ~ai.d point being 278,5 feet North of the
<br />Sautheast corner of said NE's, thence Northerly along
<br />the East line of said NEB a distance of 391.$5 feet,
<br />rhanoa deflecting lnfr an dae,-o~~ nn m_trutes and
<br />..o_ ..,.
<br />running Westerly a distance of 191.0 feet, thence
<br />deflecting left 90 degrees 00 minutes and running
<br />Southerly a distance of 391,85 feet, thence deflecting.
<br />left 90 degrees 00 minutes and running Easterly a
<br />"distance of 191.0 feet to the place of beginning - - - - - - 10 9N 10 W &th P.M.
<br />- .. y
<br />t{.~i`t3:e•r wir ai 13;h' `1@, ere St `:.he -:`akG - fat, t' i:u .:-~ ai' bu3t Siy~,g,
<br />p~ Elcle. ? _,, '~ s_ ?'11t1anDrg. `wstt, Scent w,. C„ ??._. `i ~ Aa=.l,st.,4n,* ~Tr~r Saa"v~-
<br />t.. .:a„th. ..!^~. h Tr :, -pp^cp•.~lat~1;. it .i.~t~,t tr} .mss _G. r s~. .r,.,~,. ~, r ,F~ted t3,
<br />~,~.wa t. a. _ a. 'r=_ ~n~ ~.~• ;;rr _ + __ ~:-r~°_
<br />.r, _~~ ,~ -- tt~ SP r, ,~ai.~ ~,nr. 5, h~..,.i-,i ,`i ='~- ~,. ~~- cx1- _~.. ~-- _ --,~„_
<br />~...
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<br />+irE fin.-i€~-~ t ~a,~ ~~r ~, ~~ _. a__ ~ctarl W7n rr t'_ ~ ,Y._ 11 ~ ___ _: - _-__ r ~. _ _
<br />F r
<br />-- - - ,x ,.' _ ri --ti -
<br />., ..._ .- .. w~:.
<br />'~,> mirt,~,~u,.~ ,.: .~,~` r, ,,. .. ,.e ., pra.~rvis~sc;ry note of ereft da..E .r. ~~t °.t, t<F.. .. „ ,. x-,. ,5 .4 ---r'ga,er-, fn
<br />the =ran^lDa' ;f ?'OR`FY-NI_~~HOl~SA.j3Q S~yEN t1jjNDRED AND NQj 00 - - - _ -~l.a;~~ .
<br />payable ;~..r,,..a.1;s~,.ts h:~~t; Si;terest arcardtng to the terms of ,-.^nte, thz :.... .,.. ~,_~~.,t .,F.rg .,u€ azr' ay'-
<br />abl~ oti t1?:- rst 4~v ,,f ___._Sept .m L10~ _. .,"::. _ ,vay.,r,- . nG, - .,-`~ - -• -- r'-'.Y^ta!~t ~+_* 3hS~_s
<br />i'rtxnis6nr}' hate.
<br />~e Mu:' z;=.y;a 'r'E i, sy, ii :',tin BC cd Dy Mart gage@, vft .Ch 1- -- :;tom' - i-. `id~~ c~n fi; ti{C~ - e4vired
<br />Sn tre aY-rvePdeserl„a} ,!c.,icaurvfinota, asum equal to *. he nmo.,t;t ir.erminei C} t!:e?k!t,,,>:,,zFz required ~c:!mulate,
<br />~;td `~v t.^.a ;ns~r.nc -_~miu:,:. clliies nE fl.^ a^:1 other Y.a~.~r~ ire !4-tc cuveA+:i t.gaga.!. si_>?s. attd
<br />t1:c r*ai BStaie "..a.Xe'3}'i:.d ~..~-,:._me.2i~ dut° an ihEJmCrCtgl~;c-a i,w,,.xy:. , itr ,.ua date:.: ~.,r.c!. is
<br />rir, ~v4snt tt!'lt th° ..,~.-.. ,e:i ..*or thw ,?ay'heiit tt;e e1d i rc t ~.:x_. , e.. -,.,r.:.: ~. e in°. - the
<br />M,:rt.gr,~ixrs will. ~:1`--, e-.;-„E .t, p.7y such a;: ~±nna t, ,u:rs prlar~+[~,z ..he ~~.;ue sine iherz.f. Rli ei.,m„ rasF-:~ :h~r~for
<br />x11 -l5„V nlr,rip.ri halrt,nrg ,..,t 11 .,..=+h rim~a a: rh.?~, ._. ., wi h.i. .t,i ~'~ ...., ,~.f, ... .., ., . _ -... a. ...a
<br />held S.reml UPl ., tUYi'~S, ~=I` u:i3l 3m~`StC!i,
<br />19iL mhl^gagta is ~ubvtet, to ki!r trvi:?innw of 14€ F`Ai1h ~`D.1L?i"t At'T turd 311 t^''-s avc*Y ',t^. there^^ or ~upplementai
<br />?here}o. 'ihe pirace~cit of ttm 1 att v4ure,3 hereby wii be used tar thc~ purg,..ss ;;?^tftr? in tht= I~rcgSgars° appli-
<br />-~G1„n i.,r -3a1 1[!tue `•.n,5 xuth,+r!,ed Dy rntti ~t°[. -
<br />Tte Martgagors, at!d each of them, hereby warrant Chat they are Xea nvnie!^s e,* ChM mortga}Sa=d real priiperty; that they
<br />wLi.';, dntand CiL.; title against sI2 ciatmant^, wnrm';oever, g*.si th^t sayd^.r,~3eer*:v is Erna t;-cva a#: atne:ar~vhraness; that
<br />they will keep all the improvt.ment;t, Itxt!rr~a, it!3 sg1?urtenan. e:t ,ir .rile=;; an.t c; kr ,..+. .x:r *~ r~ic n,t arts of
<br />waste; and Cticy will re1ii14uiah all Tish.-a of nori-st~..., i,. sa..: 6-z*3:.:,,,, a.!.,..;. ,.:.,t L..~ -,~, ~- rr.a; Ens MartgagRe,
<br />as LOllt)w6:
<br />(d) that they will pay when due all taxes, liens. 4udgments, ar assessmcnta wh3ci: may be lawful ly assessed ay~ainst
<br />-the property rierain mortgaged.
<br />(2) That they will insure and keep insured buildings or other improvements now vr, or which may hereafter ba placed
<br />oa sald.premises to the satiatactlon.of the Mortgagee, suchinsurauce pralicy shill tie e.~oss€d rit* a m.~trtgsge ;~ia!ise
<br />with the loss ~areander ce be p~yablA to the Mortgagee. 4iy svgs rec?Sved :^ay b;• oven tcpy for ~°rcnstrusci-^n
<br />of the destroyed improvameilt3; or, lF .cot sa applied, may, st the option of the Mortgagee, be applied in payment of
<br />any Yndebtednass, matured or unmatured, secured by this mortgage.
<br />('31 that in th41 avant the Mortgages is s party to ary 'ttiGatinn afferting ~iie security or the lien of ice morc-
<br />r3age, including airy suit by Che t4artgagas to toreclnse this mortgage vc• any suit in which the Mortgagee may be nama4
<br />a party defendant 1n which St is abllgated Go pratact .ts rights yr Ilan, fneiuding condemnation and bankruptcy
<br />growed3iigs, the-Mortgagee may-incur expenses and advance payment for abstract teas, attorney fees (axeeDt to the
<br />oxtant prohib3tad by law}, co;its, expanses. aril otii>r ::hax°g2s.
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